# 2022-12 CentOS board meeting https://hackmd.io/@centosboard/SyMqYK24K Zoom link : https://zoom.us/j/99567225678 Passcode will be sent to participants and guests the day the meeting takes place. # 2022-12 CentOS board meeting - Agenda # Attendees ## Board members * Thomas * Celeste * Amy * Pat * Josh * bex * Jefro * Mike M ## Directors Absent * Davide * Shaun * Jonny ## Guests * Neal * Lance * Jack * Peter # Agenda * Previous minutes * https://hackmd.io/5ZXNF7nyQEiCDrxZSKbdMA ### On going discussion * #85 Vision Statement * One more reminder before publishing * Minor corrections since last time * CentOS Connect on February 3rd in Brussels- https://connect.centos.org/ * Registration and Room block links ### Issues https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issues **Issues to be closed (ACTION close all of them if no objection)** * None **New issues** * #90: Guidelines for quay usage for CentOS SIG * Pat: happy that Sig manage their own space (no subgroups are possible in quay) * Neal: lifecycle if SIG goes dark? * Amy: update the ticket with comments * Josh: associate image with official CentOS brand could be more tricky and a better solution can be found. Clarify Pingou question. **Older Issues** * #88 Improve Onboarding Documentation for new Contributors and Projects * Work planned at Fosdem (Following Monday) * #67 Trusting the SIGs by default, from a CentOS Project perspective (Secureboot) * #79 Recording historical SIG membership * #85 Vision Statement * #03 Getting official CentOS images into Azure * #80 CentOS Stream9 in WSL ### Community Architect updates * Reminder to submit talk proposals for CentOS Connect. CFP officially closes today (Dec 14), but realistically closes whenever I manage to pull out my laptop and make a schedule. ### SIG Reports ### AOB * Make sure SIGs have permissions to publish to the blog * Thomas will check on this and Amy will follow up with Shaun if needed ###### tags: `agenda`