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# Smart Contract Upgradeability in DeFi protocols
### Daniel Perez and Paul Pritz
#### Imperial College London
<!-- Put the link to this slide here so people can follow -->
## Immutability vs Flexibility
- Ethereum is immutable by default
- Protocols use specific design patterns to work around this to be maintainable in practice
- This leads to several risks as functionality can be changed
<img width="80%" alt="Immutable contract" src="https://i.imgur.com/xdEIBUt.png">
# Proxy Pattern
- The EIP 1822 proxy pattern is commonly used to allow upgradeability
- This works by delegate calling functions in another contract that can be exchanged
<img width="80%" alt="Immutable contract" src="https://i.imgur.com/MTZvrLN.png">
# Contract Setting Pattern
- This works by splitting functionality in an entry point and a logic contract
- The address of the logic contract can be set and changed
- This offers more control as not everything is exchangeable but also limits flexibility
<img width="80%" alt="Immutable contract" src="https://i.imgur.com/dSqklXC.png">
# Governance and Upgradeability
- Upgrades are executed by some governance mechanims
- Typically two patterns exist: On-chain voting or a multisig with optional off-chain voting
- Timelocks are used to allow users to react to changes - trade-off between being able to react to problems and risk for users not being able to react to changes
- Trade-off between gate-keeper function of multisig and trust requirement
# Taxonomy
- If large parts of a protocol are upgradeable, the barrier to executing upgrades should be high
<img width="80%" alt="Immutable contract" src="https://i.imgur.com/SB8TK6q.png">
## Automating Upgradeability Detection
The tool scans contracts for upgradeability using the EIP 1822 pattern:
- By convention, EIP 1822 stores the address of the logic contract in a specific storage slot
- The tool analyses the bytecode to detect whether this solt has been set
- The contract setting pattern and patterns deviating from EIP 1822 are harder to detect as these differ across protocols
- The tool also checks for common proxy pattern functions such as `implementation()`
## Proxy Pattern Upgradeable Contracts
| Protocol | Scanned | Upgradeable | Percentage |
| Aave | 50 | 39 | 78.00% |
| MakerDAO | 278 | 10 | 3.60% |
| Curve | 111 | 1 | 0.90% |
| Convex | 33 | 0 | 0.00% |
| Compound | 72 | 36 | 50.00% |
# Case Study #1: Compound
- Everything upgradeable (proxy pattern), everything goes through on-chain governance
- Time locks are enforced (currently 2 days)
- Reliance on voters to review and understand proposals
- Timelocks meant that they couldn't immediately react: $90m funds lost
if (supplierIndex == 0 && supplyIndex > compInitialIndex) {
supplierIndex = compInitialIndex;
Double memory deltaIndex = Double({
mantissa: sub_(supplyIndex, supplierIndex)});
uint supplierTokens = CToken(cToken).balanceOf(supplier);
uint supplierDelta = mul_(supplierTokens, deltaIndex);
# Case Study #2: MakerDAO
<div class="two-columns">
<div class="col">
<li>Everything upgradeable (contract setting pattern), everything goes through on-chain governance</li>
<li>Time locks employed (24h)</li>
<li>Poor voting design (no lock period) led to flash loan attack on voting mechanism</li>
<li>No monetary consequences as attacker only whitelisted a coin - but could have led to loss of all funds [1] </li>
<div class="col">
<img alt="Flash loan proteciton" src="https://i.imgur.com/ghHk9h3.png" width="500px">
<div style="margin-top: 3em; font-size: 1.2rem">
[1] Gudgeon, Lewis, et al. "The decentralized financial crisis." 2020 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology (CVCBT). IEEE, 2020.
# Case Study #3: Convex
- Almost nothing upgradeable, except for StakingProxy (which holds almost all vote locked CVX) through contract setting pattern
function setStakingContract(address _staking) external onlyOwner {
require(stakingProxy == address(0) || (minimumStake == 0 && maximumStake == 0), "!assign");
stakingProxy = _staking;
- Upgrade executable by multisig without time delay, all 1.5B USD worth of CVX could have been stolen in single transaction
- This has now been fixed in a V2 version of the ConvexLocker
ConvexLocker cvxLocker;
CvxStakingProxy stakingProxy;
cvxLocker.setStakeLimits(0, 0, {"from": multisig});
cvxLocker.setStakingContract(stakingProxy, {"from": multisig});
cvxLocker.setStakeLimits(1, 1, {"from": multisig});
# Conclusion
- Our tool shows that many protocols are not actually fully immutable
- Upgradeability is a necessary evil to allow protocols to be maintained
- Protocols with extensive upgradeability should put barriers to upgrade execution in place (efficient frontier)
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