# Onboarding Guide - Data Commons Pilot Phase Consortium ***Update Jan 2019*** ##### Please note: The Data Commons Pilot Phase Consortium (DCPPC) is currently on pause. Applicants filling out the onboarding form will not be processed at this time. ##### In the meantime, our public resources are available at: https://public.nihdatacommons.us/ -- Our public website http://nih-data-commons.us/use-case-library/ -- The DCPPC Use Case Library https://commonfund.nih.gov/commons -- The NIH Webpage about the DCPPC https://nihdatacommons.us/ -------------------- (May 2018) If you need help, or have any questions, please contact us at dcppc.inbox@gmail.com! This is where members of the [Data Commons Pilot Phase Consortium (DCPPC)](http://nihdatacommons.us/) should _start_ in order to gain access to all of the internal DCPPC materials. ## Start here: gaining access. First! Please fill out [this form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScg6X7Ce5PdP6EeEGWBAojt1Y6nn65FRKxvM8MqattL8ZnieQ/viewform); you will need to have [GitHub](http://www.github.com) and Google accounts already. (The information you fill out on the form is used to give you access to our GitHub, Slack, mailing lists, and Google Drive.) We will then send you an invitation to the GitHub organization, and add you to to the Google Group "dcppc-everyone" and add you to the mailing list platform at groups.io. The dcppc-everyone Google group is used exclusively to confer access to the Google docs collection (bit.ly/commons-docs). All communications occur through Slack and through Groups.io. Next! Once you receive access via GitHub, follow the links below to find the onboarding instructions specific to your role. ## ...once you have access: (You will have access to the pages below via your GitHub account, after you accept the GitHub invitation.) [Start with the Consortium overview!](https://github.com/dcppc/organize/blob/master/onboarding/consortium-overview.md#the-data-commons-pilot-phase-consortium) Are you a member of a team funded by the "Other Transactions" mechanism? [Team member onboarding instructions are here!](https://github.com/dcppc/organize/blob/master/onboarding/onboarding-as-team-members.md) Are you part of the TopMed, GTEx, or AGR groups, or are you otherwise primarily interested in data? [Data Steward onboarding instructions are here!](https://github.com/dcppc/organize/blob/master/onboarding/onboarding-as-data-stewards.md) Are you NIH staff? NIH staff onboarding instructions are not yet written, but coming soon!