# commons.garden roadmap
## Phases
- v2:
- relationships between objects
- needs
- close the loop on needs: needs themselves have their own page, potential volunteers can pick a ticket or announce a generic pledge to commons.garden
- empower facilitators to interview and document
## V2
For now we have original site plus an incomplete v2. This is what we need so V2 becomes official
### Category matching ([from exercise](https://hackmd.io/@mixmix/rywE-3P1T/edit))
for each category object, we should:
1. match json with diagram exercise
2. rewrite `/partials/status.hml` to match
3. rewrite articles frontmatter
4. brainstorm other articles we need on category
- [ ] spec
- [ ] organization
- [ ] gardener
- [ ] initiative
- [ ] manual (internal?)
- [ ] about
JSON for non-category objects
- [ ] status
- [ ] display (hidden, public, draft)
- [ ] need
- [ ] scope
- [ ] license
- [ ] ?
## Articles to write
[Follow this list](https://hackmd.io/@commonsgarden/to-write)... It doesn't need to be all of them, but we need to prioritize.
### Implementation shadow category
- [ ] pending, discuss here
### Redesign
- [ ] diff colors for manual and about
- [x] [convert figma file](https://www.figma.com/file/gvuhr08lQVERI4i4oWxuHB/commons.garden-site?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=qOIcr8e0BGfpR3Z7-1) into HTML/CSS
- [x] font families (montagu?)
- [ ] removed .woff does it brerak anything in older browsers?
- [x] review bootstrap
- [x] popover, onhover
- [x] collapse
- [x] collapse mid-text?
- [x] categories have colors:
- organization: blue
- person: yellow
- spec: pink
- initiative: green
- about: grey
- [ ] design favicons
- [x] accordion instead of dropdown (mobile-friendly)
- [ ] design opengraph (per category? per site?)
- [x] smaller screen design
- [ ] design each need (with icons/images)
- [ ] index page design (discuss messaging)
- [ ] category list page design
- [ ] no dead ends navigation (how?)
### Rewiring
- [ ] list public articles of public categories on first page (without using "category" frontmatter, from folder alone)
- [ ] list only public articles on list.html (without using "category" frontmatter, from folder alone)
## Subjects to discuss
### Training new gardeners
- [ ] definition of proper training
- [ ] who can educate others?
- [ ] how to prevent bottlenecks? how to prevent dilution?
- [ ] how do we know we're doing a good job, what's the definition of success?
- [ ] how do we announce this phase to others for humbleness, help, accountability?
### Admin
- [ ] legal fiction, NGO
- [ ] review [open collective](https://opencollective.com/commons-garden)
### Publish for non techies
A content-only permission that allows authors to:
- add page (from template)
- edit page
- edit frontmatter criteria (required always on, optional on a menu)
- edit frontmatter values (limiting choices with autosuggest)
System presents user with URL of changed objects, on commit.
## Future states
Not in order. we pick up what's more fun or important to have.
### Subpages
- [ ] page template checks if slug has also a folder and:
- [ ] lists all public pages within folder, into a table of content
- [ ] date order? alphabetical order?
- [ ] folder pages point to original page or somehow repeat table of content, with context
- [ ] next, previous navigation loop?
- [ ] subgroups should not be listed on list.html (or should their own way? we need at least a new template or condition)
- [ ] policy for subpages (more lenient? )
- [ ] tutorial on how to create, maintain subpages
- [ ] smaller screen navigation
### Documentation for gardeners
- [ ] surface object json as tutorials
- [ ] wire thru list type to other object tutorials
- [ ] create an article template for them to start with
### Automated article check
- [ ] gitlab report that checks existing articles with object json
- [ ] required error
- [ ] format error
- [ ] not on list error (connected objects: even hybrid?)
- [ ] show as an ongoing TODO, with issues cleared at each run
- [ ] list who did what, showing somehow to person page
### Slide template
possibility to turn articles into a presentation-ready slide.
- [ ] slide order:
- title
- history
- description
- pages (how to separate?)
- frontmatter badges
- needs (with actionables)
- credits (people)
- [ ] how to trigger? Maybe if condition is found, reader can trigger?
- [ ] how to present to reader?
### Tech debt, discuss
- [ ] redirect policy (if permalink is broken)
- [ ] [mermaid diagrams](https://gohugo.io/content-management/diagrams/)
### History graph
Website is a snapshot of the latest update, but we do have the git commits in the open.
A way to integrate Hugo content with its older versions, maybe a timeline of updates (gitlab updates a json file on build) where user is pointed to the markdown file.
Or if we wanna get fancy, a comparison tool in pare showing what's added, removed by sho and when (we need to connect gardener with gitlab user for that).
This way volunteers can compare what changed since last time they checked, to stay in the loop.
- [ ] review `/partial/history` notes
### Show-and-tell
- [ ] event category
- [ ] a concept of phases? leads, accepted, scheduled, etc.
- [ ] past/upcoming
- [ ] podcast?
- [ ] .ics (how to automate)
- [ ] show time in local area
- [ ] social media
- [ ] mastodon
- [ ] youtube?
### Glossary
List of names and terms that need more epxlanation, that can be seen with popover or glossary list
- [ ] discuss what we want for glossary
- [ ] how to automate so every time someone writes term, it's transformed?
- [ ] glossary vs context (can it be universal?)
- [ ] term + synonyms + deprecated (use this one instead and why)