tags: workshop
# Planning: Workshops 2022 spring
From discussions at the [2021-09-20 community call](https://coderefinery.org/about/community-call/):
If we have two big CodeRefinery workshops, what would be the optimal times of the year?
This way other organizations could adapt to it a bit like summer school at PDC which is always in August and everybody knows it coordinate with carpentries and/or HPC stuff Spring: avoid Easter (before to avoid work in Easter). Sweden, weeks 8/9. Denmark weeks 6/7. Decide via chat, before Easter. Easter: FI=17.apr. Aiming at late March 2022 which is hopefully far enough away from winter holidays and also well ahead of Easter holidays (Mar 21 - Apr 1, weeks 12-13)?
## The list
Specify dates as **under consideration** or **confirmed**
Suggestion: For each event, be two persons who now in the early stage take a lead role to drive the planning forward
- **HPC Winter kickstart**
-- Dates: 2022/01/21,24,25 (dates under consideration)
-- Interested: Aalto
-- Lead organizers: rkdarst/eglerean?
-- Examples from past runs: https://scicomp.aalto.fi/training/scip/winter-kickstart/
- **Big Code Refinery workshop, Spring 2022**
-- Dates: Late March 2022. Suggestion Tue-Thu on dates 22-24, 29-31 March (under consideration)
-- Interested: *all?*
-- Lead organizers: rkdarst
- **Big Code Refinery workshop, Autumn 2022**
-- Dates: September, towards end of month. Suggestion Tue-Thu on dates 20-22, 27-29 September (under consideration)
-- Interested: *all?*
-- Lead organizers:
- **Workshop and hackathon on software testing** (event under consideration)
-- Dates: (under consideration)
-- Interested: JH, PDC
-- Lead organizers:
- **Workshop on Interfacing languages (Fortran, C, C++, and Python)** (event under consideration)
-- Dates:
-- Interested: JH, PDC, RB
-- Lead organizers:
- **Workshop on containers (Singularity, Docker, etc)**
-- Dates:
-- Interested: eglerean,
-- Lead organizers:
-- Info about lesson materials that could be referenced:
- [Reproducible Computational Environments Using Containers: Introduction to Docker](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/docker-introduction/)(Carpentries incubator lesson in Beta status)
- [Reproducible computational environments using containers: Introduction to Singularity](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/singularity-introduction/)(Carpentries incubator lesson in Alpha status)
## Notes