# 2022-11 CentOS board meeting
Zoom link : https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83653054878
Passcode will be sent to participants and guests the day the meeting takes place.
# 2022-11 CentOS board meeting - Agenda
# Attendees
## Board members
* Davide
* Bex
* Pat R
* Amy
* Thomas
* Josh B
* Mike M
* Jefro
## Directors Absent
* Celeste
* Jonny
## Guests
* Brian Stinson
* Peter George
* Alex Iribarren
# Agenda
* Previous minutes
* https://hackmd.io/f5jfLkopToG8i1sEP6L_1g
* https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2022-October/120636.html
### On going discussion
* Event name change to be more Inclusive
* "Connect" will replace "Dojo"
* Follow up of the F2F Action Items
* Improve onboarding docs for new contributors and projects
* Josh : Assign issue to owner. Shaun will lead the initiative. Davide able to help.
* SIG and Governance clean up
* Feedback collected, posting issue is pending.
* Vision Statement (ticket #85)
* Plan is to present to the community in January. Comments and discussions should be added to the ticket by end of November.
* Mascot Discussions
* No update yet.
* Logo Use
* Check in with Fedora?
* Matthew Miller work on a revamp, trying to follow up this initiative.
* 1 Und 1
* Waiting for a clearer guideline.
* Cloud MTS - responded to by Michael
* Done
### Issues
**Issues to be closed (ACTION close all of them if no objection)**
* #86 Proposal for CentOS China SIG
* Promo SIG will host the initiative.
**New issues**
* #88 Improve Onboarding Documentation for new Contributors and Projects
* Shaun will follow up
* #89 Public integration testing for Stream
* Alex : How integration will be done for Stream. Not only for the individual packages, but for the full compose. Identify who would implement the framework and when.
* Brian : Use same tools as the RHEL gating ; not possible to support it in the infra SIG. Lokking at Zuul (https://zuul-ci.org/). Infra SIG will provide the infrastrucutre needed.
* Ping infra SIG / CPE to make it easier for the community to follow up work.
* Josh : General comment, being careful on what the board can provide as feedback. For this issue there is little that can be done at the board level.
* Brian : Bring it up to next infra meeting, check the agenda.
**Ongoing issues**
* #67 Trusting the SIGs by default, from a CentOS Project perspective (Secureboot)
* Summarize where we are at with SIG trust and see if all steps are followed up by other SIGs. Then we can close it.
* Add the technical details/choice on the ticket.
* #79 Recording historical SIG membership
* GDPR consideration.
* Best effort approach to respect people's wishes
* Implementation pending in Infra SIG https://pagure.io/centos-infra/issue/653
* ACTION: Closing before next board meeting
* #82 Clarifications and open questions concerning the possibility of SIGs creating content for RHEL
* ACTION: One week to comment, but no objection at this point if it's just about keeping latest content for 30 days.
* ~~#83 Clarify legal aspects in our governance docs~~
* #85 Vision Statement
* See above discussion.
**Issues on hold**
* #03 Getting official CentOS images into Azure
* #80 CentOS Stream9 in WSL
* Legal discussion on-going ; Azure discussion on-going, WSL more complicated.
### Community Architect updates
* Save the date Feb 3 for Connect at FOSDEM. Announcement is waiting on contract review, which is dragging.
* \o/
* Day before Fosdem. Likely to the Double Tree Hotel. Waiting to sort latest details before official annoucement.
* Working already on the website and goodies.
* Distros devroom is on. Working on CFP.
* Planned for Sunday
* Check Connect CFP and consider to ask them if they'd like, a wider audience, to present in the devroom.
* Does the board or any SIG want meeting space around FOSDEM? We can book that.
* Considering web+docs hackfest after FOSDEM, if there's interest.
* Monday hackfest if there is interest.
* Working on CentOS contributors dinner at FOSDEM. Possibly joint with Fedora contributors dinner. Could be Fri or Sat. Give me opinions if you have them.
* Will be at Supercomputing next week and Ohio Linux Fest next month. Booth at OLF. Let me know if you have messaging for either event or want any reports back from them.
### SIG Reports
### AOB
### Next agenda
* https://hackmd.io/5ZXNF7nyQEiCDrxZSKbdMA
* Please add your input for next month
###### tags: `agenda`