# CR Website visitor goals :::info These points is currently one persons brain dump Enjoy with care and please add your own points! ::: ## What people visit our website and what do they wanna know? - Learners -> Next workshop dates, lesson material - Instructors -> Next workshop dates, lesson material - People that heard about the project from colleagues -> What is it about, workshop dates, lesson materials, getting involved - People that want to bring their own classroom -> Next workshop dates, how to bring their own classroom - People that heard about the workshop, but cannot join at the workshop dates -> self-learning ready materials, next workshop dates - potential funders/new organizations -> state of the project, impact - People that like the project and would like to share information with their peers -> Short info text about the project, ambassador program ## What information is currently hard to find? - Roadmap - Ambassador program (behind "join", which is not quite the right place, as they do not want to join but support) - that we have self learning ready and reusable materials ## Necessary starting page content - [ ] Upcoming workshops - [ ] Short info text about the project - [ ] Available self-learning materials - [ ] Ambassador - [ ] How to support - [ ] News (blogs, social media) ## Possible needs - Support page; similar to "join" maybe replacing join page, telling how people/organizations can support the project, this could maybe even include the tasks page?