--- ###### tags: `Haus Party Live` --- # HAUS Party LIVE! Notes: 6/17 ## Notes From the Livestream YouTube Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv1399NJnCg&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv1399NJnCg&feature=youtu.be) **Topics** - Federated DAOs and *DAOplomacy* **Hosts & Guests** - Felipe Duarte, dekanbro, vengist - Niran (Panvala) --- ## [[0:51](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=51)] Updates (DAOhaus Universe) - Currently revamping the DAOhaus Discord - Putting more money into the community — earn tips in $HAUS by participating in Discord - Refine pathway from external community member → core in the DAOhaus - Choose Your Own Adventure paths for involvement and participation - Professional life becomes a Choose Your Own Adventure ## [[2:17](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=137)] Federated DAOs - "DAOs unite to amplify their power." - Federated DAOs are way that DAOs work together to amplify power - How do we get individuals to coordinate to do something they couldn't do before individually? - DAOhaus DAOs getting individuals to work together. Using similar tools and mechanisms to get **groups** to work together - UberHaus → how the DAOhaus DAOs work together. Communities come together to make things work - [PrimeDAO](https://medium.com/primedao/introducing-primedao-1739ea0acb97) has communities working together to advance DeFi - [Panvala](https://panvala.com/): Communities coming together to get resources into their communities - Joining forces between communities rather than individuals - [[4:18]](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=258) Different efforts in this space for awhile, but has recently taken hold with PrimeDAO, UberHaus - Nations help *citizens* work together, but international organizations help *nations* work together → creating this in the DAO world - "Intergovernmental organizations" can be created in the DAO world - How do DAOs collaborate? Bring together communities using tools to govern the tools themselves → "Stronger their network, stronger their ability to collaborate." - [[6:05]](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=365) Brings representation for the entire DAO movement and a layer of coordination: "Visibility is a right that fires other rights." - Conversations in crypto are often shallow and misguided, so this could be a way to participate in these larger conversations ### [[7:09]](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=427) DAOs and Nations "National, but borderless." - Amos's article [How to increase DAO participation in UberHaus?](https://hackmd.io/@arentweall/Hy3QUfZsO) dives into analogy of nations and goes into "single-player" and "multi-player" - How to move into the multi-player world and interacting with other DAOs? - Building up a *Federation of Nations* - DAOs are a powerful tool to organize people - Tools are powerful, but we need to be *extremely organized* to use them - Actions need to match the words → tools for coordination → DAOs need to be examples of coordination across the world (THIS is the evidence) - DAOs can be like a nation, a club, an organization, etc. - Many different approaches - Nationalism inside DAOs? - [[10:40]](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=640) Holding ourselves to a certain standard: - On-chain, transparent, global, "national, but borderless" → Should we hold people we work with to this standard (especially traditional organizations)? - GrantsDAO in the UN (perhaps too early, never moved forward), but Federated DAOs could start sending emissaries to the UN and gaining more representation on these playing fields - "Needing to DAO up" - Politicizing the DAO space and organizating "representation initiatives" - There are values that are shared by nature of being in a DAO. Should we hold groups we collaborate with to these standards? - Working with people who are value aligned - Sending funds to a non-profit that isn't a DAO is very different — less (or no) transparency. There are different considerations when working with DAOs vs. non-DAOs -[[13:48]](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=848) Collaborating with DAOs: Shared values around transparency - "Up to us to build it" → Collaboration is important - If there is a service provider DAO offering a needed service, this should be where we look - Partners in Community → Service Provider DAOs - Keeping the value created inside the community and economy so the value can amplify itself - Chance for **network effect** when working within DAO ecosystem and communities ## [[15:20]](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=920) Expanding the DAO Ecosystem - There is a lot of untapped potential outside of the DAO ecosystem → *cooperation maximalist* - Coordination cost is low when partners are already a DAO and on-chain - **Panvala League** - 57 communities (a lot are DAOs, but some aren't) - Non-DAOs still need ETH wallet to receive funds - Not as concerned about how they *govern* themselves, but look for *proof of community* and insight into how resources are being used - Want to see that resources are being used to make an *actual community thrive* - Can be a member of multiple DAOs allows for both ease in transfers of both talent and funds - There are cases where individuals are important as well (Bruce Springsteen as Bruce Springsteen, not as a DAO) - Even if the *individual* isn't a DAO, the *community* can be a DAO - *Radiohead as a DAO* → certain individuals still bring a lot of influence - Maybe this still requires a paradigm shift in mindset - [[21:35]](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=1295) Traditional organizations adopting DAOs - Not everything *needs* to be a DAO, but being a DAO enables an on-chain identity factor and establishment of reputation in an immutable ecosystem ### DAO Participation - "Participatory decision making power over how the organization can grow." - DAOs especially good at solving these types of problems by leveraging technology to create alignment amongst (and within) communities - [[24:08]](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=1448) Shared reputation amongst communities is another emergent property of DAOs - Sybil Resistance - DAOs are a good way to solve this due to transparency of ledger. Can see how someone interacts with different communities over time - Well-defined identities - [[26:10]](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=1570) **Dichotomy**: everything *can* be on chain, but it's not *easily found* - Visualization of this information and relationships in a digestible format is critical - Need for clarity of information for decision making - Trinity: DeFi, NFTs, DAOs are 3 areas of blockchain activity - Each require very different data with varying levels of complexity - [[29:05]](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=1745)Not *all* data is on chain, so can't get a complete picture of what a community has done through looking at transactions alone - Lots happening in form posts, Discord, soft-consensus periods aren't on chain or on a verifiable source such as IPFS - Potential solutions - 1) Standardization of data collection is a way to solve this - 2) Hiding things behind the scenes as much as possible is another - Courts as "vintage blockchains" where issues are resolved with data - When things go wrong is when data is gathered to resolve disputes - Community garden working to put together a fund without going to a court they'll ignore a lot of the transparency until it's an issue or dispute - Similar to keeping UI focused on most critical information to avoid decision paralysis, but knowing that the data *is available* and can be accessed as needed - Discord connecting to web3, putting things on IPFS are transitions toward having everything on chain (since having everything on chain is expensive) - Optimistic Scaling Solutions - Off chain voting that can be disputed - Minimizing on chain transparency but you lose data over time with this - Is it better to have the decision on chain initially instead of going to a network of arbiters - Ability to transparently challenge assumptions and decisions in a trustless way is important - A lot of the soft-consensus and off chain approach has been due to high gas costs - Will be interesting to see if this changes - [[36:20]](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=2120) One core value in the blockchain is in resolving disputes - Need a venue for *productive conflicts* — how do groups structure productive conflict? - Have on chain system to *resolve disputes* if it goes beyond people being able to figure things out ### Disputes Amongst DAOs, Conflict, and Mergers - Many things supporting collaboration: open source, shared talent - [[39:07]](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=2347) What happens if DAOs *don't* collaborate → "Do DAOs go to war?" - "Community vampire attacks" - Need conflict to solve issues of conflict (to test, to see how DAOs resolve differences) - "If you're in a dark room you need to bump into a wall to see where it is" - [[42:08]](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=2528) Dispute resolution amongst Federated DAOs — there hasn't been one yet - Look toward manifestos and purposes - "Default thing that tokens do is divide people" → How do we move away from this before it tears communities apart - Mindset of openness to mergers is a way to prevent this - When narratives of 2 tokens overlap is when these conflicts emerge - If narratives begin to overlap look toward merging and collaboration - Similar to emergence of Sports Leagues in the US - Default to merging instead of *token nationalism* - Two tokens with the same narrative often leads directly to conflict - *Navigation of context* critical to mergers and conflict resolution - Need to be wary of "one DAO to rule them all" - People (and DAOs) have sovereignty to do what they want and the overlapping is what connects DAOs - "Illusion of individuality" - Component of individuality available but it's not the full story - Identity of community, but not the full story - Defaulting to merger or conflict → "Loose string cannot shoot an arrow" - Facilitators and contextual navigators, DAOplomats, critical to this balance - There is room for parallel experiences can exist - [[52:28]](https://youtu.be/Wv1399NJnCg?t=3028) States and Token Communities (instead of Nations) - Instead of each state competing amongst each other there could be something above them to create alignment and foster parallel experiments - Excited to see this with UberHaus and $HAUS - GDP: Gross DAOmestic Product and $HAUS is the index of smaller community tokens within the UberHaus community - *Default to zoom out* — proximity at the core of a lot of conflict so this is a process of reframing and recreating contexts - Help to create spaces in which communities can zoom out - Does this only work temporarily? - Need to create structures to allow this to happen - There is a website coming soon that will support much of what is being discussed ## Resources - [How to increase DAO participation in UberHaus?](https://hackmd.io/@arentweall/Hy3QUfZsO) - [Panvala](https://panvala.com/) - [PrimeDAO](https://medium.com/primedao/introducing-primedao-1739ea0acb97)