![](https://i.imgur.com/zgDD7qA.png) --- # C.S. Club Board Positions & Responsibilities ## President - Provides leadership and direction to the club organization; - Understands and adheres to the Office of Student Leadership & Activities Student Organization & Advisor Handbook; - Presides at meetings of the club and oversees the activities of board of directors; - Coordinates club activities through the board of directors; - Submits the Returning Student Organization form each academic year. - #### Requirements: - Must have spent at least 2 semesters as a DSU student and as a CS/IT major by the time the term begins. - GPA Minimum: 2.75 ## Vice President - Presides at meetings in the absence of the president; - Plans, coordinates, and recruits committees/individuals to manage talks and programs; - Coordinates programs with the president and the board of directors; - Ensures strong leadership succession by identifying and recruiting new club members; - Provides mentorship to new officers. - #### Requirements: - Must have spent at least 2 semesters as a DSU student and as a CS/IT major by the time the term begins. - GPA Minimum: 2.75 ## Treasurer - Oversees finances and keeps accurate records of the transactions made by the CS Club; - Submits budgets for events to the appropriate authority; - Performs other such financial duties as the Board, Membership and Constitution may specify. - #### Requirements: - GPA Minimum: 2.75 ## Events Coordinator - Responsible for planning, running and advertising non-regular club events; - Coordinates with relevant organizations during the planning process for joint events; - Secures any necessary sponsorship for events; - Maintains a list of events and statistics throughout the year to be presented at the end of the year. - May appoint an assistant, subject to approval of the President. - #### Requirements: - GPA Minimum: 2.75 ## Corresponding Secretary - Works closely with the Recording Secretary to send out notices and announcements on behalf of the Board; - Acts as a point of contact to other members of the Delaware State University community and to the public; - Maintains a database or directory of active members; - Keeps the Advisor informed as necessary. - #### Requirements: - GPA Minimum: 2.75 ## Recording Secretary - Maintains an official record of all Board and General meeting; - Informs officers of deadlines for reports, mailings, future commitments; - Keeps a record of the Constitution to provide information or a copy upon request. - #### Requirements: - GPA Minimum: 2.75 ## Miss & Mister Computer Science - Represents the CS Club at at the Coronation ceremony during homecoming. - Represents the CS Club in the Student Senate and attends meetings. - Attends board meetings and can vote on matters concerning the CS Club. - #### Requirements: - GPA Minimum: 2.75 # Non-Elected Positions There are some positions that are appointed by the board after rather than elected by the entire club. These positions are important to the smooth facilitation of the CS Clubs online presence. Those who hold these positions are expected to attend the weekly board meeting, and while their input is still valued, do not have the same voting priviledges as elected board members. The only requirement to be considered for these positions is that you have a minimumum 2.0 GPA. - ## Social Media Manager - Responsible for managing the CS Club's Instagram account and any other social media presence that might arise. - This position reports directly to the Events Coordinator and indirectly to the President. - ## Discord Server Moderator (2 Positions) - Responsible for moderating the CS Club's Discord server, ensuring that students can join without issues, and that the rules of the server are being followed at all times. - This position reports directly to the President. ###### tags: `Administrative` `Board`