--- tags: ranger, logseq, rage --- # Logseq Rage ## Notes and Overview - How are we going to incorporate Logseq with a publication flow that would go to other platforms? - Events: - Discovery -> Research -> Topic Pool (for HPL) -> Pre-Party -> Retrospective (post HPL) -> Transcription - Transcription: - Would be notes and more than the transcription alone - Many stages are additive - First pass of editing: could go into a document - Then move into the Publication Queue - Currently on ClickUp ## Publication Workflow - Could begin at the First Pass Editing phase and then move through the process - Deprecating publication platforms that we're currently using - Git repo with collaborative editors - Second pass editing phase: - Proofreading and prepping the Markdown to be copied into the publication platforms - Could add the Logseq specific items here - Outputs: - 1) to Logseq - 2) to other platform (TBD) - Published graph: - Could include links to published versions - Mirror - Currently a Google analytics integration - web3 platform, but using GA still - SEO is a concern, but we'd have this on a static site - Host our blog and pull in many sources - Self-Hosting - Aligns with our ideals and manifesto - Single source of truth: GitHub - GitHub as the source - Everything is contained in the GitHub - Static site that renders the Markdown from a GitHub - Poster contract and integration - How could we interplay with the Poster contract? - Synergizes with the GH approach - Takes the Markdown and writes it to the DAO contract - Moves through voting period to ratify (DH integration) - Is there a way that we could have an onchain document (such as on IPFS) that shows analytics? - Write on HackMD -> Ratify via DAO with Poster -> Published to IPFS - If ratified via Poster would this show up on Dune? - Would we be able to track how often people access via IPFS?