# v5.1 **Version** 5.1-prod-stable **Launch Window** 12/03/21 [8:30am - 10am] **PST** **Maintenance Window** 12/03/21 [9am] **PST** **Branch** https://github.com/88dots/project-aperion/tree/v5.1 **Tag** https://github.com/88dots/project-aperion/releases/tag/v5.1 **Binary Build Job** : https://buildkite.com/cpg/godfall/builds/7301#_ **API Build Job** : https://buildkite.com/cpg/godfall/builds/7328#_ **GameLift Build Job** : https://buildkite.com/cpg/godfall/builds/7325#_ - [x] [**API**] Build prod-stable API - [x] [**GAMELIFT**] Deploy prod-stable fleets - [x] [**GAMELIFT**] Scale fleets to production capacity - [x] [**GAMELIFT**] Validate v5.1 queue (us-west-2) - [x] [**GAMELIFT**] Validate v5.1 flexmatch (us-west-2) - [x] rules deployed: [rules](https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/home?region=us-west-2#/r/matchmaking-rule-sets) - [x] configuration deployed: [configs](https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/home?region=us-west-2#/r/matchmaking-configurations) - [x] gamesessionqueue sns confirmed: [sessions](https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/sns/v3/home?region=us-west-2#/topic/arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:380965341619:ap-gamelift-gamesessionqueue-prod-stable-3-3-56) - [x] flexmatch sns confirmed: [sns](https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/sns/v3/home?region=us-west-2#/topic/arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:380965341619:ap-gamelift-flexmatch-prod-stable-3-3-56) - [x] [**STATUS**] Enable maintenance mode (wait ~ 15 minutes) - [x] [**API**] Deploy prod-stable API - [x] [**API**] Adjust the scale of api2 HPA: - [x] Min 12 - [x] Max 24 - [x] [**STATUS**] Make prod-stable API live - [x] [**EGS**] Copy `CarpStaging` patch to live `Carp` - [x] [**EGS**] Mark `Carp` live - [x] [**STEAM**] Mark default patch live - [x] [**PS4**] Patch scheduled live 8am PST - [x] [**PS5**] Patch scheduled live 8am PST - [x] [**STATUS**] Validate version check flag - [x] [**STATUS**] Lift maintenance mode - [x] [**API**] Scale down prior revision - [x] [**GAMELIFT**] Scale down old fleets - [x] [**SENTRY**] Flush all errors in Sentry - [x] [**GITHUB**] Tag v5.1 release - [x] https://github.com/88dots/project-aperion/releases/tag/v5.1.23 ### Release Notes - # Deployment API Hash - https://ap-api2.stable.prod.project-aperion.net/v1/info ### 5.0.118 pre-deploy ``` {"release":"023a6d844d680711023429977626016797e8d867","env":"prod"} ``` ### 5.1 post-deploy ``` {"release":"e24832407e5e4fcee6d36a5c24069c08aea2ed9f","env":"prod"} ``` # Gamelift Fleet Check - [x] **us-west-1** - [x] **us-west-2** - [x] **us-east-1** - [x] **us-east-2** - [x] **ca-central-1** - [x] **eu-central-1** - [x] **eu-west-1** - [x] **ap-northeast-1** - [x] **ap-southeast-1** - [x] **ap-southeast-2** - [x] **Queue Validation** - [x] **Flexmatch Validation** ### Fleet Capacity Table `ap-cli> ./bin/run gx:list-fleets --environment prod --channel stable --version 4.1 --printCapacityTable` ``` ``` ### Queue Destinations `ap-cli> ./bin/run gx:list-queues --environment prod --channel stable --version 4.1 --printJson` ``` ``` # EGS BuildPatchTool #### Copy Step ``` BuildPatchTool.exe\ -ClientId="$EGS_CLIENT_ID"\ -ClientSecret="$EGS_CLIENT_SECRET"\ -OrganizationId="$EGS_ORGANIZATION_ID"\ -ProductId="$EGS_PRODUCT_ID"\ -mode=CopyBinary\ -BuildVersion="4.1-prod-stable"\ -DestArtifactId="CarpStaging"\ -SourceArtifactId="Carp" ``` #### Label Live Step ``` BuildPatchTool.exe\ -ClientId="$EGS_CLIENT_ID"\ -ClientSecret="$EGS_CLIENT_SECRET"\ -OrganizationId="$EGS_ORGANIZATION_ID"\ -ProductId="$EGS_PRODUCT_ID"\ -Mode=LabelBuild\ -Label="Live"\ -Platform="Windows"\ -BuildVersion="4.1-prod-stable"\ -ArtifactId="Carp" ```