What and Why ? - The EVM, though a fantastic first experiment in permisionless and decentralized computing, is currently very limited. - As it stands, matrix multiplication over 100 dimensions will cost you over 5 million gas. - We built ezkl to expand the EVM's compute capabilities so that you can bring complex operations, like neural networks, on-chain, at a low cost. ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJ2zUm2g6.png) ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sk1hUxXW6.png) ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJjJV7wbT.png) ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJCvVXw-a.png) What is ezkl ? - A library for making zero-knowledge (zk) circuits from python code. - A suite of tools that mean you can deploy these zk-circuits in less than a minute and integrate them into browser apps and on-chain apps painlessly. - A tool for moving complex on-chain computations off chain in a verifiable fashion using zk. - A community of dedicated open-source collaborators across many groups and organisations. The project was founded by jason and dante as an exploration in both privacy-preserving machine learning and as method for bringing machine learning models on-chain. Since then our scope has expanded significantly, today you can easily create from a few lines of python code: - simple statistical models as zk-circuits (see [here](https://colab.research.google.com/github/zkonduit/ezkl/blob/main/examples/notebooks/ezkl_demo.ipynb)). - transformer-based models as zk-circuits (see [here](https://colab.research.google.com/github/zkonduit/ezkl/blob/main/examples/notebooks/little_transformer.ipynb#scrollTo=5b58acd5)). - tree-based models from the xgboost and lightgbm libraries as zk-circuits (see [here](https://colab.research.google.com/github/zkonduit/ezkl/blob/ac%2Fgather-elements/examples/notebooks/xgboost.ipynb)). - on-chain singing contests (code [here](https://colab.research.google.com/github/zkonduit/ezkl/blob/main/examples/notebooks/voice_judge.ipynb), tutorial [here](https://docs.ezkl.xyz/tutorials/cryptoidol/overview/), and a live demo [here](https://cryptoidol.tech/)). - circuits that test for set membership (i.e proof that you belong to a "club", see [here](https://colab.research.google.com/github/zkonduit/ezkl/blob/main/examples/notebooks/set_membership.ipynb)). - :cloud: <INSERT THAT ZK-APP EVERYONE TELLS YOU IS IMPOSSIBLE> :cloud: Fundamentally we believe in creating technology that gives users a sandbox feeling. One where the technology doesn't get in the way of a developer's most creative and outlandish ideas, even when involving something as complex and cutting edge as zk. If one of the examples above doesn't feel like magic, or if your moonshot idea doesn't seem to be supported, let us know in our [Telegram](https://t.me/+CoTsgokvJBQ2NWQx) or our [Discord](https://discord.gg/pU7Qc2ECWb), and we'll cast some more spells to make it happen. One of our founding tenets has been to develop in the open. Everything in our [core library](https://github.com/zkonduit/ezkl) is immediately auditable and useable by all, and is developed from direct feedback from applications built on top of ezkl. This has made ezkl, according to one of our users "the easiest to use and most robust library for building zk-circuits. **period**." Our mission is threefold. - make the development of zk-based applications as simple as possible. - make the deployment of these applications into production (both on-chain and off) as simple as possible. - make it all feel like magic :female_mage:. You definitely shouldn't hit this big red button to deploy a random app on our backend [🔴](https://hub.ezkl.xyz/). ### Shoutouts EZKL as it currently exists wouldn't have been possible without our collaborators, in particular [Ying Tong](https://github.com/therealyingtong), [Weijie](https://github.com/weijiekoh), [the Noya team](https://noya.ai/), [Danilo](https://github.com/danilowhk), [the 0xParc crew](https://0xparc.org/), [Lance](https://github.com/lancenonce), [Han](https://github.com/han0110), and the [PSE](https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations) team. Our current team is composed of jason, dante, jseam, ethan, casey, sofia, samuel, kat, and david -- if you'd like to get in touch with any of us please do so in the [Discord](https://discord.gg/pU7Qc2ECWb) :kissing:.