講者注意事項 ==== 1. 會場投影機為 VGA 頭,請攜帶必要的轉接工具 2. 投影片尺寸比通常採用 4:3 或 16:9,不過在 101 或 201 教室的夥伴可考慮採用寬螢幕的尺寸(4:3 也可以啦)。又,建議上下各留 15% 左右,避免視線阻擋。 3. 大會當天,請持您的專屬 QRCode 至會場一樓的講者報到區領取 badge 與您的 Polo 衫。參與兩段以上議程的講者,仍只會拿到一組報到用 QRCode,請勿擔心 4. 講者晚宴資訊如下: * 時間: 2017/8/4 18:30 ~ 21:00 * 地點: 西門意舍 * https://www.amba-hotels.com/tc/ximending/destination/directions * https://imgur.com/a/SUx6o * 請找您的社群議程聯繫人或現場 COSCUP 工作人員報到(如需「請勿拍照」貼紙,亦可向報到人員索取) * 未先登記的出席者將收取 TWD 2000 元餐費,亦可能被拒絕入場,還請海涵 * 如遇台北市政府宣告停班之天災,則晚宴將取消 ---- 1. The projector is only support VGA, please bring the adaptor for your laptop. 2. For the aspect ratio of your slides, 4:3 or 16:9 are usually good. **But** if you are going to give your talk at Room 101 or 201, we’ll suggest using a resolution for widescreen (4:3 is okay thou.) Also, it would be great to leave a 15% top / bottom padding for your slides. 3. You can get your badge and Polo Shirt at the registration desk for speakers. (1st floor.) Speakers who have 2+ sessions will still get only one QRCode for registration. 4. Information about the Speakers' Dinner Party: * Date / Time: 18:30-21:00 Aug 4, 2017 (UTC+8) * Venue: amba Ximending * https://www.amba-hotels.com/en/ximending/destination/directions * https://imgur.com/a/SUx6o * When you arrive, please find your Community Room contact (who send this to you) or COSCUP staff to check-in and get your name tag (and "no picture" sticker, if you need.) * You need to pre-registration for the Dinner Party, we might not be able to take registration on site (even we could, you will be charge TWD 2,000 per person for on-site registration.) * If the Taipei City Government make an announcement about suspending work due to Typhoon or other reasons on Aug 4th, we will cancel the dinner party.