# AppName: Title of Your Presentation
<!-- A Screenshot of a section of the App) -->
![A Screenshot of a section of the App](https://i.imgur.com/CiWmlur.png)
### 🤔 Problem
<!-- Share a brief detail on the problem you're trying to solve) -->
#### Lacus montes quis bibendum ultricies hac suspendisse mattis natoque lobortis, posuere risus leo erat justo senectus ligula adipiscing vestibulum vehicula.
### 😃 Solution
<!-- Share your brief solution to this problem, your description should be non-technical) -->
#### Lacus montes quis bibendum ultricies hac suspendisse mattis natoque lobortis, posuere risus leo erat justo senectus ligula adipiscing vestibulum vehicula, rhoncus vitae non suscipit sodales ante porttitor lorem.
### 🛤️ The Process
<!-- itemized the key parts of your process for building this app (framed around the milestones) -->
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<!-- itemized the techologies your used -->
### ⚙️ Stack & Technologies
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