--- tags: v3, v2, Product Maintenance --- # Workstream Proposal: V2 Decentralization The goal of this workstream is to further the effort to meet one of the top 3 signals in the HILO period: Product Maintenance Decentralization. ``` **O7: Futher decentralize DAOhaus product maintenance** - KR7.1: Reduced product maintenance cost and labor related to centralized infra - KR7.2: Convert v2 usage to the significantly more decentralized v3 - KR7.3: Realize OSS contribution ``` ## Proposed Activities ### Drive v2 Usage to v3 - More robust v2 app banners notifying users of the upgrade and driving them to v2 - Deprecate v2 summoning and drive to v3 summoner app - Enhance and publish v2 to v3 migration guide - Added to docs.daohaus.club - Create a discord support channel for this - Drive to this support channel from the v2 app and from daohaus.club ### Deprecate v2 Centralized Infra - Remove the need for airtable metadata and lambda jobs indexing this - Turn off v2 summoning and registration - Turn off metadata editing - This will also cut down pinata bill - Turn off new boost activiation - Turn off proposal playlist creation - Turn off lambda indexor and snapshot airtable data and store in s3 for app to read - Remove need for lambda jobs indexing minion balance data - Turn off all these jobs across all networks - Add a single api endpoint that will fetch balance data using etherscan api - Will also cut down pending covalent bill - Update the vault pages to use this single endpoint - Further cut down on graph queries - Simplify explore page to remove balance data - Remove indexing jobs listed above ### Other Notes - Will need to keep discord notification bot running, but don't allow new activations - The creation of a bounty board w/ some haus funds backing it could be part of this workstream to drive `Realize OSS contribution`, but thinking that falls in a different stream more v3 focussed ## Project plan ### Phase 1 - Less UI Disruption 1. Upgrade/Deprecation notice ✔️ - Write and publish a notice about features we're deprecating in the service of decentralization - Copy text that directs existing users to v3 summoner (v2 to v3 upgrade path) ✔️ - Add a page to the DH v3 docs app ✔️ - Add v1 migration docs into docs.daohaus.club ✔️ - Banner update on app driving to the announcement ✔️ 2. Non-disruptive updates ✔️ - Refactor token balance fetch ✔️ - Prep app to pull from new lambda ✔️ - Remove old lambdas and jobs ✔️ - Strong notice on summon page to use v3 ✔️ 3. Social Updates for the Community - Documenting the deprecation/migration process ✔️ - Elaborating the importance of the v3 upgrade ✔️ - Provide instructions for users interested in migrating ✔️ ### Phase 2 - Remove features 1. UI Disruptive changes - Remove charts (on Vaults page) ✔️ - Turn off v2 summoning (direct users towards v3 summoner) ✔️ - Turn off metadata, boosts, playlist, theme updates - Snapshot current data in s3 - Turn off cache jobs - Explore page filter reduction? - TBD to look for query cost reduction - Activity feed queries? 2. Social Updates for the Community - Notify users that metadata will be locked, provide dates and prep steps - Notify users that boosts will be disabled: outline the limited functionality to DAOs and that users can no longer add new boost functionality to their DAOs - Notify users that playlists will be disabled - Inform users that now would be a good time to migrate their DAO to v3 to take advantage of new features (hype v3 features to would-be users) - Write a public facing high-level overview exploring the "whys" of what is changing and the justification for the deprecation ## Proposed Budget 4k Development 2k Writing