###### tags: `sushi`
# Wonderland Compensation Mechanics
A fixed amount of SUSHI tokens will be deposited into a vesting contract. This amount will only be completely sent to Wonderland if and only if price requirements are met. In other case, it will return to the Sushi Treasury (2 years after deployment).
- A total of 5M SUSHI tokens will get linearly vested in time over a 1 year period.
`totalSushi = 5*10**6`
`vestedSushi = totalSushi*t/365 `
![](https://i.imgur.com/xWNWzRk.png =500x)
![](https://i.imgur.com/XmachUJ.png =500x)
- **Time vested:** 1/3 from these can be immediately claimed as they get released.
`unlockableTimeVested = 1/3*vestedSushi`
- **Price vested:** The remaining 2/3 will be partially unlockable, in a ratio that relies on the current price of SUSHI and a price target. We will set this price target at $10 per SUSHI, which is approximately 2.5x at the time of writing. Notice that the price dependence is built on top of the time dependence, so formally it would be better to call these tokens as time vested with a price target.
`priceVested = 2/3*vestedSushi`
`priceTarget = 10`
`unlockablePriceVested = priceVested*price/priceTarget`
![](https://i.imgur.com/n8ZWpnT.png =500x)
- Each time price vested SUSHI gets claimed, the total priceVested amount since the last claim `total` and the non claimed amount from the last claim `remaining` get saved in a `claims` array.
total: 100
remaining: 50
The remaining SUSHI stays separated from the newly vested SUSHI in individual "boxes" after each claim. Notice that from the data in `claims` it is possible to figure out the price at which each claim was done as
`priceClaim = priceTarget*(1-remaining/total)`
- For each saved claim, if the price goes above `priceClaim`, the proportional difference can be claimed from `remaining`, as if the original `priceClaim` was the new one, so we get
`newClaim = total*(price-priceClaim)/priceTarget`
The corresponding element of `claims` gets updated such that
`remaining = remaining - newClaim`
- After the 1 year vesting is finished, there will be an additional year in which unclaimed Price vested SUSHI can be claimed.
- After this additional year, non claimed tokens will return to the Sushi Treasury.
At current prices, DeFi Wonderland would receive only half of the 5M SUSHI tokens. In order to execute the Price vested mechanism, a price oracle has to be provided. We will use [ChainLink data](https://data.chain.link/ethereum/mainnet/crypto-usd/sushi-usd) in order to avoid potential manipulations.