Thor's assorted Zero Knowledge Paper and Blog Notes
A collection of zero knowledge cryptography papers and other resources Thor has annotated. Thor will try to organize his paper reading notes here by category, where possible.
To view this as a book, click the **share button** and change **View mode** to **Book Mode** and press preview. Consider bookmarking this page for easy access.
Workflow: Thor annotates a paper (probably read in Zotero), taking notes in Obsidian. Then Thor pushes [via Hackmd Sync]( to Obsidian, and manually updates this file with the new notes.
General ZK
- [paper-SoK zk range proofs](/zsjTB_PnQI66Sckxxl3g-w)
- [paper-Doubly-efficient zkSNARKs without trusted setup (Hyrax)](/De3COSxzQs-ZcdN2rjQdzQ)
- [paper-PlonK: Permutations over Lagrange-bases for Oecumenical Noninteractive arguments of Knowledge](/B1B_YkiCRc2AkLrUccvUOg)
- [blog-On the number of column openings in Ligero](/CJ0yKZPjSGypntcXb2tPvQ)
- [paper-Brakedown linear time and field agnostic SNARKs for r1cs](/5PY2uf8iQJuom_y1TxD5bA)
- [AHIV17-Ligero Lightweight Sublinear Arguments Without a Trusted Setup](/ZK7qVInpQZGLejly_GOhcQ)
Multilinear SNARKs
- [paper-Spartan: efficient and general purpose zkSnarks without trusted setup](/gKhVbsU1RDu03G5gywi51w)
- [algorithm-sumcheck](/XSz7ljQ7Tm2yOtjhCck3zA)
- [paper-Plonkup reconciling plonk with plookup](/aCC8--M0QkaoRCkX6w0RzA)
Misc techniques
- [paper-naysayer-proofs](/g5EO5ljCRoGLr0SQL9ct9g)
- [paper-Nova: Recursive ZK Arguments from Folding Schemes](/TPgc_29rRA-XtKs3TEB2LA)
- [paper-HyperNova Recursive arguments for customizable constraint systems](/tD094g7mRSKkjOCM9VGgXg)
- [paper-protostar Generic Efficient Accumulation/Folding for Special Sound Protocols](/ihGUj2nbRIWUweXDkVK3sQ)
- [paper-FLI: Folding Lookup Instances](
- [paper-Scalable, transparent, and post-quantum secure computational integrity (STARKs)](/eqN3S2HcSlqbqCBXO1DUjA)
Elliptic Curves
- [paper-Twisted Edwards Curves](/Ht6O0d0nRqm-Iq3O27ZmsQ)
- [paper-Zero Knowledge Middleboxes](/BQkfkD5MSe231bnAMfXACw)
Multi Party Computation
Oblivious transfer
- [paper-laconic ot](/_BLX5d2dRFGL3Y5DAmbkfw)
- [algorithm-Oblivous transfer](/kGO8XamnSQaQflXUDNu_mw)
TLS oracles
- [paper-Janus Fast Privacy-Preserving Data Provenance For TLS](/c3NTWDDhTfSiPSBokFwNAg)
- [paper-Origo proving provenance of sensitive data](/jsRFD1IORCGveQlzRBwwnA)
- [paper-distefano](/vbJ_ADWUQnqp3h896ovIxQ)
- [tls notary nov 2024](/T96qeaTKTP-tzu7Sfi-PYA)
- [paper-proxying is enough: Security of Proxying in TLS Oracles and AEAD Context Unforgeability](
- [paper-DECO by chainlink](
- [paper-Reclaim network](
- [paper-VOLE in the head](
{"title":"Thor's Zero Knowledge Paper and Blog Notes","description":"To view this as a book, click the green share button and change View mode to Book Mode and press preview. Consider bookmarking this page for easy access.","contributors":"[{\"id\":\"162ece21-b3a5-4917-af7b-f806049edf82\",\"add\":3520,\"del\":476}]"}
Thor's assorted Zero Knowledge Paper and Blog Notes