10:00 ~ 10:30
- [探索 OpenTelemetry Auto-Instrumentation 在 .NET 的核心技術 - Marcus](/@coscup/SybuBfOKC)
10:40 ~ 11:10
- [Updating a SwiftUI App to Use the Composable Architecture - 鄭宇哲](/@coscup/HywtrGdYC)
11:20 ~ 11:50
- [Let's build Llama 3: Source code explained from scratch - John Lu](/@coscup/BJ65BGuFR)
12:00 ~ 12:30
- [如何抽取出 XZ 後門的惡意程式酬載 - 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin)](/@coscup/B1MhrGOKA)
12:50 ~ 13:20
- [How LangServe Works and Its Source Code - Ko Ko](/@coscup/S1d6SGuYR)
13:30 ~ 14:00
- [Entering SIMD Programming with Real-World Examples: A Code-Driven Journey - 葉家郡](/@coscup/HyT0SMdtR)
14:10 ~ 14:40
- [How the Gemini protocol works - minimalist and modern document transport protocol - Martin Chang](/@coscup/Syfg8fuKC)
14:50 ~ 15:20
- [How to Write Video Plugins: Expand the Power of Open Source Programmatic Video Manipulating Tools - Hsueh-Tsung Kuo](/@coscup/S1wZLzOF0)
15:30 ~ 16:00
- [『自己的源碼自己寫』- 從停車場計費器看測試與架構設計 - Kuma Syu](/@coscup/S16f8M_tA)
10:00 ~ 10:30
10:40 ~ 11:10
11:20 ~ 11:50
12:00 ~ 12:30
12:50 ~ 13:20
13:30 ~ 14:00
14:10 ~ 14:40
14:50 ~ 15:20
15:30 ~ 16:00