--- tags: meeting note --- # CodeRefinery team meeting and community calls :::info - Date: **Every Monday**, 14-14:30 CEST / 15-15:30 EEST - Co-working sessions: same day, 15 CEST, same Zoom link - Invited: Everybody welcome - This document: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/team-meeting - Zoom connection details: https://cscfi.zoom.us/j/66165768646 - To-Do list: https://coderefinery.org/tasks/ - New people onboarding: https://coderefinery.github.io/manuals/onboarding/ ::: ## 2024-10-21 - Python for scientific computing Nov 5-7 - Bring your own code session Oct 22 and 29 - To be discussed later at co-work: ideas on how to better manage and follow-up on support@coderefinery.org (follow-up not meaning answering but how to close issues) - GitLab service future: looking good but documents still to be written and signed but it looks like DK might be able to continue running this in-kind ## 2024-09-30 - Let's collect topics for topical meetings rest of this year - the role of AI: tools, ethics (what can be good to use, what to avoid) - GPU computing - discussing/exploring which cloud instances we could use/recommend to run workshops when local installation fails or is not possible/desired - Co-work session later today: RB has steering group meeting at the same time - Oct 22 bring-your-code session - Oct 22 (at same time as BYOC): request from ENCCS for one person to present CodeRefinery for 5-10 mins and then join a discussion as part of "HPC training ecosystem discussion in Europe" (contact/co-organizer: Thor) - Oct 22, 14:00 - 16:00 - JH is interested - We have now a short slidedeck (thanks to SW!): https://coderefinery.org/about/presentations/ - We should start scheduling 2025 workshops. ## 2024-09-23 - publishing participation data - registration data - live participation data - both needs to go on the website - writing down lessons learned - we need to remove workload from one person for streaming/recording/postprocessing - summarize lessons learned in a blog post - starting from chat (there is a thread on it) - how people can help: write down one or two bullet points in the chat - bring your own code sessions - until when to keep exercise repositories up - DI: I specified November 1st in the email to participants - workshop website template: backporting changes - chat digest: RB will send soon, was too busy ```quote Team meeting summary 2024-09-23 We are post-processing the recent online workshop. Next steps will be to write a short blog post on lessons learned and to document all improvements into manuals, issues, and templates, so that we have this knowledge available next time we run such an event. Today we also discussed that the more senior instructors can in future focus more on mentoring new instructors. Train-the-trainer workshop could happen "in passing" while we onboard and mentor. ``` ## 2024-09-16 - pre-check for the streaming tomorrow - Enrico will be streaming from CS dept - Bjorn and Hossein for thursday automatted testing - All ready for this week - Build course, those interested we meet on Monday ## 2024-09-09 CodeRefinery workshop planning - open to-dos and roles for the workshop starting tomorrow? Add names - Planning doc: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/2024-sep-ws-planning - Communication with participants: practical info sent just before 11:00 CEST; not sure if someone registered after - all info also in registration confirmation e-mail - Notes manager/preparer/archiver: - Samantha week 1 - Radovan week 2 - Thu (but cannot Tue or Wed) - Björn week 2 - Support for answering questions in notes: - Aalto people - Aurelie? -> SW asks - SW to ask in chat about subtitle fixing of recording - Daily outro: - RD + instructors - Day 6 outro: - RD - Documentation: Ashwin & Jarno :heavy_check_mark: - Jupyter: Diana & Jarno :heavy_check_mark: - Day 3: - collaborative exercise: stream pauses during exercise sessions - instructor guide includes some hints - Communications from last workshop? - emails sent after every day? - at least one email before day 3 - AOB - UiT zoom will stop working Oct 1. Anybody can create a semi-eternal room and update this page here? - how I created the room previously: recurrent event but no specific time so it worked any time of the day and year - CSC will host - allow anyone to share screen - no waiting time - SW will update link in this doc :heavy_check_mark: - Build systems course - 50 registration - 14 Finland - one group for hackathon - support session FI: 0 registrations - 23.10 open for anyone to join - Dhanya will emphasize for norwegian participants - social media outreach to be done ## 2024-09-02 CodeRefinery workshop planning - fill remaining instructor slots for September workshop and confirm that current instructors names are fine so we can publish them on workshop website - installation instruction updates - lesson issues - communication planning - emails and social media - let SW know what help is needed - https://github.com/coderefinery/2024-09-10-workshop/pull/13 - RD is ready to do tech management as normal, and teach day 1 (and other days) - In general rushing to prepare for tomorrow. ## 2024-08-26 CodeRefinery workshop planning - upcoming workshops - planning doc for tools workshop: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/2024-sep-ws-planning - train the trainer - computational thinking slides coming later today - teaching philosophies all ok - co-teaching all ok - teaching gems: suggest your topic here: https://github.com/coderefinery/train-the-trainer/issues/90 - session 4: - help wanted: Björn - chat on wednesday - co-teachers - new trainers? - CR calendar - RB will add onboarding and install sessions + check schedule - advertisements - BYOClassroom advertisements: https://coderefinery.org/blog/bring-your-own-classroom/ - Social media intro to lessons? - Newsletter & ambassadors - draft: co-working - onboarding (who needs, communication lead?) - SW ask from Enrico in chat - Quality assurance, trainers - feedback - co-teaching - questions - collaborative teaching materials - assessment: no final exam, no direct contact personal checks, - CR: "take what you need" and share forward - Could have more directed polls? - no capacity/connection to do the assessment -> up to local organizers - installation instructions - all instructors: please check "your sessions" on installation instructions, all up to date? all versions correct? please also look into issues for "your" lesson repositories. social media summary (RB will post): ``` Team meeting summary 2024-08-26 This was a coordination meeting preparing for the train-the-trainer sessions 3 (tomorrow) and 4 (next week), and our tools workshop starting in two weeks. It's still possible to register and still possible to join as volunteer/helper/co-instructor. ``` ## 2024-08-19 CodeRefinery Workshop planning - Upcoming workshops - Current state of tools workshop planning - Burning open issues ; update Mon evening: all done :heavy_check_mark: - Publish BYOC blog: https://github.com/coderefinery/coderefinery.org/pull/887 - BYOC advertizement drafting: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/BYOC_blog ## 2024-08-12 CodeRefinery ambassadors - Introduction round - Name - My community - Optional: What connects you to CodeRefinery? - Optional: Would you like to be more involved in the project? - Check in: How is your day going? [Emoji list](https://github.com/ikatyang/emoji-cheat-sheet) - SW: :tornado: :question: - RB: :man-running: :clock1: :slightly_smiling_face: - RD: :pencil: - MvV: :man-running: :musical_keyboard: - YW: :train: :pencil2: - AA: - Nordic Neuromorphs | NorN with its Journal Club is a community initiative by ENCCS and KTH Neuromorphic group. Join us on the Nordic Neuromorphs | NorN Discord server, either via the app or in your browser: [link](https://discord.com/invite/ufJv8WsSpx) Would you like to present something from your research during the next JC – contact anastasiia.andriievska@ri.se [NorN group within EuroCC on EBRAINS subcommunity](https://community.ebrains.eu/_communities/-NemfZoebXqhRakOzyx3/feed/-NfpbRb_OLNtBiFrZPtJ) - [EuroCC Subcommunity on EBRAINS](https://community.ebrains.eu/_communities/-NVYhvggnIIaNJyiWXSe/about) - [SQS](https://swedishquantumsociety.vercel.app/https://swedishquantumsociety.vercel.app/) - DP :file_folder: :books: - MT :headphones: :desktop_computer: (nordic-RSE: https://nordic-rse.org/about/membership/) - Short intro: What's the CodeRefinery ambassador program? - https://coderefinery.github.io/manuals/ambassadors/ - https://coderefinery.org/join/individuals/#coderefinery-ambassador - What we can offer: - A chance to influence the future of the project - Visibility in social media and/or on our webpage - [Ambassador newsletter](https://postit.csc.fi/sympa/subscribe/coderefinery-ambassadors/) - Support for organizing local events or other activities - Collecting needs and wishes of ambassadors, Open Q&A, Feedback, Suggestions - Funding: - Pairing up with doctoral programs? - ERASMUS (staff exchange) - https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/opportunities/opportunities-for-individuals/staff-training/higher-education-staff-training - RD: It seems like it mostly funds travel cost. I would be happy to receve people at Aalto and help them teach with us, but there is no significant in-person interaction to come to. - European Open Science Cloud - Co-teaching as knowledge exchange program - Group learning about documentation? - Documentation lesson: https://coderefinery.github.io/documentation/ - Mini workshop with a documentation segment: https://coderefinery.github.io/mini-workshop/2/documentation/ - Share workshop poster - Events - [Next online CR workshop](https://coderefinery.github.io/2024-09-10-workshop/): 10.-12.9 + 17.-19.9.24 - Co-instructors and bring your own classroom - [Gothenburg CR workshop](https://coderefinery.github.io/2024-08-27-gothenburg/): Aug. 27-29 - [Train-the-trainer](https://coderefinery.github.io/train-the-trainer/): Four Tuesdays August 10 - September 3 - [Build systems training](https://www.kth.se/form/build-systems-course-and-hackathon-part-i): Oct - CodeRefinery meetings every Mon 14 CEST - Co-working sessions every Mon 15 CEST - Want stickers/iron-on sheets? Write your e-mail address and we'll contact you: - Matteo matteo.tomasini@lir.gu.se (stickers!) - Björn bjorn.claremar@uppmax.uu.se - Thor Wikfeldt <thor.wikfeldt@ri.se> and cc: "Anastasiia Andriievska" <anastasiia.andriievska@ri.se> and "Yonglei Wang" <yonglei@nsc.liu.se> – I think we would like all the options, but please email us further. Note from Thor: I would like to buy a CR t-shirt, but the project can't absorb money :sweat_smile: - We have iron-on sheets with the logo in different to make your own T-shirt :) - ... -> We will send out stickers etc during September :) - Ambassadors to website - Raphaela Heil (Uppsala, Sweden), raphaela.m.heil@gmail.com (without affiliation for now) - Ding He, dinghe@biosustain.dtu.dk (Technical Univeristy of Denmark, Denmark) - Yonglei Wang, yonglei@nsc.liu.se Contact CodeRefinery: Zulip chat (https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/) or support@coderefinery.org Social media summary: ``` Today we met with the CodeRefinery ambassadors, got some feedback on what could be possible funding sources for the future and what would be needed for more effective ambassador work. Thank you! - We will take them into account and share results with you in the future. If YOU are missing some information about the project or our workshops, please let us know in comments :) ``` ## 2024-08-05 CodeRefinery workshops Check in: How is your day going? Emoji list: https://github.com/ikatyang/emoji-cheat-sheet - Samantha: :tornado: - Johan :sunny: - Radovan :mountain: of :hammer_and_wrench: - Richard: :runner: (busy with stuff after vacations are done) - Bjørn :-) - Sabry - Raul: :hot_face: quite warm today in NL - Diana: :woman_scientist: catching up with work after vacation Agenda and notes: - Intro for new people :sunflower: - Upcoming workshops summary - Train the trainer - Preparations in progress: https://github.com/coderefinery/train-the-trainer/issues - RD: my only hard prep is the streaming stuff. Not hard to do but someone could take a look once it's done and see if it's reproducible. - Short workshop at PDC summer school (in-person, Stockholm) - September online workshop - Planning: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/2024-sep-ws-planning - RD: what can be splitted out to others: install instructions check, - Gothenburg - Planning: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/2024-aug-gbg-ws-planning - Build systems course and hackathon - Planning: https://kth-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/hellsvik_ug_kth_se/EdyGmC4VmkxPvx5-9Aedv0sBqU14yoakbR5VI6t5sLUtAQ - Open up online support session on 23.10 for "all" - Let SW know if you want to join as expert :) - RB can join - Possible application to NeIC for a phase 4 - We can present a proposal to NeIC either during a NeIC workshop mid September (proposal draft would have to be ready by Sep 5 or 6), or for a possible open call around December. Everything very tentative. But if we (and our organizations) want to apply for this, we can start drafting. - Open questions, discussions, open tasks Social media summary: ``` Team meeting summary 2024-08-05 It's the first meeting after a summer break and we updated all of us about upcoming workshops and events and there are many: https://coderefinery.org/#news Our train-the-trainer workshop series already starts next week! Lots to do still but also lots to look forward to. ``` ## 2024-06-17 CodeRefinery get-together ### Everybody shares one work-related "win of the year" from their 2024 so far? What does "win of the year" mean? - some good moment from your work - some success story, small or large - does not have to be CodeRefinery related ### Summary of all things going on in CodeRefinery - Train-the-trainer workshop series: August 13, 20, 27, and September 3 - CodeRefinery workshop August 27-29, onsite in Gothenburg - CodeRefinery workshop in September 10-12 and 17-19 - Build systems course and hackathon October 8-11 and 15-17, lead by PDC/KTH Stockholm - Smaller training events next to summer schools (European Light Field Imaging Workshop in Sozopol Bulgaria, 25 – 27 June 2024 and PDC summer school 2024 on Aug 19) - Post-workshop survey blog-post - Chat reorganization - Weekly chat digest - Ambassador program: https://coderefinery.github.io/manuals/ambassadors/ - Citable lessons: Blog post in preparation together with Carpentries - Weekly co-working sessions - [Project board](https://github.com/orgs/coderefinery/projects/7) - Governance - GitLab future ### Social media summary ``` Team meeting summary 2024-06-17 This was our last topical weekly meeting before the summer break but we will continue our weekly co-working sessions every Monday throughout July. We concluded the first half of 2024 by sharing small or large success stories from our non-CodeRefinery work which was a fun way to learn what our colleagues are working on: really interesting projects. See you in August at our train-the-trainer workshop! Happy (northern hemisphere) mid-summer! ``` ### We restart again in August --- ## 2024-06-10 CodeRefinery in half a day - What should be in there if you only had half a day? - to be tested at https://elfi2024.eu/ - take modular code live demo and develop that further - grow a tiny project into something larger - containerize it - turning it into a workflow - choice of license - put it on github? doing the first commit in the terminal/editor might be easier to follow than on github. - cheatsheet - publishing - exercises could be: - talking about topics/questions - during discussion sessions, more experienced participants could share their experiences with their groups - if we take lessons that we have as starting point: - intro to git - collaborative git - social coding - Instructor training - CodeRefinery train the trainer in Aug/Sep plan: - 13.8 Episode 1: Lesson template and development, post-workshop survey (aka the source for main changes) - 20.8 Episode 2: A typical CodeRefinery workshop: overview, installation, onboarding, roles, helpers, co-teaching, screenshare, sound, collaborative doc - 27.8 Episode 3: Teaching philosophies, computational thinking (NEW!), personal teaching gems (NEW!) - 3.9 Episode 4: Streaming, video editing - EuroCC Best practices in HPC training in Oct (2 days between: 21.-23.10) - targeting EuroCC network: NCCs and CoEs - participants: ~30 - materials based on last year --- ## 2024-06-03 The future of the CodeRefinery project or "in-person retreat wrapup" - Welcome and introduction - Current funding situation - Mostly in-kind. 0.9 FTE funded by NeIC until Feb 2025 for project management and community management. - GitLab services funded by NeIC and operated by DeiC. - CodeRefinery after Feb 2025 - Externally funded or in-kind? - Initially: in-kind as now but our consortium should and will apply both towards national and international funding calls. - - Project or organization? - Team prefers: project and to recommend Digital Research Academy to those requests that our project cannot serve. NordForsk prefers: project. - RB will register a company (different name) so that we can invoice workshops on demand where the requestor wants to pay and the project cannot accept it or does not have resources. All output generated by that company will go back to CR open source. - Draft for a governance - https://github.com/coderefinery/coderefinery.org/pull/857 - What will happen with this document? - Collect feedback from steering group next week - Start a working group to iterate it towards a v1.0 to become our strategy and governance for 2025. - "Will my organization participate after Feb 2025?" - The question we should ask: What is the strategy and what are the priorities for your organization? What is needed from CR to align CR's strategy and priorities better? - Future of the GitLab service - In discussion with DeiC about securing a follow-up. - RB's goal is to decouple this service from CodeRefinery. - Workshop formats: Large online workshops or small in-person events? - Both! - There is interest in both and the project wants to support you in the workshop format that YOU are interested in. - Blog post draft: https://github.com/coderefinery/coderefinery.org/pull/832 - RD: material should be made suitable for both and both formats encouraged/supported. - Other blog posts from the Tromso week: - https://coderefinery.org/blog/ Summary social media post: ``` (write me) ``` --- ## 2024-05-27 The CodeRefinery chat - a home for the community or "Zulip chat cleanup" ;) - Discuss merge and split of channels (previously called streams) - Default channels for new members - Start Zulip guide with tips and tricks collection Document and starting point for this work: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/chat_cleanup Social media summary: > In todays meeting we discussed our community Zulip chat and how we could make it more welcoming/easy to use. > In the upcoming weeks we will update the default and optional channels to fit the community better. Stay tuned and join us: https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com ## Project meeting at NeiC conference (in-person only) at 14.30 CEST Other notes here: https://hackmd.io/VMpeN632Sli-or3kmzEfOQ Open topics to discuss (round table): - project board - acknowledging people - website updates - report writing preparation - governance - current partners need to see that document - new partners will want to know - CR in half a day (4 events upcoming) - what can be done to prepare for the workshop - Future of CodeRefinery - what happens to website - who stays involved - GitLab - Bring your own code sessions and project oriented lessons - workshop - grow more - keep twice a year large workshop - other smaller things? - partner onboarding ### Outreach - Think about target audience for workshop outreach - Nordics mainly (not currently working there, so before going on, make it work better in Nordics) - Europe (timezone), + we already have partners - Aalto and NAISS works well - Wish for specific roles, who does what - copy-pasteable texts for workshop outreach -> project board (clear tasks, timing, urgency, assignees) - Workshop outreach - what is needed to make this a small task - List of places to send emails to (!) - country, organizations, people - preferably with email addresses - > Starting point exists (RB) - Page with text about the workshop - workshop page has long/short - maybe one page in less words? - 3 templates (easy scaling later): - who are we? context? not-for-profit, audience, support by X (eg Aalto in Finland) - course description, course updates - for recurring situations (FYI: CR workshop coming up again on XX) - Info on ECTS - Template for the outreach email ### Website updates: - NEWS section: when is next workshop, link to newsletter as long as there is no workshop page - How and why to join chat - Newsletter - "used/supported by" - to make the website look legit - New column? (to have this info visible on top of page): How to contact us/get in touch - also our sponsors/collaborators "used by" - technically: no problem! - Maybe not extra column but this content should go somewhere, lets experiment - Pictures with words instead of lots of text: https://digital-research.academy/ - longer term updates, not now "putting out fires" - RSHour: RB will update the page - Could Nordic-RSE take over, to get more people involved? - assigment for upcoming topics - Needs main coordinator/administration! - Goal is to low barrier invite people for shows > Push directly for uncontroversial content things :) - Feedback from NL: make it easier to embed CR in their curriculum - Make possible to have own registration - Make possible to have own ECTS scheme - For us during workshop: Be aware: For some people our workshop might be part of a bigger thing - Current hurdle? - we have already removed many hurdles - no bigger ones ## 2024-05-20 no meeting ## 2024-05-13 CodeRefinery Ambassador program - Introduction round - Name - Community connections - What connects you to CodeRefinery - Would you like to be more involved in the project? - Ambassadors to website - Raphaela Heil (Uppsala, Sweden), raphaela.m.heil@gmail.com (without affiliation for now) - Short intro: What's the CodeRefinery ambassador program? - https://coderefinery.github.io/manuals/ambassadors/ - https://coderefinery.org/join/individuals/#coderefinery-ambassador - Collecting needs and wishes of ambassadors - Events - Next workshop: 10.-12.9 + 17.-19.9.24 - Train-the-trainer: August/Sep - Co-working sessions: Starting end of May, probably Monday afternoon - Want more ambassador calls? - What we can offer: - A chance to influence the future of the project - Visibility in social media and on our webpage - Weekly community news - Support for organizing local events or other activities Social media summary: > We held our first CodeRefinery ambassador call today and discussed the starting program and how we could support ambassadors. First was to provide motivations with our changes to lesson material, so that one could link to it. And another one was the idea of having a poster about the project/workshops that could be put up in organizations. We'll work on that! We'll soon also update our [community page](https://coderefinery.org/about/contributors/), where you can then also find our Ambassadors. Want to be mentioned there? Join our chat and let us know in #general > CodeRefinery ambassador ; also if you have any more suggestions on how we can support you do your thing. ## 2024-05-06 Autumn CodeRefinery workshop - Introductions - previous role (if applicable) - interested in ... - Format - last workshop - week 1 lecture + exercise mix - week 2 lecture + demo only - previous workshops - both weeks: lectures + exercise mix - next workshop: - keep same as last workshop (week 1: mix; week 2: demo) - encourage "bring your own code" and garage sessions, bring your own classroom - Dates - other related training: Train-the-trainer: August/September 2024 - 10.-12.9 & 17.-19.9 - these are the dates - Roles - Are all role descriptions up to date? - https://coderefinery.github.io/manuals/roles-overview/ - (Learner) - (Team leader) - Instructor - RD - BL - JH - SR - DP.. - .. - (Expert helper) → old role involved breakout rooms, now more about answering questions in notes - RD - DP - AV - (HackMD manager) → "Notes Manager" - BL - Host - RD - Director - RD - Broadcaster - RD - Registration coordinators - EG - Instructor coordinators - EG - Outreach and marketing coordinators - EG - DP - Team lead/exercise coordinators - EG - AV - (Video editor) - RD - Lesson update needs? -> Co-working times? - after team meetings? - try-out co-working time - Reaching out to find partners/local hosts - direct email - own eventpage -> get mention on webpage ("partnership status") - manual page for in-person room - EuroCC, etc ### AOB - Shall we set a deadline for reviewing the Tromsø-in-person event contributions to CR web. - topical meeting Social media summary: > #CodeRefinery team meeting 2024 May 6: Today's topic was the next CodeRefinery #workshop. We have coordAinators, so it's a go. Dates will be 10.-12.9 & 17.-19.9.2024, we will stick to the same format as the last one. This time we want to especially emphasize the connection to universities/groups to collaborate with us, advertise the workshop or have their audience attend, and provide local support afterwards. Join us: https://coderefinery.org/join/ > > Upcoming tasks: create workshop webpage, refine our role descriptions so that others can take part and lesson material updates. ## 2024-04-29 Train-the-trainer discussion :::warning Notes from this meeting moved to: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/community_teaching ::: - AOB - Could Radovan explain a little about governanace document - I will schedule meetings and involve those who raised interest but I did not have time. April was so busy. But the meetings won't happen before June since also May is full. But it's not forgotten. Starting point is the blog post from the Tromso session. - From Norwegian Ai Cloud side (Buket that Radovan met) is preparing a proposal as well. in summary we would allocate 50K Nok to be paid to CR, what we ask in return is not clear yet. - > CR meeting in June Social media summary: We brainstormed the content for a CodeRefinery train-the-trainer training ("what makes our training special?"), decided that we'll pilot a spread out training on four tuesdays in August & September. We also discussed the learning objectives and target audience, and collected a first set of instructors. Get involved on our zulip chat: CodeRefinery stream > community teaching (instructor training) ## 2024-04-22 - In-person meeting summary reports have been published as [blogposts](https://coderefinery.org/blog/), any comments or questions? - Any action points that should be moved to the task board? - citable lessons - working group to move the governance draft forward - summary for social media - one at a time few days apart - interaction possibility - A suggestion: "The CodeRefinery meeting of the future" - no information dissemination (use chat (and with that weekly summaries, which reaches people by email too)) - topical; topics owned by the community - task forces where needed/identified - open and accessible for all - facilitated discussion - output, action points - rather less often? - split time between maintenance and topical? - possible topics: - planning train the trainer event (29.4) - planning next autumn workshop (6.5) - focus on a particular lesson - progress report from citable lessons and help needed - project governance - outreach - .. - .. - week in advance topic suggestion - we would announce a topic one week in advance - Social media summary ``` Team meeting summary 2024-04-22 We have a couple of new blog posts and will highlight them in separate social media posts. And we have discussed "the CodeRefinery meeting of the future". Should we make them more topical and move information dissemination to chat and email digest? We will try it! Next Monday (Apr 29) we will work on planning the next train the trainer event. ``` ## 2024-04-15 - Task board in CodeRefinery GitHub organization: https://github.com/orgs/coderefinery/projects/7, add tasks, ask about tasks, assign yourself :) - ACM HPC special interest group education chapter has an "Educational Award For Outstanding Contribution to Computational Science Education" -> let's nominate @Radovan Bast for the CodeRefinery project. - info on award: https://sighpceducation.acm.org/events/award24_nominations/ - please help filling in (bullet points or texts): https://sighpceducation.acm.org/events/award24_nominations/ https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/acm_hpcsig_edu_nomiation - Datefinding for CR workshop and train the trainer: https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/135843-workshops/topic/Fall.202024.20workshops.2C.20courses.2C.20conferences -> please add your dates - Reminder to prepare CR in-person meeting summaries; help needed? - TTT4HPC course starts tomorrow - https://scicomp.aalto.fi/training/scip/ttt4hpc-2024/ - please add questions or points to discuss ## 2024-04-08 Community call **Topic: CodeRefinery community** Join us for a discussion about expectations, ideas, dreams and challenges in onboarding new people to the CodeRefinery community. Have any questions, you always wanted to ask about CodeRefinery? - bring them :) - The CodeRefinery project: https://coderefinery.org/ - Roles - Team (your organization provides you in-kind to the project; you join as volunteer; weekly meetings), - Workshop related: - Instructors (same as above + people that enjoy teaching with us and do so once in a while), - Helpers (Bring your own classroom), - Advertisement partners - Ambassadors - Anyone interested in the project - Talk about the project, workshops in your community - Materials: - Presentations: https://github.com/coderefinery/presentations - Posters: https://github.com/coderefinery/posters - Artwork: https://github.com/coderefinery/coderefinery-artwork - Proposals: https://github.com/coderefinery/reports-and-proposals - Stickers (ask us! We have some in stashed in many countries ;) ) - Local communities - Tasks - Task board in CodeRefinery GitHub organization: https://github.com/orgs/coderefinery/projects/7 - What should we change in outreach to attract more people to community calls? - email to mailing list - more personalized emails but do we want to keep track of a list? - Open questions/discussion - Social media summary ```quote Community call summary 2024-04-08 This was our first community call since some time. We have discussed ideas for an ambassador program where we can send stickers and t-shirts to those who promote the project and the workshop. The weekly chat digest is a success and we plan to open it for everybody who wishes to get weekly emails summarizing the community chat. We have a project board on GitHub! Now it is easier to find a starting point if you want to help and only have one hour time: https://coderefinery.org/tasks/ ``` TODO: - add picture of iron-on, sticker, embroidery once we have it; stickers: https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/215460-coderefinery/topic/t-shirts/near/431981255 - (RB) contact local organizers from last 1-2 workshops as part of workshop wrapup - email to mailing list inviting persons to contact us if they want to be ambassadors? -> newsletter? after 19th, (all) draft: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/newsletter_april24 - :heavy_checkmark: add how to contact us: chat (SW to add to coderefinery webpage) - :heavy_checkmark: open weekly news to everyone: https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/119813-announce/topic/Weekly.20chat.20summary - :heavy_checkmark: collect conference and workshop dates of partners -> to find date for fall workshop: https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/135843-workshops/topic/Fall.202024.20workshops.2C.20courses.2C.20conferences ## 2024-04-01 Easter Monday - no team meeting! Happy holidays everyone :rabbit2: Next week: Community call: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/community-call ## 2024-03-25 - Intro for new people :sunflower: - best way to start: https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/ - community calls with focus on new members. next: April 8 (same time as today) - https://coderefinery.org/tasks/ - https://coderefinery.github.io/manuals/onboarding/ - Next week no team meeting - https://github.com/coderefinery/calendar/commit/14fea70011bebefa71653246ac76eabc08dbe314 - Calendar instructions: https://coderefinery.org/calendars/ - Chat digest: how do you like it? Thanks to SW - link: https://postit.csc.fi/sympa/subscribe/coderefinery-team - Workshop - lessons learned: https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/316508-tools-workshop/topic/lessons.20learned - bring your own code sessions this and next week; anybody wants to join and unsure how/where? - zoom: https://uit.zoom.us/j/69332249732 - exercise repos will stay until May 1 (because of certificates) - Newsletter has moved to https://postit.csc.fi/sympa/subscribe/coderefinery - please subscribe (different from coderefinery-team!) - ~90 subscribers - RB emailed to all contacts from our old TinyLetter newsletter - Tromso meeting week follow-up - all session leads, please prepare a summary for the session that you were leading, ideally in the form of a blog post which does not have to be long - blog: https://github.com/coderefinery/coderefinery.org/tree/main/content/blog - Deadline? - April 15 - NeIC conference and NeIC all-hands meeting travel budget - If you would like to attend, there is now some extra travel budget; please ask RB for details - https://indico.neic.no/event/259/ - Please write to radovan.bast@uit.no - Social media summary ``` Team meeting summary 2024-03-25 We are post-processing the past two #CodeRefinery course weeks and look forward to bring-your-own-code sessions tomorrow and a week after! We have a new newsletter solution: https://coderefinery.org/about/newsletter/ ``` ## 2024-03-18 - CodeRefinery workshop - most important lessons learned from week 1? - [SR] I was following on twitch and the music is a nice touch. But felt the delay is little too long. - It will be nice to inform when the actual lesson starts. e.g.a timer - we used the "slide" feature - Is it possible to inclue some detail about where on the lsson we are. Technically should be possible but could be too much work for director - lesson change required to change what we ask for for certificates - what should we focus on for week 2? - Citable lessons - RB will restart on this after workshop, please reach out if you want to participate - Goal: use Zenodo API and GitHub Actions to upload pdf when creating lesson release - Post-workshop survey blog - work in progress, to be published soon - Governance as basis for future collaboration and funding applications - let's start a working group on this. if you are interested in joining, please reach out to RB (chat/email) - Sabry would like to join and will send a ping - Newsletter - RB will send out an email to all subscribers from the former mailing list - Please subscribe here: https://postit.csc.fi/sympa/subscribe/coderefinery - If you want to help out drafting email text, please see chat - The workflow lesson - not listed in https://coderefinery.org/workshops/upcoming/ - Social media summary Team meeting summary 2024-03-18 We discussed lessons learned from the first #CodeRefinery workshop week and what next steps to focus on for the second course week starting tomorrow. One thing to improve: indicate on course stream even clearer whether we are in a break or exercise session and when the stream will restart. ## 2024-03-11 - CodeRefinery workshop - any contributor missing on the event page? - https://coderefinery.github.io/2024-03-12-workshop/ - anybody who has time to help and does not know where/how? - go through git-intro lesson and open issues - who will help answering questions and is not listed on workshop webpage? - collaborative document: https://notes.coderefinery.org/workshop-2024-march - Please critically review: https://github.com/coderefinery/workshop-intro/pull/40 - Add icebreaker suggestions to be used during workshop: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/icebreakers - Each workshop day will be introduced by SW (except day 4, introduced by RD) - After workshop - each session lead from Tromso meeting, please write a short summary of your session - NeIC conference and all-hands meeting: who plans to go? - early-bird ends Mar 15 - SW no, only if have to. **Upcoming events and CR outreach (add your own!):** - Tuesday tools and techniques for HPC (TTT4HPC) collaborative workshop, organized by Enrico - [Dagstuhl seminar: Research Software Engineering: Bridging Knowledge Gaps](https://www.dagstuhl.de/seminars/seminar-calendar/seminar-details/24161) (SW) - SIGHPC Education chapter talk on CodeRefinery: 25.4 16 EET (RB, SW) - [PASC](https://pasc24.pasc-conference.org/) -> CodeRefinery poster (SW, looking for funding) - [ISC](https://www.isc-hpc.com/) -> No direct CR contribution, but some CR people have contributions in other forums - :heavy_check_mark: (bof116s1) HPC Outreach: Telling our Stories of HPC in Science (SW) - :heavy_check_mark: (bof120s1) Developing a Sustainable Future for HPC and RSE Skills: Training Pathways and Structures (SW) - :heavy_check_mark: [RSE in HPC - workshop](https://www.rse-hpc.org/) on "CodeRefinery: my gateway into RSE" (SW) Social media summary post: ``` Team meeting summary 2024-03-11 Workshop #CodeRefinery starts tomorrow and we are busy ironing out remaining issues and are looking forward to trying out our completely revised lesson material. You can still sign up, also just for a part: https://coderefinery.github.io/2024-03-12-workshop/ ``` ## 2024-03-04 **Tromsø meetup findings** - [Finance plan session summary](https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/finance-plan-ws-summary) - Onboarding session summary coming soon (SW says sorry for delay!) -> "helper" onboarding for the workshop happnening tomorrow and Thu, feel free to hang around :) - Event page: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/in-person-retreat-2024 - https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/finance-plan-ws-summary - We have summarized each topic to social media: https://fosstodon.org/@coderefinery - Follow-up: blog posts and lesson updates **Workshop preparation** - New install instructions: https://coderefinery.github.io/installation/ - How you can help: - Read them, try them - Give feedback - Take issues or add issues: https://github.com/coderefinery/installation/issues - Git lesson rewrite: RB will hopefully have something by Tue/Wed - On-boarding sessions **Steering group meeting** - Just before this team meeting - RB will give impressions and summary ## 2024-02-26 :::info Part of the team already in Tromsø, no team meeting ::: ## 2024-02-19 **CR poster** - :rotating_light: Feedback wanted: https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/user_uploads/4219/vupbOZYbHBGVtttvMHRHm84x/CodeRefinery_poster_physicsDays2024_draft.png - Little too much text for my liking - QR code for home page and/or email - Better to reduce number of colors and stay within CR palette **Chat digest** - :rotating_light: Please answer the polls: - https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/215460-coderefinery/topic/team.20meeting/near/421596962 - https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/215460-coderefinery/topic/team.20meeting/near/421597062 - useful not only for team but in the longer term also for social media and on-boarding new project members **workshop** - :mega: organization info event planning status - not an event, but a blogpost - planning happening here: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/org_info - :mega: instructor info event planning status - not an event, but a video recording/blogpost - planning happening here: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/instructor_info - :rotating_light: roles distribution - RB: instructor and registration coordinator - SW: onboarding prep support - RD: director, stream stuff, video production +1 - other roles: **teaching**, HackMD support, in person room hosts, etc - general host role for each day (3rd person on stream who is not teaching at that time) - JH: HackMD editor during days 1, 2, and 3 - indicate interest in Zulip or send PR to workshop website: https://github.com/coderefinery/2024-03-12-workshop - :mega: post-workshop survey (brief overview, blog post in preparation) **retreat** - :mega: Topics distributed: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/in-person-retreat-2024 - :mega: temproary channel for retreat related important discussion: https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/425463-CR-retreat ## 2024-02-12 - [Onboarding new people](https://coderefinery.github.io/manuals/onboarding/) - Which topic would you like to teach in march workshop? Or other role? - EG + SW: Reproducibility - RD: happy with all basic git stuff, or testing. Also doing stream stuff. - BL: git - DP: day3 (have to attend a mandatory 2-days meeting in week2 at my Uni). Happy to contrbute any lesson development - MJ: Can do Jupyter lesson 🎉 - JH: Could take other role(s), e.g. HedgeDoc editor for one of the two weeks - Two info meetings planned (TBD), one for potential new instructors, one for organizations - indicate interest in helping with either here: - RB - MJ: I created some how to join stuff at some point so maybe I have some input - RD: interested.. - DP : interested, but will confirm when the date is planned - Writing retreat agenda planning meeting on Tuesday 10-12 CET - same zoom as this one - What is your goal for the writing retreat (important info for agenda design)? - RD: How to support those doing outreach and community building. Git lesson redesign work. - RB: setting up a governance so that we have a basis for future decisions about name, account, funding, collaborations - RB: redesign first workshop week and basically combine git and github without command line lessons into one - MJ: Different models on how to do money in and out - what should be free-of-charge? Everything? - what could behing paywall to fund operations? Or can we go with other funding? - discuss about "CodeRefinery days" at different campuses, focusing on info (this time not a training event) - New tasks list in progress (github project board): https://github.com/orgs/coderefinery/projects/7 - Ideas about whether and how to provide the bring-your-own code sessions? - last time we probably did not describe it enough - different communities of supporters could work together and coordinate this better - Mastodon toot about this meeting: ``` Our March 12-21 workshop is coming near! Mostly we are preparing for that in various forms, for example distributing lessons, outreach, re-organizing git lesson. If you want to get involved, now is the time! Let us know via XXX. Also planning for the future: The team will meet soon in Tromsö to discuss the future of the project. Any suggestions? -> Let us know! ``` ## 2024-02-05 - Early plans for a Build Systems Hackathon, autumn 2024 - Online with lectures and tutorials - Onsite with hackathon projects - Target audience: users? or support staff? - software developers for particular software - level? basic or intermediate or advanced? - intermediate - Tentative dates are online Tue 8 Oct – Thu 10 Oct, half days 9 - 12, followed by onsite KTH campus Tue 15 Oct – Thu 17 Oct, 9 - 16. - please re-add the calendar invite (problem with the last one was that it started in 2023 so it went for all year every day; but I did not catch this problem as reviewer) - meeting with [DRA](https://digital-research.academy/) tomorrow; goal? - suggestion: discuss what CR / DRA currently is and where we want to go to find synergies? - RB: +1. One thing I will suggest that we can forward requests from potential "clients" to them if we cannot provide the requested training ourselves. In other words: cooperation, not competition. Also happy to share and collaborate on any training material if helpful. - MJ: Present some CR future ideas and see if we can we find synergies (other than sharing material) eg. operation. What if CR people join DRA? - how to join? - ask SW, but there should maybe not be too many of us since there is only one Heidi - Any feedback on workshop survey before sending it out? - https://nettskjema.no/a/post-workshop-survey - RB: I might add the "prize question" (add your email if you want to win tshirt/stickers) but I am unsure whether I have resources to really follow up. Already pre- and post-processing this will take lots of my time. - we add that: N random people will get stickers from us. Only ask for email address. This will be de-coupled from rest of data. - In-person meeting Tromso - https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/in-person-retreat-2024 - input on agenda? - allocate more time for CR future - parallelize: some people might not be interested in governance so offer something in parallel - questions? - action point on RB and MJ: organize a meeting before the in-person meeting where we prepare for the future-governance plan - March workshop - questions? - website and registration "soon" (just could not find the time yet) - Nordic RSE conference (in-person) happens in Helsinki, right after NeIC conference ## 2023-01-29 - topical monthly community calls were requested - yes please also from me but it will require volunteering - Could be planned in in-person meeting? - more social media presence - yes please also from me - both of above, need dedicated volunteer - check again in in-person meeting? - unclear what it is/will be about - first workshop week: please help me deciding whether we should move it to web interface - i can then do most of the work - for beginners easier to follow - advanced: does not make sense to do everything on web - 2nd & 3rd day could switch from web to CLI (if wanted) - class could use web, instructions could also be provided for CLI - dedicated meeting for previous teachers + interested people? - please read https://coderefinery.org/blog/2024/01/24/project-future-concept-board/ (I need to make small fixes) - nice summary - important: what now, what comes from this? -> in-person meeting - from factilitation training POV: - next pick some of the most important ideas and start collecting solutions in a similar facilitated workshop - any ideas where CR mailing list can move to? I have one more month to do that. - no ideas, what are requirements? - has indico been used? was there a problem with that? - university/partner list? - Tool that Heidi Seibold is using? ConvertKit? might not be free? - Moosend, HubSpot, Constant Contact, Mailchimp, Brevo (formerly Sendinblue), Campaign Monitor, AWeber, GetResponse, MailJet - No experience on any of these - CR poster at [Physics Day '24 - Uni Helsinki](https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/physics-days-2024/programme) (abstract DL 31.1), Aurelie (CSC) could present, help for abstract appreciated, someone interested and have time? -> https://github.com/coderefinery/reports-and-proposals/tree/Physics_day/conference_abstracts - Fosstodon meeting summary: - Meeting summary 29.jan: Should we have more topical community calls where we especially invite others to join? (though all our meetings are open anyway) Discussion on how to present week one of the course, all web or should we keep the CLI? We need to move our mailing list. Where to? Do you know: Who provides a good mailing list service? ## 2023-01-22 - meeting tomorrow (Tue) about CodeRefinery future - in-person meeting in Tromso: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/in-person-retreat-2024 - March workshop - registration makes more clear that week 1 and week 2 are different - week 2: focus on demos and exercise traversal, not so much on making the groups "work" - encourage support for week 2 - infographics needed to make the registration easier/clearer - schedule a dedicated meeting to work on it - Fosstodon meeting summary - Meeting summary: Quick one, mostly preparing for "coderefinery future" tomorrow, in-person writing retreat, and the workshop. For the spring workshop, most likely: We focus on week 1 (git). Week 2 will happen if we have enough (new) partners get involved to make it possible (yes, looking at you!). And make it more clear that week 2 is very different than week 1, so prepare differently. ## 2023-01-15 - In-person planning event: Feb 26 - Mar 1, in Tromso - Practical info being added here: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/in-person-retreat-2024 - Video-meeting about CR future: Tue Jan 23, 10-11 CET; RB will add to CR calendar - Spring workshop - 12-14.march for the first week - this much is very likely. - Big questions: - git week starts from the command line or from web? - starting with new repo or from existing? - one + one week or we keep the two weeks? - develop it so that it can be delivered separately - if we want to keep the bring-your-classroom and want to engage helpers, we need to make week 2 more engaging - if we decouple weeks, also decouple install help - command line is concepts that apply to everything - week one: more branch design - Polls to write to chat: - adding a) web b) vscode c) nothing - remark: the web part is already partially there as alternative, not in all episodes but in many - reordering a) clone-first b) git init first (like it is now) - the second week: a) keep it but make more exercises b) organise it separately in some format - OR: edit the registration include some expectation management + separate :heavy_check_mark: for each week - Summary fosstodon post: - In-person meetup confirmed 26Feb-01Mar. Next week we have a special meeting about CodeRefinery future. (Let us know if you want to take part in either of these.) Spring workshop still on track, week 1 is most certaintly 12-14Mar. We'll revise week 1's git material to better match what people do these days, and somehow improve week 2 to better reflect the intrinsic difference in how it's taught. ## 2023-01-08 - In-person event - https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/in-person-retreat-2024 - Feb 26 - Mar 1 ? - RB suggestion: let's meet in Tromso? - easier for people to arrive and leave with more flexibility (2-4 overnights depending on preference) - renting a cabin makes transport more complicated if not everybody arrives and departs at the same time (cabins are sometimes 1-2 hours car ride away) - we are too small of a group to be alone in one of the standard places around Tromso so we anyway would have to share with other people - meeting rooms at university are "free" - there is a lot we can do outside and in town, more than if we are out in a cabin away from town - plenty of hiking and skiing and renting gear opportunities - we could do one of the dinners at RB's place - Workflow course dates are set - Tu 16.4, 23.4, 7.5, 14.5 - Post-workshop survey to go out this week - Please test it: https://nettskjema.no/a/post-workshop-survey (all responses will be wiped before it is sent to participants) - Workshop planning - RB's thoughts: - tending towards two events (Git and rest) since there is more interest for Git and it would make requirements clearer - start on web instead of command line - more puzzle-type (something like advent of code) but without creating barriers - try to make it more fun for staff to participate (we seem to have diminishing interest from organizations about in-kind) - record puzzle/exercise solutions and use them for marketing the event on social media - RD's thoughts: - Use existing week 1 dates for git, the rest... week by week? week 2? - we can improve our async learning (videos, writing, guide) and call that a MOOC, even without much more work. Maybe even tell people to watch that first? - Most important question: do we use the reserved dates? - TUD will this spring try own workshop based on CR material in MOOC format - CR relation to other organizations/projects doing similar things (Carpentries, Better Scientific Software, INTERSECT, Digital Research Academy) -> focussed facilitated meeting to find CR team wishes? - RB will schedule 1-1 discussions with all team and steering group to hear about what is important for you and what the project should focus on for you and for your organization - Staff changes - Fosstodon summary - #CodeRefinery team meeting summary: Planning in-person meeting (likely in Tromsø, 26.feb-1.mar) where we will work on material and on project future. Planning upcoming workshop - perhaps separate week 1 (git) from week 2 (repro research) more? Thinking of ways for outsiders to be able to request and fund dedicated workshops. If any of these appeal to you, get in touch. ## 2023-12-11 - Lessons learned blog post: https://github.com/coderefinery/coderefinery.org/pull/812 - please read, suggest/edit - Post-workshop survey: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/sep2023-post-ws-survey - please read, suggest/edit - In-person writing retreat 2024 - please indicate your interest: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/in-person-retreat-2024 - Project mid-term presentation to NeIC board (Dec 15) - https://cicero.xyz/v3/remark/0.14.0/github.com/coderefinery/presentations/main/2023-neic-board.md/ - 5 min presentation, 5 min discussion - ISC proposals - probably BoF proposal with BSSW, InterSect, and UNIVERSE-HPC; RSE-related - for other proposals that are CodeRefinery related, let us share them on chat and also here: https://github.com/coderefinery/reports-and-proposals - Next up - Citable lessons - GitLab survey and future Team meeting summary 2023-12-11 We are working on workshop/tutorial/BoF proposals for 2024. Very soon we will publish our lessons learned from our September workshop as a blog post. After new year we will send out a post-workshop survey to all 2022 and 2023 participants and we are fine-tuning it until then. ## 2023-12-04 - RB restarted planning writing retreat - please indicate your interest inside https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/in-person-retreat-2024 - RB working on lessons learned blog post, draft hopefully ready today or tomorrow - After blog post: work on citable lessons - New idea: ISC 2024 tutorial: instructor training based on ENCCS instructor training Mastodon post: With conference deadlines approaching the CodeRefinery team is preparing abstracts to spread the word about teaching practices and material development. Apart from the High Performance Computing world, Which forum should we share our experiences to? ## 2023-11-27 - MJ: Just a question that I wanted to ask: - Let's say CR can do whatever and however we want to... What is it that You want to (or don't want to) do for CR? - RB: great question. I plan to schedule 1-1 calls with all team and stakeholders and partners and ask almost exactly that :-). What I want to do for CR in 2024 is proposal writing and making it a motivating place to work and contribute to. I still believe in the in-kind model. - RD: Get a group of people at organizations to keep co-teaching like we have been (mass communication) - this is where I would focus. Organizations can work on their own small-group support/teaching. Another non-profit can support customized teaching (the more I read the more I am interested in working with DRA). - CR becomes a center of excellence where different sub-groups can come together and make things happen? Example: https://www.uib.no/en/bjerknes - TP: I'm sometimes wondering whether we should, after the big overview courses, offer specialised "topic" lectures, where sessions get expanded (maybe a 3 hour course on a topic if interest for the topic was high enough in the course) - Workflows course - https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/workflowsdevday - Ask Enrico to accept title of "workshop lead" and push it forward. - SciComp/HPC Kickstart course - 4-6 June 2024, afternoons. A lot like before. - Summary toot for Fosstodon: - "Let's say #CodeRefinery can do whatever and however we want to... What is it that you want to (or don't want to) do for CR?" - we discussed this question. And we discussed a #WorkflowsCourse for 2024 (practical examples from us, of everything put together) - anyone want to help prepare this? ## 2023-11-20 * next workshop * no consensus about format etc * MOOC * how to keep track of numbers? * progress tracking good * Isn't CR already a MOOC? yes, maybe * framework/platform should not be too constraining with format * so that all bits and pieces going into the MOOC can also be re-used outside of it * Greetings from SC * CR part of RSE in HPC workshop * SW in panel on mentoring and training * RSH part of "Scientific Software and the People Who Make It Happen: Building Communities of Practice" * RB had lightning talk on RSH * SW co-organized pathfinding in HPC training BoF * news to come * CR had meeting with INTERSECT, BSSW, Europe-HPC (I think it was called, will check and update) * HPC Carpentries asked everyone to contribute back when using their materials Weekly post: Team meeting summary 2023-11-20: We are waiting for more of the team to be back from vacation, but there were many good ideas about our future from the #SuperComputing conference last week. We have good materials, but need to figure out how to best use and share them in the future. #CodeRefinery ## 2023-11-13 - Decide dates for 2024 CR workshops - Spring - FI: school holiday 19Feb-23Feb (+ two later weeks in northern regions) - SE: school holiday 19Feb-23Feb, 26Feb-1Mar - Oslo: 19-23 Feb, Norland: 27feb-3mar, TromsOgFM: 6feb-10feb - Autumn - FI: not yet decided, likely in november: https://www.hel.fi/en/childhood-and-education/school-term-dates-and-holidays - so **12-14mar and 19-21mar** are candidate dates - Reserve these dates and second week (and first?) might be extended to a one-lesson-per-week format. - Workflows course dates? - Enrico is on it. - Can we use it? - - CR formats? - Is CodeRefinery a MOOC already? - RD hasn't used the Aalto mycourses (moodle) system much - Aplus is developed in CS at Aalto https://apluslms.github.io/ https://plus.cs.aalto.fi/CS-E4004/2020/ - Who's interested in making this a MOOC? - How does making a MOOC contribute to the sustainability? Needs a sustainability plan. - Does giving credits unlock any funding for us? We'd have to be part of a university then somehow. - EuroHPC masters? - Or moving it onto a commercial MOOC platform? But then we lose academic audience/non-profit status. And may have difficulties managing the conflict of interest with our current employers. - Talk to SR Summary social media post: CodeRefinery meeting summary 13 Nov 2023: Looking at holiday dates, we think 12-14 and 19-21 March 2024 might work. Not confirmed yet, and we might change the format (for example one lesson per weeek). When talking about a long-term plan, we were wondering if the public MOOC platforms might provide a sustainable funding source (not changing materials being primarily open-source, of course). Second social media post [note: make the poll multi-select by clicking on the bullet point]: What do you think of the current CodeRefinery livestream format? (public materials, public periodic livestreams for teaching + exercise sessions, public video archives). What could be added to this? Please reply with other thoughts and ideas not listed below. - [ ] Everything is mostly good as it is - [ ] Add MOOC platform for exercises and certificates - [ ] Split the livestream into different lessons in different weeks - [ ] Focus more on in-person interaction ## 2023-11-06 - How can we avoid course overlap in future? - own spreadsheet? - or a blog post where we share dates? - I think some sort of authorative blog post that points to where we are scheduling is good anyway. "If you want to not conflict with our community, see here." - or one of the many emerging training portals - https://www.eurocc-access.eu/services/training/ - https://hpc-portal.eu - https://coderefinery.github.io/calendar/ - We can promote our calender by some minimum standards: standards of openness, fitting together, etc. - Discussing format: MOOC vs "normal workshop" - we thought that it would be important to allow project participants to shape different versions of CodeRefinery - is CodeRefinery a team? or a brand? or both? - https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/cr_ws_future - https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/cr-future-ideas - (decide dates moved to next week) - Decide dates for 2024 instructor training - Focus areas for RB: - document what we have done - lessons learned blog post - citable lessons - report about presentations - report about participation statistics - mid-term report - reflect about format - https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/cr_ws_future - reflect about future of the project - https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/cr-future-ideas - in-person meeting planning - https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/in-person-retreat-2024 - Chairing next team calls (RB will be at conference and then vacation) Summary tweet: Today, we talked just a bit about #PythonForSciComp starting tomorrow (follow @SciCompAalto@fosstodon.org) and then had a very long discussion about what we'd like for CodeRefinery for the future: MOOCs? In-person? YouTuber/Streamer? We'd have people interested in all of these and what unifies us is the material. If you are interested in using CodeRefinery material for any of these, get in touch and join our upcoming meetings. #coderefinery ## 2023-10-30 - citable lessons: few people meet on Wednesday about it, you can join - lessons learned blog-post: RB will start writing tomorrow afternoon after a meeting with TU Delft on this topic - focus for next months: sustainability plans and workshop format - ENCCS instructor training: https://enccs.github.io/instructor-training/ - Proposed plan: - set tentative workshop dates for 2024 (subject to change, maybe week 2 could turn into one/week) - set tentative "instructor training" dates. Limit 5-10 learners. - "Like how CodeRefinery works? Join us for the next workshop in teaching. Come to instructor training: two focuses, learn how to be co-instructor and learn how to apply our online teaching stuff to your own work." - Reach out to instructors/organizations. Un-block their teaching and invite them to instructor training. - Why for them? Support CodeRefinery (help their) - By next week: - look at school vacations NO/SE/FI/DK and find those that work. Also bring in any other requests, and we see. Summary toot: We discussed today this question: How can we make it easier for those who want to co-organize and co-teach with us to participate who might be worried that they "are not paid to do this"? How can we convince their management? Also hoping to host a "instuctor training" meeting early 2024 to spread our online teaching + co-instructing techniques. --- ## 2023-10-23 - Idea at RISE (Sweden): "software development bootcamp" - 2 week program with half-days, starting Nov 6 - combining CR program with other lessons - We discussed collaboration opportunities with Norwegian AI cloud - How do we balance work-life until end of 2023? - Wrapping up the Sep workshop - in progress (blog post, stats, survey) - CodeRefinery mid-term report - Due Dec 15 - Citable lessons --- ## 2023-10-16 * New team meeting attendees * What's our long-term vision now * continuing workshops twice a year * management takes time/dedicated person * New time for team meeting? * -> add your vote: https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/215460-coderefinery/topic/team.20meeting/near/395568998 * No participants for bring-your-own-code sessions * Needs some re-thinking * Reviving "CR relation to carpentries" discussion * indicate interest: https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/215460-coderefinery/topic/relation.20to.20carpentries * testing Carpentries workbench build with our materials to be done * meeting with Toby Hodges in Nov? * Sabry was teaching in https://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/ last week. The Caeperntries lesson format has moved in to something terrible * To make a small edit it * Dhanya also think that the coderefinery lessons are better to teach and navigate * We should also not there are lot of lessons stuck there. E.g HPC capentry is in the incubator for the past 6 years. * We can not have CR format in capentries as there is CI/CD that checks the format. * Creating citable lesson format: follow https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/citable-lessons and https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/136238-lessons/topic/citable.20lessons (Wei Li from ENCCS asked about this) * Python for Scicomp course marketing (https://scicomp.aalto.fi/training/scip/python-for-scicomp-2023/) * Aalto organizes * teachers from other partners * https://coderefinery.org/about/partners/ * summary toot * Continuing thinking about the future -> see chat ## 2023-10-09 - "bring your own code" session later today, 15 CEST, same zoom as this one - last week no learners showed up - RD plans on dropping by (maybe a bit late because of other thing that might go over) - citable lessons - back on RB's todo list; if you want to help, please reach out - let us all update https://coderefinery.org/tasks/ - workshop survey: comment on https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/sep2023-post-ws-survey - lessons learned blog post - RB will draft soon, please add bullet points to chat - or take the lead on drafting is somebody is interested - #tools-workshop>lessons learned - new time slot for this meeting: please vote in chat - next workshop 2024 focus: - improving/simplifying the format - collecting feedback - sustainability - HackMD for ideas: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/cr_ws_future - workshops for 2024 - build tools - "workflows" - writing-retreat early 2024 - RB will take the lead on planning - but might take a week or two more before I can start with - Discussion about videos: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/cr-videos - low-effort starting point idea: we record going through all exercises - AOB - summary toot: - We're thinking towards 2024 now. - drafting survey for the recent workshop feedback. - python for scientific computing - - thinking about 2024 - build tools - workflows course ## 2023-10-02 - "bring your own code" session later today, 15 CEST, same zoom as this one - first time we try this - who will lead this session? - SW can host - workshop notes can be used if there is too many people - blog post about lessons learned from workshop? - everybody: please look at chat in "lessons learned" under #tools-workshop and add point - starting point: "lessons learned" topic on chat - goal: one page that can serve as organizational memory - post-workshop survey? - starting point and past: https://github.com/coderefinery/post-workshop-survey * keep it short, 5 min * sticker prizes? :D * ask about tools we were missing? * consider asking about zoom - publishing viewing numbers for reporting - RD: stream stats are in the repo, twitch views also there - RB: unsure how to credit exercise leaders - writing-retreat early 2024: RB will take the lead on planning unless somebody else wants to - scheduling poll to check whether Monday meeting is still the best for all will be sent out soon - RB will place on chat - Mastodon summary post: Team meeting summary 2023-10-02 Monday Oct 9 at 15:00 CEST we offer our second "Bring your own code session": https://coderefinery.github.io/2023-09-19-workshop/#schedule Here are some ideas for what we can work on together: - Together browsing code and giving tips for improvement - Help organizing your Git repo - Need help modularizing? Where to start. - "I got code from somebody before me. Please help." - "I want to publish code, do I have everything that is needed?" - Unsure which tools to use? Looking forward to seeing you there! Please reach out to support@coderefinery.org if you are unsure how to join. ## 2023-09-25 - how to adjust input/output levels - RB uses pulsemixer - the workshop - improvements already for this week? - leave out Zoom if no requests? - if we send out an email today about dropping Zoom, what else should go into the email? - lesson preparation - anything to clarify for jupyter lesson? - check whether Binder still works - MJ will present the JupyterLab and notebook interface - In general MJ can screenshare - any other lesson? - Mastodon summary toot - We have a successful first workshop week behind us (almost 500 views on day 1). This week is like a mini-seminar series containing topics related to reproducibility and reusability. You are welcome to join, also just for a part of it: https://coderefinery.github.io/2023-09-19-workshop/. Many lessons received significant improvements over the last days and weeks. - writing retreat - in 2024. planning will re-start after workshop. now RB has no time to plan that. ## 2023-09-18 - Team meeting minutes archived - H1/2023 in https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/cr-team-meeting-archive-01-06-2023 - 2022 in https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/cr-team-meeting-archive-2022 - Maybe git repo better? - Git repo later, don't delete yet - Workshop starts tomorrow ([Planning doc](Workshop-2023-Sep)) - Do we have somebody who can host Zoom? (at least day 1 and 2). What this means: - either having host key or connecting 30 minutes before workshop to become host - screen-share Matias's how-to-zoom slide - EG maybe, we will check - Who do we have to answer collaborative document? (at least day 1 and 2). What this means: - editing questions - archiving questions to keep document short and responsive - Tue: DI with support from DP - Wed: JH with support from DP - Thu: RB - Git intro going through re-design. Biggest change is to also offer web as alternative. Also "main" as default and using "switch"/"restore". Preview: - https://coderefinery.github.io/git-intro/basics/ - https://coderefinery.github.io/git-intro/archaeology/ - Email after day 2 https://coderefinery.github.io/2023-03-21-workshop/communication/#2023-03-22-summary-day-2-and-day-3-preparation - MOOCify CodeRefinery - Agree on "taskforce"/planning date - Use team meeting - [In-person retreat](https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/in-person-retreat-2024) - Agree on planning meeting date - Use team meeting - Move team meeting to another time? - Poll after the workshop - Bring your own code -sessions 2nd and 9th Oct after team meetings ## 2023-09-11 - Can we offer "bring your own code" session(s) after the coderefinery workshop? the week later and/or few weeks later - to support learners with application of the learned stuff to their own code - RB: yes but please add to schedule and calendar - SW: can some people commit to this? eg 2. and 9.10 at 16 EEST , SW could host - RB: yes I have time to be there and help - If you participate in the workshop in any role, please make sure you are listed at https://coderefinery.github.io/2023-09-19-workshop/ - Who will present the "welcome and introduction" and "concluding remarks" at workshop? - Richard - Please help improving installation instructions - https://coderefinery.github.io/2023-09-19-workshop/ - https://github.com/coderefinery/installation/issues - RB: thanks so much for issue reports but please also send pull requests. I will unfortunately not have any time this week to convert issues into PRs. - How will the "open Zoom exercise room" work? - can we have the slide (which was presented in chat) in some source format? - can we add some information on https://coderefinery.github.io/2023-09-19-workshop/ - On-boarding sessions - https://coderefinery.github.io/2023-09-19-workshop/#schedule - Who will participate? - Sep 12 on-boarding: RB - Sep 12 install-help: RD - Sep 13 on-boarding: SW - Sep 13 install-help: RD - List of exercises is up to date? - https://coderefinery.github.io/2023-09-19-workshop/exercises/ - Please verify this for your sessions - Do we have enough people to answer questions in document? - If you want to get all links (zoom, collaborative document), the easiest thing is if you register, then you get them automatically - This document is getting long and sluggish, where should we archive the older sessions? - MOOCify CodeRefinery? - shorter sessions to do at own pace over longer time - modular lessons - team can focus more on support - certificates in the end - possible problems? -> commitment, interaction, ... - discussion could be on Zulip - CR taskforce to work on exploring the options? - Summary for Mastodon - We had a busy meeting talking about the upcoming workshop + future. Onboarding tomorrow, and we are excited for the best workshop yet next week. There is still plenty of room for help of small and big sizes: https://coderefinery.github.io/2023-09-19-workshop/ ## 2023-09-04 - install instructions (please simplify, please verify, please clarify) - https://coderefinery.github.io/installation/ - MJ: There could be overall less explanation to make room for clear step-by-step instructions - prepare zoom exercise setup - [Workshop Zoom Planning HackMD](https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/ws-zoom-instructions) - See if you can edit the [Keynote in browser](https://www.icloud.com/keynote/029dhbpDDM3Min-NgpZTQWaRQ#CR_WS_ZOOM_Instructions) - SR pointed out that there should be someone in the Zoom to oversee that Code of Conduct is followed - Can we somehow state that this is the CoC and ask them to report? - read and update onboarding manuals - These? https://coderefinery.github.io/manuals/ - furher disseminate the workshop. repost the linkedin [event](https://www.linkedin.com/events/coderefineryworkshopseptember197097925251006644224/comments/) ## 2023-08-28 - Online "writing retreat" retrospective - what was good and to keep? what to change for next time? - it is not easy to free up time - but it can help to know that others have somehow time at the same time - more regular check-ins - In-person "Future and Writing" retreat - https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/in-person-retreat-2024 - steering group might want to participate in part of it - January or February? autumn is filling up and RB does not have a "free week" left - is zulip poll enough? what dates to offer? - 15.jan, 22.jan, 29.jan, 5.feb - Help needed: mainly pre-schedule decision making like getting the dates and location. - Transportation - Coordination - Schedule during the event - Places around Tromso: - https://en.uit.no/infrastruktur/enhet?p_document_id=675269 - http://www.haraldvollen.no/ - Places around Helsinki: - Kavalahti, https://partiokampat.fi/kavalahti/, photos: https://papa.kuvat.fi/kuvat/TOIMINTA/Partiok%C3%A4mp%C3%A4t/Kavalahti/ - Lesson development - "main" branch is default - use "git switch" and "git restore" instead of "git checkout" - are installation instrcutinos updated with the minimum version that has these? - no - git-intro motivation reworked - testing lesson reworked - git-intro: will probably offer a command-line track (default) and a web track (optional) - modular code development: more focus on command-line interface creation - Jupyter-lesson on the works -MJ - Workshop - 130 registrants - Please advertise all! - Channels stats from last time: https://github.com/coderefinery/workshop-stats/tree/main/2023-Mar/plots - Workshop preparation most pressing tasks - update detailed schedules - please go through https://coderefinery.github.io/installation/ - install instructions are clear and work? will they be clear if somebody only wants to attend 1 session? - zoom exercise setup: short document/page/infographics that explains how to join our central zoom either as exercise leader or as learner or as expert helper - MJ - reserve time for on-boarding and install help (it should be in your calendar) - Citable lessons - we have one: https://zenodo.org/record/8280235 - next steps: automation and other lessons (see chat for more info) - Link to chat? -> "lessons" -> "citable lessons" ## 2023-08-21 - Steering group meeting tomorrow, agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DQ8jzYmVOTa8ETrVbH6jdNDxT1TjTpN8GF2_hQZJXZc/ - NeIC funding after 2023 - towards non-profit organization - How to get organisations to donate workhours? What do they get? - Training for staff: more effective coding workflows, training for trainers - Visibility? - "we understand your needs better than other commercial companies" - freemium model: basic training is free and hackathons and on-demand can cost - Workshop preparation steps: - How-to join video editing (RB) - Draft communication - Templates link: last workshop is probably the best starting point - Draft a plan/infographics/page for self-organized Zoom - Detailed schedule - Install instructions - Adjust [manuals for onboarding](): we have this time a session for video leaders and in-person leaders - Lesson development: Wed-Fri - The Idea: Choose a lesson, go through, create issues, fix issues - How about also practicing the lessons? - MJ: A thought: can we make the lesson format to be more like "short introduction and opening discussion, all info on topic, then demo or exercises or discussion" with clear separation/transition in between (RD: +1) - This could result to short (10-20min) videos (cut from the recording) and later on the workshop moves towards practical doing - I know we have been trying to do it earlier. My feeling is that this strictier structure would give the result more production value. - Streamlining idea: instead of workshop.. - We could do videos + regular Q&A sessions - Many benefits: please list here - Much easier to organise those smaller Q&A's or miniworkshops that have each time a certain topic - More streamlined work - Some possible drawbacks: - People join live stuff for the ambience - There's also something in joining an event - Toot :elephant: - Lesson development retreat happens this week. - In the weekly team meeting the discussion went on to different possibilities in sharing knowledge. Would you rather participate in 2-week workshop or watch short videos and attend a monthly Q&A-session? Share your thoughts now, or join the workshop (https://coderefinery.github.io/2023-09-19-workshop/) and let us know afterwards. ## 2023-08-14 - Advertise September workshop. - Update your status [here](https://hackmd.io/-DpjUSRDTiyhRVoSCR0rvw?edithttps://hackmd.io/-DpjUSRDTiyhRVoSCR0rvw?edit) - Dhanya will follow up - Mark which lessons you want to - [September Workshop planning HackMD](https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/2023-Sep-ws-planning) - RB is reaching out to instructors about lessons; not worried that we will fill the slots - Summary Mastodon Toot: The September CodeRefinery workshop is 5 weeks away (minus onboarding 1 week before). We are starting to share lessons to the teachers. Everyone can already register at: https://coderefinery.github.io/2023-09-19-workshop/ ## 2023-08-07 - Online writing retreat: - somehow all the votes reset on zulip? there is only one vote now - dates: Aug 23-25 - RB will add to CR calendar - Video on how to join workshop: RB has a raw recording of two takes but needs to cut it - MJ can edit - SC workshop abstract deadline Aug 11: RB working on it, SW can help (where do we work on this? -> https://github.com/coderefinery/reports-and-proposals/blob/sc_workshop/sc23-proposal/workshop/abstract.md) - "CodeRefinery in 1 h" - draft will be shared soon - Citable lesson: Samantha working on it (this week something may happen, no time so far) - **Workshop** - 33 registrations currently for Sept workshop - HackMD containing June WS planning meet notes https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/2023-september-workshop-planning-meet-2023-06-16 - [Official planning HackMD](https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/2023-Sep-ws-planning) - Newsletter archive: https://tinyletter.com/coderefinery/archive - Carpentries lesson template test: not forgotten but waiting for email answer; RB is on it; same as meeting with Carpentries, postponed to end of September/October (after another internal meeting, SW can organize) - Idea: create short videos on smaller topics realted to Git etc. - Planning hackmd: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/cr-videos - Summary Mastodon toot: Our writing retreat to update lesson content will happen Aug 23-25. Looking forward for the lesson development happening there. Also stay tuned for an upcoming video on how to join CodeRefinery Workshop and a 1 hour summary lesson explaining CodeRefinery ## 2023-07-31 - Online writing retreat: decide about dates - currently Aug 23-25 looks best but only 2 votes so far - RB working on "CodeRefinery in 1 hour" talk - part of PDC summer school - including 3x30 min exercises: git/github, cmake, containers - We are invited to send an abstract to https://us-rse.org/rse-hpc-2023/ - we can condense the RSEcon/SC abstracts to a lightning talk - We are invited to contribute a paper about CodeRefinery - > Based on your presentation entitled “CodeRefinery: What We Learned from Teaching Software Engineering Practices to Students and Researchers in Nordics and Beyond” in SIAM CSE23, we wanted to invite you to consider writing a paper as an article for the Software Engineering Department in the Computing in Science & Engineering magazine, published by IEEE, which we edit. The Software Engineering Department accepts both peer-reviewed and editorial content. We are happy to discuss the options with you to choose the one that best fits your needs. If you are interested, please contact us with your idea so we can help make sure it is a good fit. In addition, if you have other ideas or topics that you would like to write about, we are interested in discussing those with you. You can find more details about the Department here: https://www.computer.org/digital-library/magazines/cs/track-calls-for-papers#Software%20Engineering - we are looking for people who would like to be co-author - SW interested - MJ interested in greating figures - Articles for this track should not exceed 6,000 words, including all main body, bibliography, biography, and table text. Each table and figure counts for 250 words. - Motivation: one could finally cite us, currently we can only point to the project URL - Citable lessons - adding CITATION.cff to all lessons is the first step (everything else is either easy or not so important) ### Mastodon summary toots We will now try something new: concluding each of our weekly team calls with a short summary on Mastodon (coming up in next toot). This way the community can stay informed and another bonus is that it encourages us to reach a conclusion that is short to read and easy to communicate to those who were not at the meeting. Team meeting summary 2023-07-31 We are planning an online writing retreat for our lesson content for end of August. The retreat gives an opportunity to develop material together. To join, please find us on chat or subscribe to the calendar invite (https://coderefinery.org/calendars/). Improved citability: Our goal is to make it possible to cite individual lessons. Working on conference presentations (RSECon'23 confirmed, SC'23 WIP) and starting a manuscript towards a paper about CodeRefinery. ## 2023-07-24 - Online "writing retreat" - 2-3 days which we can block in calendar to focus on writing/creating/updating lesson content - poll: see chat - Registration for workshop is open: https://coderefinery.github.io/2023-09-19-workshop/ - Website got a number of updates: https://coderefinery.org/ - more to come, see issues - If you want to help out, https://coderefinery.org/tasks/ is currently the best way to find out what needs help - CR inspired project https://www.cecam.org/workshop-details/1260 - www.cecam.org is a good place to advertice to get exposure for EU grants ## 2023-07-10 - Schedule update seems good - Online writing retreat - Aug, to be scheduled - In-person writing retreat - Oct 16-20 seems a good fit - Oct 23-27 collides with Nordic-RSE unconference - We can try around Aug 22-23 ## 2023-07-03 - Sep workshop - we will go for a hybrid model: keep two weeks but add more air/space in second week to lessons and inbetween lessons and make lessons more relateable - TODO list - create a page where it is clear how people can help - August 22-23 meeting - we will drop this but RB needs to communicate this to all affected