# Ignite ### 11/29/2023 * Main blocker for WebUI -> https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-webui/issues/1965 * sgtpooki: Updating IPLD explorer to use helia block broker (in PR) * https://github.com/ipfs/ipld-explorer-components * https://github.com/ipfs/ipld-explorer-components/pull/406 Descriptions of IPFS Desktop/webui https://docs.ipfs.tech/install/ipfs-desktop/ - Why was IPFS Desktop (originally) created? - to have a system tray and accessible application for people not familiar with the terminal - What is the utility of IPFS Desktop - Access to IPFS network and benefits with no technical knowledge required - Why would a user download this? - Dropbox replacement for free, use your own storage and be able to share files without emailing huge files or uploading to central entity - Is this a developer tool or for end users? - Currently both, but not a good story for developer tool unless you know exactly what you're doing.. developer usecases are not targeted - What are some future use-cases we can enable with IPFS-Desktop? - self published (and co-hosted) websites - https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-desktop/issues/1034 - self hosted npm/other package manager repository - - How many monthly active users does ipfs desktop have? - ![DAU+WAU+MAU as of 2023-11-29](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hy1li1Brp.png) - Electron/kubo boilerplate for apps - What are some existing dapp marketplace examples? - What can we offer that is better than those? - blog writing app inside IPFS-Desktop - What is the most streamline experience for ipfs desktop - Why is ipfs-webui separate? - it's bundled with Kubo & IPFS-Desktop & at webui.ipfs.io (soon to be webui.ipfs.tech?) Is webui being separate causing issues? - Yes. There are UI issues with the way ipfs-webui is bundled in IPFS-Desktop. Currently webui is being served via a separate (contained) webserver within IPFS-Desktop, instead of bundling as electron-pages within the electron app. # UI patterns to improve ## CID Availablility / Data Persistence When a CID is added to IPFS node, that CID is only available while the user's node is keeping it available. We should expose this to the users in the UI of webUI. I'm thinking something like a "number of copies available right now", or "pinned to third party or not". ## IPNS associations https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-desktop/issues/2663 IPNS keys should have associations to cid in UI ## App-scoped datastore sharding For applications, need to ensure app A doesn't muck w/ app B's data. Need a reasonable flow to specify a "write" handle an app can request and use, so it doesn't need to know about any of that.