# (PM Session) Foundational Open Science Skills (FOSS) Lesson 1: Intro to Open Science
**Date**: `2020-09-15`
**Today Lead Instructor:** Tyson
**Today Helpers:** Michael, Michele, Jason, Tina, Amanda
**Course Website:** https://cyverse-learning-materials.github.io/foss
**Zoom Link:** https://arizona.zoom.us/j/86152278453
**Instant Feedback:** (please complete before you leave class) [Complete Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeVyEB8sU99Mn4IuzQ561Crp7v_wDl-yEcD2iutBxXRfrHo-Q/viewform)
## :stopwatch: Agenda
### Welcome (10 minutes):
- [Code of Conduct](https://cyverse-learning-materials.github.io/foss/code_of_conduct/)
### Staff Introductions (2 minutes)
Hi, I'm [Tyson](https://tysonswetnam.com), I am co-PI of CyVerse and have a background in geoinformatics and fire ecology.
Greetings, I am [Michele Cosi](https://cosimichele.github.io/), science analyst and educator for CyVerse. My academic background consists of plant sciences, genomics and bioinformatics.
Howdy, I'm Tina Lee, Camp Cook; ping me via slack if you need logistics help/questions
### Student Self-Introductions
Name; Institution/Org; what you do; primary goal / interests in FOSS; :coffee:, :tea: or ?
Stephen Klusza; Clayton State University in Morrow, GA; assistant professor of biology; establish open science bioinformatics workflows; ?
Fai/Wasimon Tosuratana (Fai pronounced like Wi-Fi): PhD candidate at School of Government and Public Policy; introductions to different tools + interested in learning more about containers; BOTH -- give me all the beverages
Gift Chukwuonye, second year Environmental Science PhD Student. Hoping to learn tools I can apply through grad schoola nd my career. Definitely a coffee drinker
Abbie Boatwright; University of Arizona Economics Department; PhD Student; learn new tools I can apply to my research; :coffee: and :tea:
Heidi Steiner; Data Science Institute; I teach data science in R to health scientists @ UA; learning best practices to pass on to learners; :coffee: & :tea:
Kayla Hale, University of Michigan, PhD Candidate in Theoretical Ecology, learn how to support large code and data bases transparently, :coffee: all day
Nico Deshler; UoA College of Optical Sciences; Climbing; Looking to learn how to setup websites that champion open science; :coffee: 4Life
Jordann Brendecke: First year PhD student at UArizona studying Atmospheric Science. Looking to learn more about Data Science and how to apply it to my research.Part of the Roots for Resilience Cohort. :beer:
Greg Chism, University of Arizona, Computational and Data Science Educator with a background in social insect behavior, I hope to round out my Open Science toolkit, :coffee: & more :coffee:
Lisa White; UArizona BIO5 StatLab; Biostatistician; looking to get more into openscience and working with Cyverse!; :tea:
Erick Verleye, Software Developer at University of Colorado Boulder - Earth Lab Analytics Hub: coffee
Katherine Giordano, PhD student at University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix; goal is to learn more about data science and apply it to my research as I finish my PhD and go on to a postdoc; :coffee:
Allie Lalor: University of Arizona, working on Masters pro
Tahsin Nishat: PhD student in the Civil Engineering Dept; Research focus: Structural Health Monitoring
Tina Johnson, University of Arizona, waterholic
Artin Majdi: GA in UArizona Data7; PhD Candidate in ECE, College of Engineering. Review stuff!. :coffee: (decaf) or :tea: depends on my mood.
Erika Austhof: University of Arizona Epidemiology & Biostats; I study the relationship between weather variability and food- and water-borne illness/public health; I would like to learn how to incoporate these skills into public health data workflows; :coffee:
Linnea Linde-Krieger, postdoctoral fellow in UA Department of Family and Community Medicine. I would like to learn skills in data management and sharing. I love coffee and tea!
Jason Giles: U of A, PhD student in Pharmacology. Better organization of my data and code. Also create github website to hopefully showcase my work and get a job! Tea all day!
Talia Anderson: University of Arizona - PhD candidate in School of Geography and also Lab of Tree-Ring Research. Study climate change impacts in Central America. Hoping to learn better data management skills. Coffee over tea!
Kiana Martinez; College of Pharmacy, UofA; Postdoc in pharmacogenomics lab; learn data mangement skills and how to do more reproducible work; both tea and coffee
Nicole Jimenez: University of Arizona - College of Medicine-Phoenix , Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology;Postdoc in Dr. Herbst-Kralovetz Lab studying the human microbiome in gynecologic disease and health, Hoping to learn new tools to better manage data and reproducible best practices; :coffee: in the AM :tea: in the PM
Carlos Lizárraga: UA Data Science Institute. Educator in Computational and Data Science. My background is in Physics & Applied Mathematics. Both :coffee: and :tea:
Megh Krishnaswamy: 4th Year PhD student in the Linguistics Department, I am an experimental linguist and speech scientist. My primary interest is in finding ways to apply my work with data modelling in behavioural science to FOSS goals, and learn more about data visualization, effective science communication and Open Access to improve communication among researchers from different fields. :tea:
### Course Overview
- Content
- About Capstone Projects
## :clipboard: Open Science Overview
**Learning objectives:**
After this lesson, you should be able to:
- Explain what Open Science is
- Explain the components of Open Science
- Describe the behaviors of Open Science
- Explain why Open Science matters in education, research, and society
- Understand the advantages and the challenges to Open Science
- Identify who the practitioners of Open Science are
- Understand the underlying Ethos of Open Science
## :studio_microphone: Breakout Discussion and notes
**General notes**
Shared link to Radiolab podcast: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeVyEB8sU99Mn4IuzQ561Crp7v_wDl-yEcD2iutBxXRfrHo-Q/viewform?usp=sf_link
## What are your favorite open pillars? Why?
Open Access Publications
Open Data
Open Methodology
Open Educational Resources
Open Sources Software
Open Peer Review
## Have you ever made / made use of a pre-print?
authored a pre-print:+-++++++--- --+
used a pre-print: + +++++++--+-+-
## Which School do you belong to?
Pragmatic: ++++
Democratic: +++++++
Public: ++
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(PM Session) Foundational Open Science Skills (FOSS) Lesson 1: Intro to Open Science