# riscv_emulator 研讀一下riscv 架構的指令,找了一個模擬器來看實際要執行risc v指令內部會經過哪一些細節 # create riscv 架構的 binary ```makefile= test.bin: test.c /root/riscv-toolchain/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -S test.c /root/riscv-toolchain/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -Wl,-Ttext=0x0 -nostdlib -march=rv64i -mabi=lp64 -o test test.s /root/riscv-toolchain/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary test test.bin clean: rm -f test rm -f test.bin rm -f test.s ``` ```c= int fact(int n); int main() { int a = 10; /*return fact(a);*/ return a-11; } int fact(int n) { if(n==1) return n; else return n * fact(n-1); } ``` 到時候就會產生一個起始位置在0的binary .-nostdlib 跟之前的文章一樣不添加任何lib # read_file 把編譯過的 binary 讀入記憶體中 ```c= void read_file(CPU *cpu, char *filename) { FILE *file; uint8_t *buffer; unsigned long fileLen; // Open file file = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!file) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file %s", filename); } // Get file length fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); fileLen = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); // Allocate memory buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(fileLen + 1); if (!buffer) { fprintf(stderr, "Memory error!"); fclose(file); } // Read file contents into buffer fread(buffer, fileLen, 1, file); fclose(file); // Print file contents in hex /*for (int i=0; i<fileLen; i+=2) {*/ /*if (i%16==0) printf("\n%.8x: ", i);*/ /*printf("%02x%02x ", *(buffer+i), *(buffer+i+1));*/ /*}*/ /*printf("\n");*/ // copy the bin executable to dram memcpy(cpu->bus.dram.mem, buffer, fileLen * sizeof(uint8_t)); free(buffer); } ``` # start ```c= int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: rvemu <filename>\n"); exit(1); } // Initialize cpu, registers and program counter struct CPU cpu; cpu_init(&cpu); // Read input file read_file(&cpu, argv[1]); // cpu loop while (1) { // fetch uint32_t inst = cpu_fetch(&cpu); // Increment the program counter // printf("next pc ->%x\n", cpu.pc); printf("next -> %#.8lx ", cpu.pc ); // DEBUG cpu.pc += 4; // execute if (!cpu_execute(&cpu, inst)) break; dump_registers(&cpu); if (cpu.pc == 0) break; } /*dump_registers(&cpu);*/ return 0; } ``` # init 進行初始化 ```c= struct CPU cpu; cpu_init(&cpu); // Read input file read_file(&cpu, argv[1]); ``` 這邊可以和到cpu 第x0 register 始終為0 cpu->pc 起始我們從 0x80000000 開始 #define DRAM_BASE 0x80000000 ```c= void cpu_init(CPU *cpu) { cpu->regs[0] = 0x00; // register x0 hardwired to 0 cpu->regs[2] = DRAM_BASE + DRAM_SIZE; // Set stack pointer cpu->pc = DRAM_BASE; // Set program counter to the base address } ``` # start fetch 之後進入循環開始讀指令 ``` // cpu loop while (1) { // fetch uint32_t inst = cpu_fetch(&cpu); // Increment the program counter // printf("next pc ->%x\n", cpu.pc); printf("next -> %#.8lx ", cpu.pc ); // DEBUG break; cpu.pc += 4; // execute if (!cpu_execute(&cpu, inst)) break; dump_registers(&cpu); if (cpu.pc == 0) break; } /*dump_registers(&cpu);*/ ``` cpu_fetch會經由bus 去存去記憶體位置,這邊跟gb模擬器差不多,記憶體在小的嵌入式可以切成更多塊進行應用 ```c= uint32_t cpu_fetch(CPU *cpu) { uint32_t inst = bus_load(&(cpu->bus), cpu->pc, 32); return inst; } ``` ```c= uint64_t cpu_load(CPU* cpu, uint64_t addr, uint64_t size) { return bus_load(&(cpu->bus), addr, size); } void cpu_store(CPU* cpu, uint64_t addr, uint64_t size, uint64_t value) { bus_store(&(cpu->bus), addr, size, value); } ``` ```c= uint64_t bus_load(BUS* bus, uint64_t addr, uint64_t size) { return dram_load(&(bus->dram), addr, size); } void bus_store(BUS* bus, uint64_t addr, uint64_t size, uint64_t value) { dram_store(&(bus->dram), addr, size, value); } ``` 可以看到細節,mem大小為100mb or 4mb ? #define DRAM_SIZE 1024*1024*1 typedef struct DRAM { uint8_t mem[DRAM_SIZE]; // Dram memory of DRAM_SIZE } DRAM; ```c= uint64_t dram_load_8(DRAM* dram, uint64_t addr){ return (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr - DRAM_BASE]; } uint64_t dram_load_16(DRAM* dram, uint64_t addr){ return (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE] | (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 1] << 8; } uint64_t dram_load_32(DRAM* dram, uint64_t addr){ return (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE] | (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 1] << 8 | (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 2] << 16 | (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 3] << 24; } uint64_t dram_load_64(DRAM* dram, uint64_t addr){ return (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE] | (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 1] << 8 | (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 2] << 16 | (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 3] << 24 | (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 4] << 32 | (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 5] << 40 | (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 6] << 48 | (uint64_t) dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 7] << 56; } uint64_t dram_load(DRAM* dram, uint64_t addr, uint64_t size) { switch (size) { case 8: return dram_load_8(dram, addr); break; case 16: return dram_load_16(dram, addr); break; case 32: return dram_load_32(dram, addr); break; case 64: return dram_load_64(dram, addr); break; default: ; } return 1; } void dram_store_8(DRAM* dram, uint64_t addr, uint64_t value) { dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE] = (uint8_t) (value & 0xff); } void dram_store_16(DRAM* dram, uint64_t addr, uint64_t value) { dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE] = (uint8_t) (value & 0xff); dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE+1] = (uint8_t) ((value >> 8) & 0xff); } void dram_store_32(DRAM* dram, uint64_t addr, uint64_t value) { dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE] = (uint8_t) (value & 0xff); dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 1] = (uint8_t) ((value >> 8) & 0xff); dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 2] = (uint8_t) ((value >> 16) & 0xff); dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 3] = (uint8_t) ((value >> 24) & 0xff); } void dram_store_64(DRAM* dram, uint64_t addr, uint64_t value) { dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE] = (uint8_t) (value & 0xff); dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 1] = (uint8_t) ((value >> 8) & 0xff); dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 2] = (uint8_t) ((value >> 16) & 0xff); dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 3] = (uint8_t) ((value >> 24) & 0xff); dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 4] = (uint8_t) ((value >> 32) & 0xff); dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 5] = (uint8_t) ((value >> 40) & 0xff); dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 6] = (uint8_t) ((value >> 48) & 0xff); dram->mem[addr-DRAM_BASE + 7] = (uint8_t) ((value >> 56) & 0xff); } void dram_store(DRAM* dram, uint64_t addr, uint64_t size, uint64_t value) { switch (size) { case 8: dram_store_8(dram, addr, value); break; case 16: dram_store_16(dram, addr, value); break; case 32: dram_store_32(dram, addr, value); break; case 64: dram_store_64(dram, addr, value); break; default: ; } } ``` 可以看細節 存取addr 進來後-去DRAM_BASE 進行存取 讀取則使用or 組合後再丟出uint64_t型態variable給呼叫端 再重新看這個fucntion ```c= uint32_t cpu_fetch(CPU *cpu) { uint32_t inst = bus_load(&(cpu->bus), cpu->pc, 32); return inst; } ``` 每次讀4個bytes ,pc += 4 我們就可以每次得到一條指令 到這裡就可以看到pc每次都會+4直到cpu_execute執行異常才會跳出 ```c= printf("next -> %#.8lx ", cpu.pc ); // DEBUG cpu.pc += 4; // execute if (!cpu_execute(&cpu, inst)) break; ``` # execute 執行一條指令 cpu_execute 這邊就要查詢riscv的 規格書 初始六個bits可以得出opcode,根據opcode可以對指令做出第一層分類,JAL、B_TYPE、S_TYPE 等等funct3 、funct7 又可以在分一層最後才會找到最終指令並執行 exec_BEQ、exec_JAL ```c= int cpu_execute(CPU *cpu, uint32_t inst) { int opcode = inst & 0x7f; // opcode in bits 6..0 int funct3 = (inst >> 12) & 0x7; // funct3 in bits 14..12 int funct7 = (inst >> 25) & 0x7f; // funct7 in bits 31..25 cpu->regs[0] = 0; // x0 hardwired to 0 at each cycle printf("%s\n%#.8lx -> Inst: %#.8x <OpCode: %#.2x, funct3:%#x, funct7:%#x> %s", ANSI_YELLOW, cpu->pc-4, inst, opcode, funct3, funct7, ANSI_RESET); // DEBUG*/ // printf("%s\n%#.8lx -> %s", ANSI_YELLOW, cpu->pc-4, ANSI_RESET); // DEBUG switch (opcode) { case LUI: exec_LUI(cpu, inst); break; case AUIPC: exec_AUIPC(cpu, inst); break; case JAL: exec_JAL(cpu, inst); break; case JALR: exec_JALR(cpu, inst); break; case B_TYPE: switch (funct3) { case BEQ: exec_BEQ(cpu, inst); break; case BNE: exec_BNE(cpu, inst); break; case BLT: exec_BLT(cpu, inst); break; case BGE: exec_BGE(cpu, inst); break; case BLTU: exec_BLTU(cpu, inst); break; case BGEU: exec_BGEU(cpu, inst); break; default: ; } break; case LOAD: switch (funct3) { case LB : exec_LB(cpu, inst); break; case LH : exec_LH(cpu, inst); break; case LW : exec_LW(cpu, inst); break; case LD : exec_LD(cpu, inst); break; case LBU : exec_LBU(cpu, inst); break; case LHU : exec_LHU(cpu, inst); break; case LWU : exec_LWU(cpu, inst); break; default: ; } break; case S_TYPE: switch (funct3) { case SB : exec_SB(cpu, inst); break; case SH : exec_SH(cpu, inst); break; case SW : exec_SW(cpu, inst); break; case SD : exec_SD(cpu, inst); break; default: ; } break; case I_TYPE: switch (funct3) { case ADDI: exec_ADDI(cpu, inst); break; case SLLI: exec_SLLI(cpu, inst); break; case SLTI: exec_SLTI(cpu, inst); break; case SLTIU: exec_SLTIU(cpu, inst); break; case XORI: exec_XORI(cpu, inst); break; case SRI: switch (funct7) { case SRLI: exec_SRLI(cpu, inst); break; case SRAI: exec_SRAI(cpu, inst); break; default: ; } break; case ORI: exec_ORI(cpu, inst); break; case ANDI: exec_ANDI(cpu, inst); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "[-] ERROR-> opcode:0x%x, funct3:0x%x, funct7:0x%x\n" , opcode, funct3, funct7); return 0; } break; case R_TYPE: switch (funct3) { case ADDSUB: switch (funct7) { case ADD: exec_ADD(cpu, inst); case SUB: exec_ADD(cpu, inst); default: ; } break; case SLL: exec_SLL(cpu, inst); break; case SLT: exec_SLT(cpu, inst); break; case SLTU: exec_SLTU(cpu, inst); break; case XOR: exec_XOR(cpu, inst); break; case SR: switch (funct7) { case SRL: exec_SRL(cpu, inst); break; case SRA: exec_SRA(cpu, inst); break; default: ; } case OR: exec_OR(cpu, inst); break; case AND: exec_AND(cpu, inst); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "[-] ERROR-> opcode:0x%x, funct3:0x%x, funct7:0x%x\n" , opcode, funct3, funct7); return 0; } break; case FENCE: exec_FENCE(cpu, inst); break; case I_TYPE_64: switch (funct3) { case ADDIW: exec_ADDIW(cpu, inst); break; case SLLIW: exec_SLLIW(cpu, inst); break; case SRIW : switch (funct7) { case SRLIW: exec_SRLIW(cpu, inst); break; case SRAIW: exec_SRLIW(cpu, inst); break; } break; } break; case R_TYPE_64: switch (funct3) { case ADDSUB: switch (funct7) { case ADDW: exec_ADDW(cpu, inst); break; case SUBW: exec_SUBW(cpu, inst); break; case MULW: exec_MULW(cpu, inst); break; } break; case DIVW: exec_DIVW(cpu, inst); break; case SLLW: exec_SLLW(cpu, inst); break; case SRW: switch (funct7) { case SRLW: exec_SRLW(cpu, inst); break; case SRAW: exec_SRAW(cpu, inst); break; case DIVUW: exec_DIVUW(cpu, inst); break; } break; case REMW: exec_REMW(cpu, inst); break; case REMUW: exec_REMUW(cpu, inst); break; default: ; } break; case CSR: switch (funct3) { case ECALLBREAK: exec_ECALLBREAK(cpu, inst); break; case CSRRW : exec_CSRRW(cpu, inst); break; case CSRRS : exec_CSRRS(cpu, inst); break; case CSRRC : exec_CSRRC(cpu, inst); break; case CSRRWI : exec_CSRRWI(cpu, inst); break; case CSRRSI : exec_CSRRSI(cpu, inst); break; case CSRRCI : exec_CSRRCI(cpu, inst); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "[-] ERROR-> opcode:0x%x, funct3:0x%x, funct7:0x%x\n" , opcode, funct3, funct7); return 0; } break; case AMO_W: switch (funct7 >> 2) { // since, funct[1:0] = aq, rl case LR_W : exec_LR_W(cpu, inst); break; case SC_W : exec_SC_W(cpu, inst); break; case AMOSWAP_W : exec_AMOSWAP_W(cpu, inst); break; case AMOADD_W : exec_AMOADD_W(cpu, inst); break; case AMOXOR_W : exec_AMOXOR_W(cpu, inst); break; case AMOAND_W : exec_AMOAND_W(cpu, inst); break; case AMOOR_W : exec_AMOOR_W(cpu, inst); break; case AMOMIN_W : exec_AMOMIN_W(cpu, inst); break; case AMOMAX_W : exec_AMOMAX_W(cpu, inst); break; case AMOMINU_W : exec_AMOMINU_W(cpu, inst); break; case AMOMAXU_W : exec_AMOMAXU_W(cpu, inst); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "[-] ERROR-> opcode:0x%x, funct3:0x%x, funct7:0x%x\n" , opcode, funct3, funct7); return 0; } break; case 0x00: return 0; default: fprintf(stderr, "[-] ERROR-> opcode:0x%x, funct3:0x%x, funct3:0x%x\n" , opcode, funct3, funct7); return 0; /*exit(1);*/ } return 1; } ``` 指令進來後一些常用要取得type某些特定的bit 區間再返回 ```c= //===================================================================================== // Instruction Decoder Functions //===================================================================================== uint64_t rd(uint32_t inst) { return (inst >> 7) & 0x1f; // rd in bits 11..7 } uint64_t rs1(uint32_t inst) { return (inst >> 15) & 0x1f; // rs1 in bits 19..15 } uint64_t rs2(uint32_t inst) { return (inst >> 20) & 0x1f; // rs2 in bits 24..20 } uint64_t imm_I(uint32_t inst) { // imm[11:0] = inst[31:20] return ((int64_t)(int32_t) (inst & 0xfff00000)) >> 20; // right shift as signed? } uint64_t imm_S(uint32_t inst) { // imm[11:5] = inst[31:25], imm[4:0] = inst[11:7] return ((int64_t)(int32_t)(inst & 0xfe000000) >> 20) | ((inst >> 7) & 0x1f); } uint64_t imm_B(uint32_t inst) { // imm[12|10:5|4:1|11] = inst[31|30:25|11:8|7] return ((int64_t)(int32_t)(inst & 0x80000000) >> 19) | ((inst & 0x80) << 4) // imm[11] | ((inst >> 20) & 0x7e0) // imm[10:5] | ((inst >> 7) & 0x1e); // imm[4:1] } uint64_t imm_U(uint32_t inst) { // imm[31:12] = inst[31:12] return (int64_t)(int32_t)(inst & 0xfffff000); } uint64_t imm_J(uint32_t inst) { // imm[20|10:1|11|19:12] = inst[31|30:21|20|19:12] return (uint64_t)((int64_t)(int32_t)(inst & 0x80000000) >> 11) | (inst & 0xff000) // imm[19:12] | ((inst >> 9) & 0x800) // imm[11] | ((inst >> 20) & 0x7fe); // imm[10:1] } uint32_t shamt(uint32_t inst) { // shamt(shift amount) only required for immediate shift instructions // shamt[4:5] = imm[5:0] return (uint32_t) (imm_I(inst) & 0x1f); // TODO: 0x1f / 0x3f ? } uint64_t csr(uint32_t inst) { // csr[11:0] = inst[31:20] return ((inst & 0xfff00000) >> 20); } ``` # jump jump 的時候以exec_JAL來說 cpu->regs[rd(inst)] = cpu->pc; 會儲存當前的記憶體位置也就是跳躍的指令 實際上跳的時候 cpu->pc = cpu->pc + (int64_t) imm - 4; 這邊-4變成跳躍的前一行指令,再加上立即數完成跳躍 a=a+1 jump main <== store address a=a+1 pc-4 ,addree + imm address jump main <== store address 以這個模擬器來說還有其他文章有看到imm 可能要左移,這邊應該是compiler會處理好。 ```c= void exec_JAL(CPU* cpu, uint32_t inst) { uint64_t imm = imm_J(inst); cpu->regs[rd(inst)] = cpu->pc; /*print_op("JAL-> rd:%ld, pc:%lx\n", rd(inst), cpu->pc);*/ cpu->pc = cpu->pc + (int64_t) imm - 4; print_op("jal\n"); if (ADDR_MISALIGNED(cpu->pc)) { fprintf(stderr, "JAL pc address misalligned"); exit(0); } } ``` exec_JALR常常搭配jal有跳就要跳回來,也可以看到 uint64_t tmp = cpu->pc;會儲存當前的指令位置 cpu->pc = (cpu->regs[rs1(inst)] + (int64_t) imm) & 0xfffffffe; 讀register再加上立即數進行跳躍。 cpu->regs[rd(inst)] = tmp; ```c= void exec_JALR(CPU* cpu, uint32_t inst) { uint64_t imm = imm_I(inst); uint64_t tmp = cpu->pc; cpu->pc = (cpu->regs[rs1(inst)] + (int64_t) imm) & 0xfffffffe; cpu->regs[rd(inst)] = tmp; /*print_op("NEXT -> %#lx, imm:%#lx\n", cpu->pc, imm);*/ print_op("jalr\n"); if (ADDR_MISALIGNED(cpu->pc)) { fprintf(stderr, "JAL pc address misalligned"); exit(0); } } ``` # beq 、、、 這邊就比對register值,一樣是從比對的上一條指令加上立即數在跳躍 a=a+1 pc-4 ,addree + imm address if(rs1==rs2 )jump main <== store address ```c= void exec_BEQ(CPU* cpu, uint32_t inst) { uint64_t imm = imm_B(inst); if ((int64_t) cpu->regs[rs1(inst)] == (int64_t) cpu->regs[rs2(inst)]) cpu->pc = cpu->pc + (int64_t) imm - 4; // -> a=1 // -> if(a == b )jump main // main print_op("beq\n"); } void exec_BNE(CPU* cpu, uint32_t inst) { uint64_t imm = imm_B(inst); if ((int64_t) cpu->regs[rs1(inst)] != (int64_t) cpu->regs[rs2(inst)]) cpu->pc = (cpu->pc + (int64_t) imm - 4); print_op("bne\n"); } ``` 後面就是一些左移右移,原子操作的東西,要快速學習risc v asm可以看這邊的範例 裡面有配合gdb可以進行debug,作者最終想在這個模擬器上運行一個linux ```c= int fact(int n); int main() { int a = 10; /*return fact(a);*/ return a-11; } int fact(int n) { if(n==1) return n; else return n * fact(n-1); } ``` 有可能如果在這進行加載os,裡面一些fucntion,如print有呼叫這些function,我們的模擬器就要解析這段asm然後我們把它對接我們外部系統的printf,這樣就可以從模擬器再去call glibc的lib 在進一步顯示到termial. 在研究有無虛擬指令也可先透過tests的測試檔案進行編譯查看.s檔案 ![]( 例如 sext.w 他是被等效成 addiw rd, rs, 0 ```asm addiw a5,a5,-12 sext.w a5,a5 ``` ![]( 也就是 ```asm addiw a5,a5,-12 addiw a5,a5,0 ``` 運行模擬器可以看到實際指令結果 ![](