--- ###### tags: `Haus Party Live` --- # HAUS Party LIVE! Notes: 7/1/2021 Join us for 🎉 Haus Party Live 🎉 every Thursday at 2pm EST on the [DAOhaus Discord](https://discord.gg/daohaus) ## Notes From the [Livestream](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1073551786) [YouTube Link](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E) **Topics** `Decentralized NFT trading protocol owned by the developer community. Eric is gonna share updates post successful raise and DAO launch. What potential developments are unlocked by truly collectively owned and managed marketplaces? Can Rarible become the "Uniswap" for NFT's?` - Rarible and RaribleDAO - DAOhaus Discord Reboot 🏰 **Hosts & Guests** - Felipe Duarte, dekanbro, vengist, Vanilladelphia.eth - Eric Arsenault (Rarible) --- ## [[0:35]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=35) Eric's Introduction - Has been in DAO space specifically for a long time (DAO Stack → Rarible) - DAOs are rooted in community — sometimes are communities of communities — but have other elements as well - *Ecosystem Lead* — rooted *in* community but there are other injected elements so *Ecosystem Lead* is more accurate/holistic - Rarible has open meetings each week (governance calls, dev calls) - Joined when Rarible was still only a company, but were interested in going in the DAO direction - Eric wanted to work *for* the DAO as part of the community instead of being a community focused employee working for the company - Someone who needs/wants to go through the same proposal process that DAO members would do - Slowly making everything open! ## [[3:44]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=224) Updates (DAOhaus Universe) - DAOhaus working on an NFT project with Rarible - When a DAO deals with NFTs, there are things that come up such as asset handling - If sharing assets, how is this handled when someone wants to leave? How do you handle claims or buyouts? - Joining a DAO and using an NFT as a tribute? In a Moloch DAO, able to contribute funds to represent economic skin in the game to receive shares — working on a new way to use NFTs in this capacity - Participatory ownership over a digital asset class ### [[5:44]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=344) Discord Reboot - Come join the [DAOhaus Discord](https://discord.gg/daohaus)! - Breaking the Discord into tracks → Choose Your Own Adventure tracks and pathways: - Contributor, Summoner, Scholar, Supporter - Can focus on many tracks or one — looking to see what emerges as people become engaged - Getting rewards on the Swapr pool — can be a LP if you have HAUS/wETH and want to support ## [[7:36]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=456) Rarible and RaribleDAO - [[8:00]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=480) Triangulation of desires coming out of Rarible: - 1) Frontend wants to abstract away the blockchain and have a mainstream ready product - 2) This product also is built completely decentralized and out in the open - 3) Also was a big raise — this is a piece of information in this triangulation - How did these 3 things come together? - Incentives are aligned for Rari governance - Raise is a piece of information in this unique event (many protocols have raised — needing capital to build and grow) - [[10:00]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=600) Rarible is making everything open as they've moved toward being a DAO - Rarible governance and dev meetings are open for folks to check out - [Rarible.com](http://rarible.com) is a company with equity and employees - Rarible Protocol is what the token holders govern - Current [Rarible.com](http://rarible.com) is an application on the Rarible Protocol - Imagining a future with lots of applications where people will be using the protocol as part of the NFT ecosystem (wallets, marketplaces, minting apps, etc.) - Protocol is a component of the NFT ecosystem — building block for builders to tap into the NFT space - DAO and the token don't have say in the company — have say in the protocol - [[11:22]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=682) Division of responsibilities and how these two (company and protocol/DAO) interact - Is there clarity on division of responsibilities and how they interact? - Every project negotiating these two approaches in some way — "can be a treacherous land or delicious" — possible to get best of both worlds - Governance is an issue beyond NFTs in this conversation ### [[12:15]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=735) Governance - Companies coming to DAOhaus asking to become DAOs — what does this look like? - What is the role of a DAO? - How does the flat, decentralized DAO structure exist alongside the hierarchical corporate structure? - Does the company still exist side-by-side with the newly formed DAO? - At the other end of the spectrum people start as a DAO right away - How do these entities (if coexisting) relate and work together? What is the role of the DAO? - What is the *role* of the DAO (flat, decentralized structure) and what is the role of the company (hierarchical, centralized structure)? - Seeing this occur (Rarible, Bankless) — there isn't a playbook for this process yet and there are really interesting dynamics at play -[[14:25]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=865) Developer Relations role is a protocol role — in an ideal world, they'd be employed by the DAO, but there's a weird dynamic where it's easier and more direct to hire within the company - People are used to being paid by a company and want a contract/position with a company — often don't want to be "hired" to the DAO and then submit a proposal - Too easy to keep hiring people to the company and grow the company instead of growing the DAO - Want these types of roles on the DAO side so that can start thinking as an open source project in a decentralized manner - [15:48]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=948) If a company wants to have a DAO — getting one started and getting it working takes some resources (to be summoners) - Who will they go to for support? Who is working on it? When does work and support happen? - Could make sense for a company to pay people to get it started, and help the DAO become sustainable over time - [[16:50]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=1010) "DAOify" a company is like starting a separate company - Decentralized working groups - Most larger companies will likely face issues running both the company and the DAO, especially given how different the structures are - "A topic for the 21st century." ### [[17:33]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=1053) Aligning Both Aspects... - On one side, $RARI token managed by Rarible Protocol (which is a DAO) - On other side, [Rarible company raised $14.2 million in Series A](https://www.coindesk.com/nft-rarible-marketplace-series-a-14m-venrock-coinfund) - We have to learn as an ecosystem to align the incentives of these groups well - There isn't currently a playbook for this — big challenge for an ecosystem lead as they're in a way the *buffer element* - This could depend on how the deal is structured for investment rounds — - [[18:35]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=1115) Can have a wide range of options: - Company could do an entire raise via token sales to investors - Some companies may want to dissolve the company - Raising purely in equity — investors don't have any tokens - Every company has different motives and different approaches for aligning incentives - [[19:33]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=1173) From a dev perspective... - How are teams (such as a dev team) structured across the DAO and company? - How is it handled to bring in new devs for new initiatives that leverage the protocol? - [[20:21]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=1221) **Shift of Mindset:** - Eric working on *changing mindset of company* toward being more open — company is hierarchical and people have habits rooted in this structure and culture - Advocacy around shifting mindset toward thinking more openly → open dev calls, open conversations with the community - Thinking about *who should be involved* — moving toward a decentralized DAO but still rather centralized in reviewing/gatekeeping proposals being submitted to Snapshot - Advocating for transparency, open approaches, diverse thinking, and other properties of DAOs - [[22:10]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=1330) **Companies and DAOs have different means for execution** - Companies and DAOs are both organizations of people but inherently have different approaches toward execution - Differences in methodologies: - Centralized organizations like companies often lean toward information asymmetry → closed off, back room calls and meetings where decisions are made at the top and then disseminated throughout company as needed - Decisions rooted in executive power very different than the methodology in DAOs thats rooted in consensus - Are these compatible? - Is there a separation of purpose between the company and the DAO? - [[24:33]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=1473) Splitting up requires conscious effort and reinforcement - It's easy to stay in a centralized mindset — new people coming in want things like *titles* - Within DAOs, we make up titles! Rangers, Magesmiths, Warriors, Scribes, Paladins, etc. 🧙‍♀️🪄⚔️🔮 ### [[25:04]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=1504) Progressive Decentralization - DAOhaus rearranged Discord to open things up - Started as a permissioned DAO with a smaller group of people and structure reflected this - Opening things up to bring them into the core group while being as transparent as possible, but had a legacy system of 5 people hanging out and building together - Building and discovering ways to bring folks who are interested into the core (or establishing a new core) - This is tricky when getting used to centralized things - Balance of bringing folks in without impacting the underlying, existing culture - A lot of DAOs are trying to solve similar problems — what is the state they end up in? - Everyone wants this to work - What's the final *steady state* of all of this? - [[28:10]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=1690) Basic human coordination at the heart — getting together, starting a chat channel and *that's the company*, and then this group works on something and is developing ideas about purpose and building a culture - Longer staying centralized, the more hardened the culture gets and more difficult it gets to progressively decentralize - [[28:45]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=1725) Companies are solid to start to bootstrap ideas and projects (a centralized place for bootstrapping an idea) - Once hitting a certain level of traction → start a DAO → progressively moving power and participation around until company no longer needed - Company power decreases but still may have certain usecases — if company is still needed, then in an ideal state the power continues to decrease while coexisting with the newly formed DAO - Company should be distributing power, not accumulating more power and information - Company owning parts of DAO / DAO owning part of the company can help keep values aligned - [[31:15]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=1875) Market in NFT space is interesting — many are Web2 companies selling NFTs where they built the whole closed stack - Excited about the Rarible Protocol because they're like a Lego block: - Much more complicated *Lego block* but the innovation in the NFT space may need this level of infrastructure ## [[33:06]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=1986) NFTs, Curation, and DAOhaus Origin Story - Innovation in NFT space needs this level of infrastructure - **Thinking on NFTs having liquidity like a token?** - Right now, NFT marketplaces have their own orderbooks and are silo'd with their buy and sell orders - With a protocol there can be a shared orderbook - Everyone building on top of protocol can poll the shared orderbook and create network effects - Have an application that *just launches* on top of all of this infrastructure - Can launch without needing to start from scratch - Shared orderbook allows for tapping into an already existing market for buying/selling NFTs ### [[34:56]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=2096) DAOhaus History & Fun Facts - [DAOhaus](https://daohaus.club/) was [initially built at a hackathon](https://medium.com/daohaus-club/haus-launch-bd781bbbf13a) in [ETHBerlin in 2019](https://medium.com/odyssy/daohaus-bauhaus-b855cd9db19e) - [Club-Mate!](https://www.eater.com/drinks/2015/9/8/9263863/club-mate-energy-soda) - dekan, vengist, Sam, peth, Eric - Eric was the memelord of the group and created a song which was played for the hackathon judges during the presentation: [DAOhaus song](https://vimeo.com/357206812) - Didn't get a prize from the judges (they were too terrified of Eric's memes!) but did get community rewards 🎉 - DAOhaus today started with this song! ### [[39:33]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=2373) Curation and DAOs - NFT curation going to become huge — DAOs curating instead of marketplaces who determine what is historic, what people want to see, etc. - Put it in the hands of communities where users of the platform and community members can signal - Currently two levels of curation: platform going to curate it, or a crypto Twitter influencer - DAOs can become *very specific curators* (such as a DAO only curating castle NFTs but only buy THE best ones, and then build a reputation for being THE source for curating castle NFTs) - [[41:26]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=2486) DAOS collecting, curating, and creating is exciting and this will come from a group of people participating together - Will see more of this happening at the community level - What about DAOs as NFTs? - Vault ownership: Vaults are owned by a single DAO, but what would it look like to transfer a vault? - NFTs are about ownership and uniqueness — could take an entire vault or bank account and transfer or sell to another DAO - Unlocks ideas of *Mergers and Acquisitions* - Leads to questions about the core, defining elements about NFTs and DAOs - What *is* an NFT? What *is* a DAO? - Can anything be a DAO? - "Can inject governance into everything" - Within a DAO, NFTs could be great for *roles* within the community - Can send around to grant access and ownership rights - If DAO represented as an NFT, one DAO can grant another an *ownership* to another DAO/group - Transfer ownership of entire DAO to new group of people who may be better stewards - Can have metadata attached to NFT with added permissions controlled by *other NFTs* → IP DAO - Moving from transactions → streams of value or access -[[46:46]](https://youtu.be/Bf9caePgg5E?t=2806) "At the cusp of a paradigm shift of sorts" *even within* DAOs - Iterating and changing our notions of participation, permission, and value - What is participation? What is permission? What is value? - **DAO is an organization of humans** — human is an organization of cells — solar system is an organization of planets and solar bodies - "Different things joining forces on meta properties." - Coming together and organizing but within the *meta of the organization* 🎉 Check out [The DAOist](https://thedaoist.co) Event on July 23, 2021! 🎉 ## Resources - [Rarible](https://rarible.com/) - [The DAOist](https://www.thedaoist.co/) - July 23, 2021 - [ETHBerlin in 2019](https://medium.com/odyssy/daohaus-bauhaus-b855cd9db19e) - [DAOhaus Launch article](https://medium.com/daohaus-club/haus-launch-bd781bbbf13a)