title: 'OpenPoseCMU'
tags: CS
# Table of Contents
## Referencd
[openpose documentation(ENG)](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/blob/master/python/openpose/openpose_python.cpp#L194)
[openpose documentation(CHI)](https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_40802676/article/details/100830688)
## 人體姿態辨識論文
[Hung-Chih Chiu](https://medium.com/@williamchiu0127)
## LightWeight OpenPose
[Real-time 2D Multi-Person Pose Estimation on CPU:
Lightweight OpenPose](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.12004.pdf)
## Openpose Windows 安裝
### Some problems
1. 要安裝python API時顯示找不到pyopenpose
打開visual studio,在pyopenpose這個專案進行build
### 添加環境變數
1. 把openpose.dll所在資料夾加到使用者變數Path裡面
2. 把以下三個檔案所再資料夾加到系統變數PYTHONPATH裡面
添加完畢之後就可以直接import openpose了
import pyopenpose as op
## Openpose save video in different format
- The default video save format is `.avi`. If you want to save it with `.mp4`, error will show as below:
- Solution: Install `ffmpeg`
> sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
## Openpose 不同model
[model link](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose_train/tree/master/experimental_models)
1. 100_135AlmostSameBatchAllGPUs
- [Paper link(whole body in 2019)](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1909.13423.pdf)
- Feature extraction : 10 VGG layers
- 4 wider & deeper PAF stages and 1 CM stage
3. 1_25BBkg
- [Paper link(whole body in 2019)](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1909.13423.pdf)
- Feature extraction : 10 VGG layers
4. 1_25BSuperModel11FullVGG
- [Paper link(whole body in 2019)](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1909.13423.pdf)
- Feature extraction : Complete VGG layers
5. body_25()
- [Paper link(Pami那篇)](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.08008.pdf)
- Feature extraction : 10 VGG layers
## Openpose src code
## Openpose Detection Parts
### COCO (Original)(17)
### COCO used in Openpose(18)
### BODY25(25:COCO + middle of hips + 6 foot parts)
## Openpose Linux (Ubuntu) 安裝遇到的小問題
1. generate完成的時候發現跑src code,圖片會顯示不出來
+ Sol:原因是opencv的版本太新(4.3.0),降回4.2.0就可以正常顯示了
2. generate完成之後,跑src code,會發現只顯示原本的圖片,上面並沒有畫上skeleton
+ Sol:因為前面在下載model的時候有失敗(coco和mpi),只要重新下載並放到正確的位置(models/......)就可以得到正常的結果了
## Openpose Training - Provided Dataset
### [Training Process](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose_train/blob/master/training/README.md)
1. Get images
2. Annotate
3. Generate LMDB files
4. GPUing...
### Prepare Openpose Training File
1. Generate LMDB files using COCO dataset ([REF](https://www.immersivelimit.com/tutorials/create-coco-annotations-from-scratch/#coco-dataset-format))
- In step b, to find images without people.
- In step e, to obtain json file for training.
- For original COCO annotation (x, y, v),
- v=0: not labeled (in which case x=y=0),
- v=1: labeled but not visible
- v=2: labeled and visible
- For refined json file,
- v=0: labeled but not visible
- v=1: labeled and visible
- v=2: not labeled (in which case x=y=0),
- ex. 000000345507.jpg
- keypoints
- "keypoints": [
- original
- [115.000,170.000,2.000],
- refined
- [115.000,170.000,1.000],
- In step f, using command below:
> python2 c_generateLmdbs.py
2. Generate LMDB files (foot dataset)
1. Follow the steps below:
+ step a: Use the COCO dataset downloaded before. The foot annotation json files should be downloaded by yourself([link](https://cmu-perceptual-computing-lab.github.io/foot_keypoint_dataset/)).
It contains 23(original 17 + 6 foot keypoints) body parts in "keypoints"
+ step b:
+ Modify line 32 and 33 to enable foot option.
+ Modify line 83 and 87 to match the foot annotation files we download.
+ step c:
+ Modify line 15 and 17
+ step d:
> python2 c_generateLmdbs.py
3. Generate LMDB files using MPII dataset ([link](http://human-pose.mpi-inf.mpg.de/#download))
1. Follow the steps below:
- For original MPII annotation (x, y, is_visible),
- is_visible=0 or []: labeled but not visible
- is_visible=1: labeled and visible
- For refined json file,
- v=0: labeled but not visible
- v=1: labeled and visible
- v=2: not labeled (in which case x=y=0),
- ex. 070755336.jpg
- keypoints
- joint id (0 - r ankle, 1 - r knee, 2 - r hip, 3 - l hip, 4 - l knee, 5 - l ankle, 6 - pelvis, 7 - thorax, 8 - upper neck, 9 - head top, 10 - r wrist, 11 - r elbow, 12 - r shoulder, 13 - l shoulder, 14 - l elbow, 15 - l wrist)
- original
- [{"x":181,"y":303,"id":6,"is_visible":true},
- refined
- [[305.0, 453.0, 0.0],
[301.0, 355.0, 1.0],
[160.0, 317.0, 1.0],
[201.0, 289.0, 1.0],
[332.0, 291.0, 0.0],
[342.0, 395.0, 0.0],
[181.0, 303.0, 1.0],
[166.0, 150.0, 0.0],
[167.546, 132.3504, 0.0],
[176.454, 30.6496, 0.0],
[253.0, 251.0, 1.0],
[173.0, 259.0, 1.0],
[138.0, 155.0, 1.0],
[194.0, 145.0, 0.0],
[199.0, 213.0, 0.0],
[258.0, 239.0, 0.0]]
### Image Preprocessing Problem
1.When executing a3_coco_matToMasks.m, the error "Unable to open file **"/openpose-train/openpose_train/dataset/COCO/cocoapi/images/segmentation2017/train2017/xxxxxxxxxx.jpg"** for writing. You may not have write permission."
+ Sol: At first, I suppose that it's the problem of writing permission of MATLAB folder. So I re-install the entire matlab under /home/cmw/. However, the same error still exists. :sweat::sweat:
Then I modify the permission of MATLAB and openpose-train from 755 to 775 and nothing happens again.:sob::sob:
Finally, I find that there is nothing under segmentation2017 (folder train2017 should be there). So I manually create train2017 folder and guess what? The problem is solved.:laughing::laughing:
### Generate LMDB files problems
python2 c_generateLmdbs.py
1. ![](https://i.imgur.com/DeX54Mf.png)
- Sol: If the data type is 'str', using index to access it will return a str type result. **It's a version problem between python2 and python3 .**
- [[Ref]](https://www.cnblogs.com/lshedward/p/9926150.html)
- Ex.
>>> a = "COCO"
>>> type(a)
<class 'str'>
>>> type(a[0])
<class 'str'>
>>> b = b'COCO'
>>> type(b)
<class 'bytes'>
>>> type(b[0])
<class 'int'>
2. ![](https://i.imgur.com/LSGDnru.png)
- Sol: [[Stackoverflow solution]](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43805999/python3-and-not-is-python2-typeerror-wont-implicitly-convert-unicode-to-byt)
### Caffe Installation (Please use python2.7)
#### [參考連結](https://blog.csdn.net/oJiMoDeYe12345/article/details/72900948)
1. “fatal error: hdf5.h: 没有那个文件或目录”
2. nccl.hpp:5:18: fatal error: nccl.h: No such file or directory
3. error: ‘accumulate’ is not a member of ‘std’
+ Sol:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7899237/function-for-calculating-the-mean-of-an-array-double-using-accumulate
4. recipe for target '.build_debug/lib/libcaffe.so.1.0.0' failed
+ Sol:
- Uncomment `OPENCV_VERSION := 3`
- ![](https://i.imgur.com/LnsH1sC.png)
5. ![](https://i.imgur.com/hgvh6fT.png)
+ Sol:Fuck no!
#### 重裝
- Alright, alright, even though I solve so many problems. I CANNOT SUCCESSFULLY INSTALL THE OPENPOSETRAINCAFFE!!
+ Finally, I delete the entire folder and download the entire repository again.
+ This time, I follow the [tutorial](https://mc.ai/installing-caffe-on-ubuntu-18-04-with-cuda-and-cudnn/). For the instruction in this blog, do not execute `make clean` after successfully build. (Only use it when you want to rebuild)
* If some error about missing of package were shown, just use pip3 to install it.
### Generate the Caffe ProtoTxt and shell file for training
python2 d_setLayers.py
1. [Error when use python3.6](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose_train/issues/28)
- Sol: Use python2.7 instead.(The problem)
### Resume Training
1. Modify the snapshot parameter in resume_train_pose.sh. The default path of pretrained model is
2. Then in the command line, just type:
***bash resume_train_pose.sh 0***
(generated by d_setLayers.py) to start the training with the 1 GPU (0).
## Openpose Training - Custom Dataset
### Understanding Dataset Annotation
- foot dataset: **openpose自己標註的腳步資料集**,相較於原始COCO資料集所提供的17個部位點多出了6個(總共23個),標註的方法就是在原始COCO資料集JSON檔中annotations下的keypoints中,把新增的6個部位點之x,y座標以及visibility加到最後面(如下圖)
### Understanding src code (Vscode is recommended for tracing code :thumbsup::thumbsup:)
- Please follow the steps mentioned in **Openpose Training - Provided Dataset**
- Some code needs to be modified, see following:
- a4_coco_matToRefinedJson.m:用來產生訓練用的json檔案,此檔案會被用來產生lmdb檔案
- function reshapeKeypoints(*line 334*):COCO資料集中,針對每一個部位點會給出x,y座標以及visibility,此function用來修改visibility
(詳情可見上方[Openpose Preprocessing(openpose_train.md)](#Openpose-Preprocessing-openpose_trainmd)中的說明 或者是此function中的comment也有提到)
- d_setLayers.py:用來產生訓練所需的training, deploy 以及solver的.prototxt檔案,事實上前述的檔案產生是call generateProtoTxt.py這隻程式完成的,在d_setLayers.py裡面主要做的事情是去產生所有的參數(所以要增加自訂資料集時,要在這個檔案裡面改,generateProtoTxt.py只負責接參數然後產生前述的.prototxt檔案)
- ex.用到的dataset, 用到的lmdb資料夾位置, network的縮寫(在generateProtoTxt.py中再改成caffe的對應layer名稱)...等等
- c_generateLmdbs.py:用來產生lmdb檔案,需要事先準備好訓練資料集的圖片以及json檔案,主要是call generateLmdbFile.py這隻檔案,但因為裡面考慮了很多資料集的情況,我們自訂資料集只需要拿類似coco foot的處理方式來做就好,因此重新改出了一個generateCustomLmdbFile.py的檔案,目前專門for foot dataset,之後再看要改哪邊
- generateCustomLmdbFile.py:看會用到json檔裡面的哪些欄位,然後標記資料時只要標記這些欄位就好
1. dataset
2. img_height
3. img_width
4. numOtherPeople
5. people_index
6. annolist_index
7. numOtherPeople
8. objpos
9. scale_provided
10. joint_self
11. joint_others(如果一張圖片含有多人,才會讀到這項資料)
13. objpos_other(如果一張圖片含有多人,才會讀到這項資料)
14. scale_provided_other(如果一張圖片含有多人,才會讀到這項資料)
- 要產生lmdb也會用到mask,COCO是有segmentation的資料,而mpii沒有,所以其實可以學mpii的方法,用bbox來做mask
- **接續上一點,其實也不一定要有bbox來做mask,原本會做mask是因為資料集有標記不完全的情況發生,如果是自己的資料集都有標記,其實mask就直接用和原圖相同大小,所有pixel都改成255灰階值(白色)就好**
> 補充:在 COCO 裡面,如果有 segmentation的標注資料,會根據此產生 bbox
- If you want to customize the number of keypoints:
- 假設有要用自己標記的keypoints,也就是要用到其他的skeleton,必須要去改openpose-caffe裡面的檔案並且重新build,**如果只是用相同的標記點(例如foot dataset裡面的23 keypoints),就只要在training.prototxt裡面的models標籤使用"COCO_25B_23"就好**,如果使用相同的skeleton,但dataset不同,那就在models標籤那邊重複就好,如圖(重複了兩次COCO_25B_23):![](https://i.imgur.com/QesOAzU.png)
- openpose_Caffe_train/src/caffe/openpose/poseModel.cpp
- 更改Auxiliary functions底下的function (int poseModelToIndex)以及Parameters and functions to change if new PoseModel底下的每一個array的相關參數
- openpose_Caffe_train/include/caffe/openpose/poseModel.hpp
- enum class PoseModel裡面要新增自己的model(注意要加在現有model的最下面以及Size的上面,順序會影響到後面oPDataTransformer在計算channel的部份)
- poseModel.cpp:定義所使用dataset對應的body part keypoints、skeleton是怎麼組成(哪些部位要相連)、最後產生的model會output出那些body parts等等的參數
- oPDataTransformer.cpp:產生G.T.(ground truth)的地方
### Custom dataset annotation
- [Annotation tool](https://github.com/jsbroks/coco-annotator)
- [Annotation tool setup](https://github.com/jsbroks/coco-annotator/wiki/Getting-Started)
- [Annotation tool tutorial](https://hackmd.io/@cmwchw/H1XVv7jB_)
#### Prepare Training LMDB file
1. a2_coco_jsonToMat.m
+ Add your custom dataset
ex. line 40, 89, 130, 288
+ Put your custom coco-style annotation file into folder:
+ File **your_dataset.mat** will be created in following path:
2. a3_coco_matToMasks.m
+ Add your custom dataset
ex. line 40, 111, 128, 184
+ Put your custom dataset into folder:
+ Folder **mask2017** and **segmentation2017** will be created. (Folder names don't matter, and they can be changed by code.)
> **Caution**: According to line 155 in src code, the annotation will be dropped if the annotated keypoints are less than 5.
3. a4_coco_matToRefinedJson.m
+ Add your custom dataset
ex. line 24, 136, 241
+ File your_dataset.json will be created in following path:
4. c_generateLmdbs.py
+ Add your custom dataset
ex. line 33, 161
+ Make sure following files are ready
1. lmdb files: /openpose_train/dataset/your_dataset/![](https://i.imgur.com/Uc1qvvq.png)
2. images:
3. annotation json file:
+ Folder **lmdb_your_dataset** will be created
2 files are inside![](https://i.imgur.com/pI6E8tc.png)
## Openpose with tracking
[Project Page](https://cmu-perceptual-computing-lab.github.io/spatio-temporal-affinity-fields/)
1. Using the same method which applied in building openpose, remember to switch to the **staf** branch.
> git clone https://github.com/soulslicer/openpose.git -b staf
3. Currently, only c++ version is available. Try command below:
`./openpose.bin --model_pose BODY_21A --tracking 1 --render_pose 1 --video your_video`
3. Try to use python API:
May be solved by links as belows:
- https://github.com/soulslicer/openpose/issues/5
Go to this issue and check **sh0w**'s' comment.
sh0w modifies ^1.^the pybind part to solve the data type conversion error and ^2.^enable the tracking flag.
- For first modification. ***Check the [link](https://github.com/sh0w/openpose/blob/41ee8a0621f2b44be1afa3b9c9283abf8b880a65/python/openpose/openpose_python.cpp#L436) and see line 436.***
- For second modification. ***Check the [link](https://github.com/sh0w/openpose/blob/41ee8a0621f2b44be1afa3b9c9283abf8b880a65/python/openpose/openpose_python.cpp#L154) and see line 154.***
- https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/issues/1162
## Openpose C++ API Extension
## Caffe Draw Loss Curve
- The filepath
- caffe-master/tools/extra/parse_log.sh
- caffe-master/tools/extra/extract_seconds.py
- caffe-master/tools/extra/plot_training_log.py.example
- Parse training log
./parse_log.sh your.log
- Draw curve
python2 plot_training_log.py.example yourflag yourimg.png your.log
- yourflag
1. Supporting multiple logs.
2. Log file name must end with the lower-cased ".log".
Supported chart types:
0: Test accuracy vs. Iters
1: Test accuracy vs. Seconds
2: Test loss vs. Iters
3: Test loss vs. Seconds
4: Train learning rate vs. Iters
5: Train learning rate vs. Seconds
6: Train loss vs. Iters
7: Train loss vs. Seconds