# Literature Contest Rule Book :scroll: Literature Contest is an English Day event where students can compete their literary writings. This event is repeated once every month with each event having different theme and type of literature. :::info **Details about the current event** Theme: What Do We Need For This Year Type of Literature: Three Paragraph Short Story Click here to see the rules: [General Rules](#Rules) & [Three Paragraph Short Story Rules](#Three-Paragraph-Short-Story) **Notice:** 2023-02-09 : We have raised the prize, [click here for more details](#Awards-) ::: ## General Rules & Guides :pushpin: ### Eligibility This contest is open to every students of SMK Telkom Malang and has no entry fee. ### Rules Here's some rules that all participants must follow: - Submission must be original and unpublished. - Submission must be written in English. - Submission must not contain pornography, _SARA_, hate speech, or other illicit things. - Submission must fit the event theme that has been set by the committee. - The writing should have proper grammar and punctuation, and correct spelling. (Slight deviation is tolerated) Failure to follow the rules above may result in disqualification. ### Formatting All writings should follow this formatting: - Page Dimension: A4 - Font Family: Times New Roman - Font Size: 12pt - Line Spacing: 1.5 - Margin: 3cm on all sides - File Format: `.pdf`, `.docx`, `.odt` - File Naming: `Title_ShortStoryCLC2022.pdf` Please provide your name and class inside of the document. ### Literature-Type-Specific Rules #### Poem - The poem must have at least 4 stanza (bait). - Each stanza must have at least 2 lines. #### Three Paragraph Short Story - The story must not exceed 1000 words. - The story must have at least 200 words. - The story must have 3 paragraphs. ## Dates :calendar: Submission Phase: 1 February 2023 until 6 February 2023 Polling Phase: 7 February 2023 until 8 February 2023 Winner Announcement: 9 February 2023 ## Phases :bookmark_tabs: ### Submission Phase In this phase, the submission form will be opened for all participants to submit their works. ### Polling Phase In this phase the submission form will be closed and the accumulated works will be collated in one graphical board and then shared to Instagram so everyone can see and vote. The votes will be taken from the amount of likes each works has in the instagram post. ### Winner Announcement In this phase the winners will be announced on social media. Their name and the title of their artwork will be displayed. #### Judging Each works will be judged and graded by the jury. The final score will take into account the votes that it has. ## Awards :trophy: Transfer Method: Dana :first_place_medal: 1st Place: Trophy + Certificate :second_place_medal: 2nd Place: Trophy + Certificate :third_place_medal: 3rd Place: Trophy + Certificate <sup>*Winners will get a whatsapp notice.</sup> ## Links :link: [Submission Form](https://bit.ly/CLCSubmission) [Feedback Form](https://forms.gle/74sPU1jpZZ58Sddo6) ## Contacts :telephone_receiver: [Feina](https://wa.me/6287859711813) [Nayla](https://wa.me/6281358960997) ## Postscript ### FAQ (WIP)