# Ambassadors --- ## Slideset, upcoming workshop, goodies Hei, the preparations for our upcoming workshop are going strong and we are looking forward to it! Please share the info with your network. And thank you if you have done so already <3 You can find some texts that you can adjust to your needs on our workshop homepage: https://coderefinery.github.io/2024-09-10-workshop/communication/ We will do some more posts on social media soon, which can also be reshared: - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/coderefinery-research-software-development/?viewAsMember=true - X:https://twitter.com/coderefine - Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@coderefinery CodeRefinery slideset In addition we have been asked to provide a short slide set about CodeRefinery which can be added to other presentations. You can now find these slides as markdown (+css) and Libre Office Impress (odp) format in our presentation repository (2024-CodeRefinery-basic.xx): https://github.com/coderefinery/presentations/tree/main (rendered: https://cicero.xyz/v3/remark/0.14.0/github.com/coderefinery/presentations/main/2024-CodeRefinery-basic.md/). They are also linked from our webpage: https://coderefinery.org/about/goodies/ . Please let us know if those are useful or more information should be added. We will also be turning these into a poster soon. Goodies We currently have stickers, sew-on patches and iron-on sheets (to make your own CodeRefinery T-shirt) with the CodeRefinery logo: https://coderefinery.org/about/goodies . If you want some, please send us an email with what and how many you would like and your (work) address. Website After the upcoming workshop we will adapt the CodeRefinery website to create a space for ambassadors, if you want to be added there, please send us your name, affiliation/location and e-mail address. This will then be a place for interested parties to find a CodeRefinery affiliate in their organization/location. Thank you for being an ambassador and hope to see you around :) Kind regards, Radovan and Samantha on behalf of CodeRefinery --- ## Outreach to potential ambassadors Hei, we are reaching out to you because FILL IN HERE. We have recently started the CodeRefinery ambassador program and would like you to become part of it! What is it? We rely heavily on local organizers for our workshops and people telling their colleagues about CodeRefinery. And we know many are already supporting the CodeRefinery project that way. We would like to thank you for it, find ways to support you better and keep you in the loop about what is happening. Currently the ambassador program consists of a mailing list and a chat channel, but we also plan to have more get-togethers in the future. None of which you'd have an obligation to attend. What can you get from it? We will provide materials for you to include in your talks, posters and trainings at events (you may anyway be attending). You can also get CodeRefinery goodies to distribute at events. We can also support you to start your own local community of CodeRefinery enthusiasts or other activities. What we can offer: - A chance to influence the future of the project - Visibility in social media and on our webpage - Weekly community news - Support for organizing local events or other activities Next steps? If this sounds interesting to you, please sign up to our ambassador mailing list (https://postit.csc.fi/sympa/subscribe/coderefinery-ambassadors/) and/or join the CodeRefinery Zulip chat (https://coderefinery.org/join/chat/). This will be the main channels of contact. We also plan to organize an ambassador meetup on 12.8. If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas that you would like to share with us, you may answer to this email or contact us at support@coderefinery.org Ambassador or not, thank you for being awesome! Kind regards, XXX on behalf of the CodeRefinery team --- Current ambassador mailing list subscribers: 11 (5.8) , 9 (24.7) --- :::spoiler People to reach out to - previous instructors (all same) - previous helpers (all same) :heavy_check_mark: 6.8 - known hosts of in person rooms (all same) -> drafted together with BYOC outreach, to be sent by RB :heavy_check_mark: - supporters at CSC (Päivi Rausta, Pinja Immonen, Josefine Nordling, Heidi Reiman, Heli Juottonen, Anni, ...) -> sent :heavy_check_mark: - supporters in other places (personal) -- Paula, Halford, Carlos -> sent :heavy_check_mark: -- Simon (Ireland) -> sent :heavy_check_mark: -- Weronika (EPCC) -> sent :heavy_check_mark: -- Jan (Hannover) -> sent :heavy_check_mark: -- Frank L (DE) -> sent :heavy_check_mark: -- Luca & Matteo -> sent :heavy_check_mark: -- Gudrun Lotze - LinkedIn reposters/likers (active) -- Niket Agrawal -- Marion Weinzierl -- Laura Bellentani -- Korbinian B. -- Priyanka O. -- Vilma Häkkinen - X reposters/likers (active) -- Katharina Kujala -- Pradeep Eranti -- Dr. Ingrid Heggland -- Abbas K. Rizi -- Susan Branchett - Mastodon reposters/likers (active) -- Esther Plomp -- Dr. Rachel Kurchin -- Benedikt Ehinger -- Jobin John > Seems like it is not possible to contact them in direct message on social media platforms :( Leaving the list here for later, but not directly contacting for now. ::: --- ## Ambassador mailing list :::danger Sent out on 8.8 to 18 (+2) ambassadors ::: Hei, --- TL;DR Thank you for joining the CodeRefinery ambassadors! Lots of events coming up: https://coderefinery.org/#news Ambassador community call: 12.8, 14 CEST at https://uit.zoom.us/j/62141400945 --- Thank you for being a CodeRefinery ambassador; we highly appreciate your support! We started the ambassador program in June 2024 in an effort to build a network with people like you! We hope that this can be the beginning of a fruitful exchange going both ways and support you in growing your professional network around Research Software Engineering and Open Science. What we hope you can get out of it: - Network, connections - Collaborations - Support, stickers, materials - Direct connection What we hope to get out of it: - Outreach, visibility - Feedback, improvement ideas, and suggestions - Collaborations Note that to be an ambassador, you do not have to be active as a CodeRefinery instructor/helper or community member. We'll have a bunch of events coming up after the summer break; all free of charge and online: - CodeRefinery train the trainer, 4 modular sessions every Tuesday morning between August 13. and September 3. Join any of the sessions that interest you; no need to be or aspire to be a CodeRefinery instructor! More info and registration: https://coderefinery.github.io/train-the-trainer/ - CodeRefinery online workshop on tools and techniques for "good enough" FAIR Research Software Engineering practices for researchers, 6 half days between September 10. - 19. More info and registration: https://coderefinery.github.io/2024-09-10-workshop/ - Same workshop but in person is also offered August 27.-29. in Gothenburg: https://coderefinery.github.io/2024-08-27-gothenburg/ - Build systems course and hackathon organized by PDC with CodeRefinery partners in October. 4 course days plus local hackathon and support sessions in Sweden/Finland. More info and registration: https://www.pdc.kth.se/about/events/build-systems-course-and-hackathon-part-i-1.1346795, , Hackathon (SE): https://www.pdc.kth.se/about/events/build-systems-course-and-hackathon-part-ii-1.1346798 , Hackathon/Support session (FI): https://ssl.eventilla.com/build-systems - On Monday 12.8 at 14 CEST we will provide all ambassadors with an opportunity to meet each other and with the CodeRefinery team; connection details and agenda: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/team-meeting In the meantime, if you want to get in touch, you can join the CodeRefinery chat (https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/) and find the ambassador topic in the coderefinery channel (https://coderefinery.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/215460-coderefinery/topic/CodeRefinery.20ambassador.20program) or send an email to support@coderefinery.org (better than personal emails, to make sure you get an answer even if someone is on vacation or sick). We are looking forward to working with you! Please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind regards, Samantha & Radovan on behalf of CodeRefinery