# Oracle 1Z0-1066-23 Questions - Pass Exam In One Go The 1Z0-1066-23 exam is the Oracle Planning and Collaboration Cloud 2023 Implementation Professional exam. An Oracle Planning and Collaboration Cloud 2023 Certified Implementation Professional has demonstrated the knowledge required to configure and manage a demand plan, supply plan, and manage data collection and analytics. To pass the exam and earn your certificate, candidates must have a good understanding of the Oracle Planning and Collaboration Cloud 2023 technology and be able to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. If you want to pass the exam in the first attempt use the latest **[Oracle 1Z0-1066-23 Exam Questions](https://www.examskit.com/oracle/1z0-1066-23/questions)** along with the practice exam and official study guides. The exam is 90 minutes long and consists of 55 questions. The passing score is 64%. The Oracle Planning and Collaboration Cloud 2023 exam covers the topics including Demand planning, Supply planning, Data collection and analytics, and Exception management.Here are some tips for preparing for the 1Z0-1066-23 exam: * Review the exam syllabus carefully to make sure you understand all of the topics that will be covered. * Take a practice exam to get a feel for the format of the exam and the types of questions that will be asked. * Review your study guide and any other resources you have to make sure you have a good understanding of all of the topics covered on the exam. * Get hands-on experience with Oracle Planning and Collaboration Cloud 2023 whenever possible. This will help you to solidify your understanding of the technology and be better prepared to answer real-world questions on the exam. Success in the Oracle 1Z0-1066-23 exam, a vital step towards becoming an Oracle Planning and Collaboration Cloud 2023 Certified Implementation Professional, hinges on comprehensive preparation and practical experience. Utilize the latest Oracle 1Z0-1066-23 Exam Questions, practice exams, and study guides to boost your chances of passing this challenging test on your first attempt. With dedication and a strong grasp of the relevant topics, you can confidently navigate the 1Z0-1066-23 exam and prove your expertise in Oracle Planning and Collaboration Cloud 2023.