# How Much And What Process Does Coffee Go Through From Seed To Cup? What are the procedures for coffee fruit to become a real cup of coffee? When the coffee tree finally grows many red fruits, there is still a long way to go before you can drink the fragrant coffee. ## Recovery Take the coffee fruit off the tree. Just this step, there are different requirements: The roughest method is to harvest the tree branches by machine. The very rough fruit is picked by the current, and the immature, ripe, and over ripe fruits fall into the basket. The rougher ones are picked by shaking branches, and the fruits that fall off are ripe and over ripe. The most delicate is manual harvesting. The fruits picked have just the right maturity, but they can't be over ripe. [![Brew Better Daily Cup - Roaster Coffees](https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1615659412252-25aef364d405?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=855&q=80 "Brew Better Daily Cup - Roaster Coffees")](https://roastercoffees.com/) ## Remove Pulp And Peel There are three treatment methods: sun exposure, water washing, and half water washing. Solarization is the most traditional and cheapest coffee bean processing method The specific method is to put the picked coffee fruit on the ground, sweep it with a rake several times a day, and let the coffee beans dry evenly. When the coffee beans are dried (when the moisture content reaches 12%), the workers use the sheller to remove the pulp and peel, and the result is the raw coffee beans. The water washing method is to immerse the coffee fruit in a large water tank, and the ripe fruit will sink, while the immature or over ripe fruit will float on the water, so as to screen In addition, a series of processing steps are required to obtain raw beans. The specific method of half water washing is to dry the coffee fruit by the sun first, and then rinse off the pericarp and pulp with water Half washed coffee beans are always sticky, but their acidity and sweetness are quite good, and their aroma is also very charming. A free and easy caffeine calculator: https://roastercoffees.com/caffeine-calculator/, help you brew more healthy and delicious coffee at home. Raw coffee beans from different origins will be treated in different ways ## Choose ### Electronic Method The electronic method is to put beans into a funnel, drop them one by one, and the instrument emits X-rays. When unqualified beans are illuminated, the air-jet system will be started, and the beans will float to the garbage can. ### Artificial Method Manual selection, careful and dedicated selection of each coffee bean, is ingenuity and sincerity. There are four main methods for grading: Graded according to the size of coffee beans Coffee beans from the same origin must be large and full. This grading method is realized through the screen method. After layer by layer selection of different mesh sizes, coffee beans can be graded. ## Grading By Points Of Defective Beans The method is to randomly select 300g samples and put them on black paper. Different defects correspond to different points. Finally, the grade is determined according to the accumulated defect scores. The highest grade is Ny2 and the lowest grade is ny8. ## Highly Graded By Origin The higher the altitude, the better quality of the coffee . ### Other Classification Methods Kona coffee beans in Hawaii are divided into two categories: type1 and type2. Type1 is a flat bean and type2 is a round bean. Under the two levels, it is divided into several levels according to the size and the number of defective beans. ### Roasting After completing the first four steps, we will become green coffee beans. We also need to turn the green beans into mature beans, which requires roasting. The main methods are machine and manual. Different beans need different roasting methods to reflect their characteristics. For example, the medium-dark roasting can better express the bitterness of Manning Another example is Guatemalan coffee. Medium and light roasting can reveal its sour and sweet taste. Baking equipment carefully controls roasting time and temperature. ### Grind Grind the cooked beans into coffee powder with a grinder. Different appliances have different requirements for the size of coffee powder. Adjust the stage of the grinder to grind coffee powder of different sizes. ### Brewing Use a siphon pot, French filter press pot, coffee machine, or Mocha pot to extract coffee. Until the aroma diffuses around you, take a sip and feel the mellow aroma of coffee beans. If you want to brew better at home, you can visit [roastercoffees.com](https://roastercoffees.com/) to get more about coffee.