<p align="center"> <img src="https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJJccAbzj.png" width="250px"> </p> # BlockScience + Filecoin Cockpit ###### tags: `Cockpit` Welcome to the **BlockScience-Filecoin Cockpit**! This is a one-stop resource for getting access to our public-facing research initiatives and roles as well as for gaining visibility on who we are, how we can help, and our history. Through this book, you'll be able to access parts of our work output across several initiatives. Many of the pieces of content are in intermediate stages or have been used for planning and communicating research. [BlockScience](https://block.science/) is a complex systems engineering, R&D, and analytics firm. Our goal is to combine academic-grade research with advanced mathematical and computational engineering to design safe and robust socio-technical systems. We provide engineering, design, and analytics services to a wide range of clients including for-profit, non-profit, academic, and government organizations, and contribute to open-source research and software development. ## Our Capacities ### 👩‍🔬 Applied Research on Complex Systems Engineering #### How we can help - Project Inception & Execution - Inception: Surfacing and defining high-impact areas of research - Execution: Performing the required R&D work for a specific problem - Capacity Augmentation: extending the capacity and expertise on existing ecosystem projects with minimal onboarding time. - Peer Review: technical review of proposals, documents and codebases with a Scientific / Cryptoeconomics perspective. ### 📝 Technical Content Creation #### How we can help - Support at any point in the full life-cycle of technical content creation: brainstorming, articulation, writing, and review. ## The Collaboration ### 👷‍♀️ Current Initiatives & Roles Described [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t5I02BqzGO6i1T0lSFwu6GjewMhHCPPtiaEQKRZOOMc/edit#heading=h.q6re8qr2e4qk) ### ✅ Past Milestones This section is a stylized (albeit incomplete) summary of prior accomplishments during the collaboration. It is meant mainly for providing context on the types of work that we have performed and their chronology. - [x] 2022 - December: Executive Summary on [Measuring and Forecasting Cryptoecon Mechanism Success](/7ZAN-v3RQByy6qM2_NI7Gw) - November: [Core Protocol Review Workshops](/4KPFjycVT-q8bJsVSx3-Tg) - October: [Talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBzwgfnk91c) on the Computational Science that was done for preparing the Filecoin Launch on FIL Singapore. - September: Publishing this Collaboration Cockpit - August: [Outlining content for the PLN Growth Portal](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KkEmtKoDrq7EAnd-anw79frmq3Nhehv7cIFy0tvPrG0/edit#gid=1614204223) - July: [Designing the Retrieval Pinning Reputation System](/UAmAL9dMR0-q7ZO3s5RgLA) - June: [Tuning the Retrieval Pinning Cryptoecon Parameters](/UAmAL9dMR0-q7ZO3s5RgLA) - May: Extensive simulations regarding the Batch Balancer were carried over and recommendations were provided. - April: Mentor and Judge Support for the [Filecoin Faber Accelerator](https://filecoin.faber.vc/) - March: Educational Baseline Calculator Work, comparisons of gas modeling - February: [Filecoin Baseline Incentives Dashboard](https://github.com/BlockScience/filecoin-baseline-incentives), [Filecoin Digital Twin Data Infrastructure](https://github.com/BlockScience/filecoin-data-infrastructure) - January: Operational Digital Twin Scoping + Business Use Cases of Digital Twin - [x] 2021 - December: Digital Twin Development Updates + VAR Modeling of Gas - November: Gas Dynamics Research - October: [Termination Fee Analysis](https://hackmd.io/@bsci-filecoin/Bk3TI7x8t), FIP Process Work - September: Implementation of the current Digital Twin begins - August: [Design support on FIP 123](https://hackmd.io/y-GB4wP-R5aAmVdqknfU8w?view) - July: [Alpha Beta Filter Revision](https://hackmd.io/@danlessa/HJZvWbsyt) - June: [Explicit Subsidy Analysis](https://hackmd.io/@bsci-filecoin/HkL29FJ2O) - May: Articles for explaining CryptoEcon mechanisms on Filecoin are written and published for explaining the Baseline Minting and future predictions around it. ([Overview](https://filecoin.io/blog/posts/filecoin-network-crosses-baseline-sustainability-target-for-first-time/)) ([Technical](https://medium.com/block-science/baseline-minting-incentives-743b229b9b80)) - April: [Sector States PoC](https://hackmd.io/OvXjzHQYS7yfVEiCut-Zmg?view) - March: [Filecoin Metrics website](https://blockscience.github.io/filecoin-metrics/) is built. - February: [Token Flow](https://hackmd.io/dOaWJwEJSRi5JsaBCU64rA) - January: Scoping an [Metric Taxonomy](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1K4m97g5gHjmVGr5Y9wR_2hX9t3bzvIESXs3esVfjVzI/edit#gid=0) for Filecoin Health Monitoring - [x] 2020 - December: Miner Group Analysis - November: Reputation System Design - October: [Documentation Work](https://github.com/BlockScience/filecoin/blob/master/docs/kpis.md) - September: Numerical recommendations were provided for the CryptoEcon parameters along with expected trade-offs and decision trees given pre-specified goals. - August: :construction: - July: :construction: - June: [Alpha-Beta filter analysis & tuning](/-6dXzpeYRduyqxQPASdIDQ) - May: :construction: - April: First large-scale simuations for the Filecoin economics! Each set of runs was composed of ~20k scenarios with 50 samples for each (total runs: 1M). Each individual run was worth about 10 years of future extrapolations. - March: [Pledge Collateral Function](https://github.com/BlockScience/filecoin/blob/2020mar20/src/lab_notebook.ipynb) - February: [The Baseline Minting Mechanism is ideated and validated](https://github.com/BlockScience/filecoin/blob/2020feb05/src/lab_notebook.ipynb) - January: [Analysis on Capacity Commitment](https://github.com/BlockScience/filecoin/blob/2020jan16/src/lab_notebook.ipynb) - [x] 2019 - December: [Analysis on Self-Dealing and the choice of the Minting Function](https://github.com/BlockScience/filecoin/blob/9a3e087/src/lab_notebook.ipynb) - November: [Self-Dealing Analysis](https://github.com/BlockScience/filecoin/blob/732b1b4/src/lab_notebook.ipynb) - October: [Sigmoid Block Reward Analysis](https://github.com/BlockScience/filecoin/blob/2019nov14/src/lab_notebook.ipynb) ## Collaborating With BlockScience ### 📢 Contact Points Feel free to ping any of our team members with your thoughts and/or problems on which scientific expertise is required! If you need some pointers, here are some: - Twitter: https://twitter.com/block_science - Filecoin Slack - Ping `@danlessa` - Discord - Ping `danlessa#2831` - E-mail - `info@block.science`