--- ###### tags: `Haus Party Live` --- # HAUS Party LIVE! Notes: 7/22/2021 Join us for πŸŽ‰ Haus Party Live πŸŽ‰ every Thursday at 2pm EST on the [DAOhaus Discord](https://discord.gg/daohaus) ## Notes From the [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1094741535) πŸŽ‰ [YouTube Link](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw) > Winging it with dekan and friends! **Topics** - dekan and friends! - Origin stories **Hosts & Guests** - dekanbro, Vanilladelphia.eth - dekan and friends! --- 🌱 Welcome to our metaphorical garden! 🌱 (manifesting today in dekan's basement) ## Introduction - Hosts: dekanbro, Vanilladelphia.eth - Felipe and Ven are in [EthCC](https://ethcc.io/) so we're wingin' it! ## [[00:32]](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw?t=32) Updates (DAOhaus Universe) - Second [PoolTogether](https://pooltogether.com/) lotto is now over - *No loss lotto* β€” stake funds and you can pull them out afterwards - Pretty good odds of winning right now - This time whales were asked to put HAUS into the pot and not buy tickets - Pot was up to around ~30 HAUS - [/r/millionairemakers](https://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/) Subreddit - Community that posts lottos β†’ comment on interest β†’ on set date, would pick a winner randomly - Winner would sometimes get sent some BTC or ETH - People would make it rain on the winner! - Could use Collab.land tip bot where everyone can tip .1 HAUS to the winner - Could use onchain RNG to keep it honest ## EthCC - Lots of good talks: [EthCC Main Stage YouTube Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhM7rBgpVV-K3Dko5_PUhwy0DnwzR1lgN) - Moving into conference season again β€” looking forward to upcoming collaborations ## Abridged Origin Stories ### [[6:19]](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw?t=379) Felipe Felipe has been working in the DAO space for a long time β€” was an early member in Genesis DAO and the [DAOstack](https://daostack.io/) team - Ran conferencers and events such as [DAOfest](https://www.daofest.world/) - Recently started [The DAOist](https://www.thedaoist.co/): Felipe asking lots of different DAOs and DAO platforms about what they do - More decentralized and open to everyone, much like a "DAO Unconference" - Felipe's background in community building and has written playbooks about building community and DAOs - Felipe's [DAO Canvas collaborative design tool](http://daocanvas.webflow.io/) - [DAOstack *Decentralized Thriving: The Here and Now of DAOs* PDF] (https://daostack.io/ebook/decentralized_thriving.pdf) ### [[9:53]](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw?t=593) dekan and Ven - dekan and Ven have known each other for a long time! Since ~2010 or 2011 - Fun fact: dekan and Ven lived in the same house in San Francisco but at different times - Got to talking, and built a startup called *LandApart* which was like Airbnb but for camping - Had VC interest but VCs were pushing into a different direction - Eventually sunset this but built a connection with each other - Ven's design mind and design thinking is incredible as well as his ability for empathy - dekan and Ven have been working on [DAOhaus](https://daohaus.club/) since the start when it was an EthBerlin hackathon idea - [[13:20]](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw?t=800) How did [Odyssy](https://odyssy.io/) form? - Odyssy is the dev team formed by dekan, Ven, Sam in ~2016-2017 - Dev team/agency working on web2 and web3 projects -- initially was more web2, but gradually shifted toward web3 projects - Started (somewhat) as a co-op and then started a multi-sig -- this was prior to DAOhaus! - [[14:55]](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw?t=895) Began exploring and seeing the "power of network" - Even if people have different roles and rates, working together made it possible to scale - 3 freelancers who solo built networks then started working on projects together - Working together increased the value: whole greater than sum of parts and made further scaling possible - Would combine their efforts and work on projects in different combinations of skillsets - This led to them getting into DAOs! Essentially designed a DAO system using Gnosis multi-sigs - [[16:09]](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw?t=969) One project they built was a NFT project called [Gittron](https://gittron.me/) - People are using this again! - [Jonathan Mann (Song a Day)](https://www.jonathanmann.net/) wrote a song for it - Gittron generates robot art (drawn by Ven) that could be generated into a unique robot for open-source projects - Robots would level up! People could support the open-source project by buying the NFT - Really fun mechanics based on the project repo ### [[18:16]](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw?t=1096) Vanilladelphia - dekan and Ven played important role in Vanilla's web3 path - Vanilla met Ven through [MetaGame](https://wiki.metagame.wtf/) - MetaGame was Vanilla's first web3 project, and then dekan was always there to help with Raid Guild and - Got into crypto through the **Degen Route** - Got into crypto in ~2017-2018 - Seeing BTC going to the moon led to interest in ETH, and jumped into the ETH community - 2 year learning experience during the Bear Market - Once fully started understanding things the Bull Market started #### [[20:33]](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw?t=1233) Questions to those who went the Degen Route... - Were you into EOS, ADA, etc? - [[20:57]](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw?t=1257) "All roads lead to Ethereum." due to the community and concentration of devs - Even while exploring other coins, never lost the thread of Ethereum - For Vanilla, this all led to the DAO space β€” "degens love leveraged trading" β†’ Oasis CDP via [MakerDAO](https://makerdao.com/en/) - Began researching DAOs - Discovered [MetaCartel](https://www.metacartel.org/) and MetaGame - Wanted to get more involved, and found MetaGame and started exploring and contributing ### [[23:52]](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw?t=1432) Travis - Exposed to crypto early, but started buying in 2014 - Started DCAing while figuring things out - In 2020, Travis's agency model was impacted by COVID and started losing some of the excitement about running an agency - Talked to friend who just raised startup funds, and friend had mentioned checking out DeFi, and Travis jumped into the rabbithole and went as far as could push it - Started getting into the underlying tech (especially in DeFi) and then friend mentioned checking out DAOs based on interest in people, coordination, and teamwork - Began exploring this space, which led to [Raid Guild](https://raidguild.org/) and then [DAOhaus](https://daohaus.club/) ### [[26:09]](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw?t=1569) Bau - Got into BTC through studying Economics - [Salt Lending](https://saltlending.com/) came to speak at his university which led to Bau's interest in DeFi - Interested in [Fractional-reserve Banking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractional-reserve_banking), [Modern Monetary Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_Monetary_Theory), [Keynesian Economics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keynesian_economics) - Started relating these theories to US monetary policies while digging into cryptocurrency - Went to Denver Day for Crypto in 2017, and met dekan while working at Native - Native was trying to take several components and put them together - Explored early protocols - Platform allowed communities to come and create their own digital organization and create their own currency for their organization against a reserve asset - Met folks in the Denver community who were less concerned about price and more focused on building products - Always gravitated toward people building products and infrastructure where value is so closely tied to the product or community (this is one of the main reasons why Bau is in this space) ### [[32:45]](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw?t=1965) Yves - Arrived in Europe after living in South Africa, and then bought some BTC to begin learning more in forks and Mt. Gox era - "I rage quit and sold!" and watched 2017-2018 Bull Run with FOMO but also realized there would be another window of opportunity - When getting into DAOs was when things got interesting and then started spending all time in crypto - Got involved with DAOhaus - Has been "living the DAO life" since start of this year - Full-time in [Bankless DAO](https://www.bankless.community/), building an art project with [Olympus DAO](https://www.olympusdao.finance/) - This has been the most exciting thing for Yves since getting into crypto - Most interesting thing is finding ways to contribute to DAOs ## [[36:42]](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw?t=2202) DAOhaus News and Updates - Teamed up with [YAP Global](https://yapglobal.com/), and helped them start a DAO β€” [YAP DAO](https://www.yapdao.xyz/) β€” a service DAO - DAOhaus has launched a [service DAO marketplace](https://daohaus.club/market/) β€” DAO-to-DAO (D2D) economy - Platform to help facilitate D2D commerce and help people using DAOhaus to make this happen - Getting involved in DAOs β†’ create a service DAO providing a service - DAOs looking to do services can then find what you're offering, which can be especially beneficial since already within the crypto space (as opposed to an agency outside of the crypto space) - NFT Gallery coming out soon! - LPDAO coming soon β€” membership period launching (possibly) next Weds. - Can contribute wETH or LP token for shares (can get up to 100 shares) - Look for more information next week! ## Things to Check Out - [**shegenerates** DAO thread on Twitter](https://twitter.com/shegenerates/status/1400208354224611331?s=20) - Vitalik's conversation around social media on Eth - Why do things trend on Twitter? - What could social media on Eth look like? - What could this look like for curators? How could they be incentivized to create high-quality content? - Building ways for improving content curation - On-chain memes! - [[50:49]](https://youtu.be/xHtQvn0YYUw?t=3049) How different would the web be if crypto existed before social platforms that have to monetize (YouTube, Twitter) using advertising? - Would these have been built differently if we had *alternate methods for exchanging value* like we have now? πŸŽ‰ Check out [The DAOist](https://thedaoist.co) Event on July 23, 2021! πŸŽ‰ ## Resources - [The DAOist](https://www.thedaoist.co/) - July 23, 2021