###### tags: `UbuntuOS` # Fcitx - Chewing 新酷音中文輸入法安裝 [ToC] ## Introduction 新酷音輸入法基本上和Windows的新注音輸入法用法上差不多,並支援自動選字。 其實第一次灌雙系統時記得是使用ibus框架下的pinyin中文輸入法,有一說法是fcitx框架的穩定度較ibus優,這部份我沒有深究,若有興趣也可以裝來用看看。 ## Installation ### 1. Install fcitx & fcitx-chewing ```shell $ sudo apt-get install fcitx fcitx-chewing ``` ### 2. Set **fcitx** to default input method system > System Setting > Language Support > Language > Keyboard input method system > fcitx ![](https://i.imgur.com/2oza5yQ.png) ### 3. Avoid the input window automaticlly appears > Fctix Configuration > Global Config > Show Advanced Option > Appearance > Do not show input window if there is only preedit string ![](https://i.imgur.com/9yFIOEj.png) ### 4. Change the hotkeys of switching input method *Because most keyboards don't have "Super" key in linux system, additional setting is needed.* > System Setting > Keyboard > Text Entry > Switch to next/previous source using: ![](https://i.imgur.com/FxP8C0T.png) ### 5. Done. ## Reference * https://gist.github.com/tanyuan/c0d4ee15cf0c9c93da28cc1cf0ff87b3 * https://www.ubuntu-tw.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=103616