# Getting Fedora To Work On Razer
- https://github.com/rolandguelle/razer-blade-stealth-linux/blob/master/ubuntu-18-04.md#13-caps-lock-crash
- https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Razer_Blade
There are a couple of known issues:
- Caps lock causes system to freeze
- Waking from sleep
#### Fixes Sleep Issue
- Add to /etc/default/grub
- Add space after quiet and add button.lid command below.
- GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="rhgb quiet button.lid_init_state=open"
And Add
- i915.edp_vswing=2
- The line should look like this when finished:
`GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="rhgb quiet button.lid_init_state=open i915.edp_vswing=2"`
#### Then to fix caps lock freeze:
`$ xinput list`
- Capture name of input. Looks like this: ("AT Raw Set 2 keyboard")
- To make sure this works before making permanent type the below command:
`xinput set-prop "AT Raw Set 2 keyboard" "Device Enabled" 0`
- Test Caps Lock. If this no longer produces an error, make the changes permanent.
- Make a directory and file
`cd /etc/X11/`
`sudo mkdir xorg.conf.d`
`cd xorg.conf.d/`
`sudo touch 20-razer.conf`
`sudo nano 20-razer.conf `
- Copy the following to newly created 20-razer.conf
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "Disable built-in keyboard"
MatchIsKeyboard "on"
MatchProduct "AT Raw Set 2 keyboard"
Option "Ignore" "true"
- Reboot and check that the CAPS-lock key no longer produces the crash.