# dynamic memleak detect user-space
,總而言之,memleak.py 是如何達到攔截call fucntion 的parameter
和return address
這邊要從stack 的概念講起
當fucntion 發生跳轉其實要存取當前的reg狀態和變數
可以把ebp先做備份,esp想成永遠指向stack top,再把當前esp丟給ebp ebp等於上一次的esp,這樣就是一個frame
不管是shard lib 還是 fucntion 它們都會共用同一個stack
也就是說他可以攔截fucnion 的 entry 和 ret的時候跳轉到自定義的fucntion ,這邊是我根據example自己土炮的一小部分bpf script
from __future__ import print_function
import ctypes as ct
from bcc import BPF
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime
import resource
import argparse
import subprocess
import os
import sys
text = """
#include <uapi/linux/ptrace.h>
struct data_t {
int a;
int b;
int uninit_c;
int t;
u64 IPAddr;
int test(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
struct data_t data = {};
u64 *bp = (u64 *)(ctx->bp) ;
u64 *di = (u64 *)(ctx->di) ;
u64 *si = (u64 *)(ctx->si) ;
u64 *sp = (u64 *)PT_REGS_SP(ctx) ;
u64 *fp = (u64 *)PT_REGS_FP(ctx);
data.a = di;
data.b = si;
data.IPAddr = (u64 *)PT_REGS_IP(ctx);
bpf_probe_read(&data.uninit_c, sizeof(data.uninit_c),
bp - 1);
bpf_probe_read(&data.t, sizeof(data.t),
bp - 2);
bpf_trace_printk("SPEN addr = %x\\n", PT_REGS_IP(ctx));
events.perf_submit(ctx, &data, sizeof(struct data_t));
return 0;
int test2(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
struct data_t data = {};
u64 *bp = (u64 *)(ctx->bp) ;
u64 *di = (u64 *)(ctx->di) ;
u64 *si = (u64 *)(ctx->si) ;
u64 *sp = (u64 *)PT_REGS_SP(ctx) ;
u64 *fp = (u64 *)PT_REGS_FP(ctx);
data.a = di;
data.b = si;
data.IPAddr = (u64 *)PT_REGS_IP(ctx);
bpf_probe_read(&data.uninit_c, sizeof(data.uninit_c),
bp - 1);
bpf_probe_read(&data.t, sizeof(data.t),
bp - 2);
bpf_trace_printk("SPEN addr = %x\\n", PT_REGS_IP(ctx));
events.perf_submit(ctx, &data, sizeof(struct data_t));
return 0;
examples = """
./memleak -p $(pidof allocs)
Trace allocations and display a summary of "leaked" (outstanding)
allocations every 5 seconds
./memleak -p $(pidof allocs) -t
Trace allocations and display each individual allocator function call
./memleak -ap $(pidof allocs) 10
Trace allocations and display allocated addresses, sizes, and stacks
every 10 seconds for outstanding allocations
./memleak -c "./allocs"
Run the specified command and trace its allocations
Trace allocations in kernel mode and display a summary of outstanding
allocations every 5 seconds
./memleak -o 60000
Trace allocations in kernel mode and display a summary of outstanding
allocations that are at least one minute (60 seconds) old
./memleak -s 5
Trace roughly every 5th allocation, to reduce overhead
description = """
Trace outstanding memory allocations that weren't freed.
Supports both user-mode allocations made with libc functions and kernel-mode
allocations made with kmalloc/kmem_cache_alloc/get_free_pages and corresponding
memory release functions.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description,
parser.add_argument("-O", "--obj", type=str, default="c",
help="attach to allocator functions in the specified object")
args = parser.parse_args()
obj = args.obj
b = BPF(text=text)
b.attach_uprobe(name=obj, sym="foo", fn_name="test")
b.attach_uretprobe(name=obj, sym="foo", fn_name="test2")
class Data(ct.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("a", ct.c_int),
("b", ct.c_int),
("uninit_c", ct.c_int),
("t", ct.c_int),
("IPAddr", ct.c_longlong),
def print_event(cpu, data, size):
event = ct.cast(data, ct.POINTER(Data)).contents
print("a: %d, b: %d, uninit_c: %d, t: %d, ipaddress: %d" % (event.a, event.b, event.uninit_c, event.t, event.IPAddr))
# loop with callback to print_event
while 1:
> b.attach_uprobe(name=obj, sym="foo", fn_name="test")
> b.attach_uretprobe(name=obj, sym="foo", fn_name="test2")
> sudo python3 bpftest2.py -O /home/x213212/test3/test
因為普通沒加上偏移量就是對應到foo sym
如果要在foo 偏移位置點進行hook只要調整對應objdump 偏移量即可
這邊可以看到add 假設我要偏移到5f2則在偏移加上28偏移
必須要異動__init__.py 去攔截裡面的加載 sym function 對應obj的偏移量
> real address = base address + offset
> sudo stap uprobe_register.stp
這個腳本可以讓我在runtime的時候取得任意process 執行程式的加載process的虛擬記憶體位置,有這個後,我就可以根據這些去反推obj偏移和虛擬記憶體位置
probe kernel.function("uprobe_register"){
print ("uprobe_regeister is called\n")
probe kernel.function("__replace_page"){
printf ("_______________replace_page addr=%d\n", $addr)
printf ("_______________\n")
probe kernel.function("prepare_uprobe"){
printf ("prepare_uprobe vaddr=%d\n", $vaddr)
probe kernel.function("remove_breakpoint"){
printf ("remove_breakpoint\n")
probe kernel.function("unapply_uprobe"){
printf ("unapply_uprobe\n")
Cat /proc/{pid}/maps
推出位置後,可以去稍微看一下memleak 的位置
其實就是對應到maps的位置,偏移量也就是觸發hook fucntion後返回的address,到這邊其實就可以完成一個小型gdb。