# 2i2c + Berkeley
[James Colliander](https://colliand.com)
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/q7LgVB1.png" alt="2i2c logo" width ="180" align="left">
Berkeley Tech Strategy Meeting
slides: [bit.ly/2i2c-progress](https://bit.ly/2i2c-progress)
1. Berkeley is unique
2. 2i2c progress
3. What's next?
4. Berkeley + 2i2c?
# Berkeley is unique.
Raise your hand if you've worked for 5+ years at another university.
### [History of Cal](https://bancroft.berkeley.edu/CalHistory/brief-history.2.html)
### Features
+ Faculty-led university: [Budget Committee](https://academic-senate.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/introduction_to_the_budget_committee_0.pdf); Faculty Senate
+ [Collegial governance](https://academic-senate.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/shared_gov_pp_jd_sharedgov_198_1.pdf) $\leftrightarrow$ Academic freedom
+ Grows its own instead of buying its talent
+ Berkeley mission is a **call to public service**
Berkeley's success grows within this unique context.
# Progress
axisFormat %Y-%m
title 2i2c Timeline
section What's next?
TOPS : 2023-01-01, 2023-11-19
Partnerships? : 2022-01-15, 2023-11-19
alpha product/pricing : 2021-11-01, 2022-06-30
First sales revenue : 2021-10-01, 2d
section Creation
CSS: 2021-09-30, 2023-11-19
Initial Team : 2020-11-19, 2023-11-19
CZI awards $1.4M : 2020-11-19, 2023-11-19
Hello World! : 2020-11-07, 3d
ICSI : 2020-08-15, 2021-09-29
Director Holdgraf : 2020-06-07, 2d
Founder's MoU : 2020-06-07, 2d
section Consultation
Skydeck Presentation : 2020-02-25, 2d
MSDSE Presentation :2019-11-07 , 2d
Jupyter Blog Post : 2019-08-22, 2d
### [37 pilot hubs](https://infrastructure.2i2c.org/en/latest/reference/hubs.html)
+ nonprofits
+ universities
+ institutes
+ liberal arts colleges
+ community colleges
+ California initiative
+ Cloudbank collaboration
+ word-of-mouth demand
# What's next?
### Pricing Rationale
+ $250K/engineer, salary + benefits + admin
+ 20 hubs-per-engineer
+ fraction of an FTE vs. cost to self-host
+ values-based mission alignment
### Alpha offering
| Hub Type | fee/month | fee-with-dedicated-cluster/month |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| Education | $1,000 | $1,500 |
| Research | $1,500 | $2,250 |
| Partnership | Let's talk! | Let's talk! |
### Partnerships?
What will these look like?
[Transform to Open Science (TOPS)](https://science.nasa.gov/open-science/transform-to-open-science)
![TOPS logo](https://science.nasa.gov/science-pink/s3fs-public/styles/large/public/thumbnails/image/tops-logo.jpg?itok=qyLRAh4R)
### A new communications medium?
+ The web, so far, delivers remote reading of documents.
+ Jupyter ecosystem goes beyond the [DOM](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document_Object_Model).
+ Berkeley should define the new medium.
+ student + teacher relationship?
+ future of research publications?
+ data-informed citizens?
# Berkeley + 2i2c?
- [ ] Use 2i2c orchestration for Berkeley hubs
- [ ] Split FTEs
- [ ] Help define partnership; template MoU
- [ ] Anchor communities of practice
# Thank you!
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