# Browsers & Platforms Weekly ### :link: [Browsers & Platforms table of contents](https://hackmd.io/h2plE0TZRs68XHR8D5GpeA) ## Upcoming events * see Slack channel pinned note ## 2022 Q4 OKRs * Objective: Make IPFS Camp a success for this team * KR: Ship a Browsers & Platforms track representing our work and community * KR: Grow the community by having at least four new folks talk * KR: Showcase and grow relationship with contributors from IPFS Thing * Objective: IPFS Client specifications drafted and shared * KR: `[Mark Q4]` Gateway selection IPIP drafted * KR: `[Mark Q4]` Verifiable multi-gateway client IPIP drafted * KR: `[Mark Q4]` Blog post published about Gateway selection spec * KR: `[Mark Q?]` Gateway discovery on local network IPIP drafted * Objective: Integrations work formalized * KR: `[Mark Q?]` Testcases for Curl integration landed * KR: `[Mark Q1]` Integrations priority target list identified and filed in repo * KR: `[Mark Q4]` Repo shared with community on forum and r/ipfs * Objective: Space program is self-driving * KR: Agreements signed and work kicked off with subs * KR: New eng lead hired * KR: Joint meetings happening * KR: Public repository exists for software layer development * KR: Software layer design far enough along that coding started * Objective: IPFS implementations fund launched and deploying capital * KR: Fund announced at IPFS Camp * KR: Three new projects funded * Objective: Native mobile apps are being tested by the community * KR: Android build published to Play store * KR: Blog post published sharing the vision, and links to app stores * Objective: The world knows about our Chromium work and plans * KR: Blog post published * KR: Rust verifiable multi-gateway work is kicked off * Objective: Requirements for IPFS interop/standardization identified * KR: Authoring/publishing approach and tools determined ## 2022 Q3 OKRs * [P1] Objective: IPFS Client Defined and Implemented * KR: Use-cases, capabilities and limits of client are defined * KR: Initial specification drafted and in review * KR: Proof of concept implemented * [P1] Objective: The ecosystem knows about what we're up to * KR: Team blog exists, and we have a weekly blog schedule * KR: WebDAV + File Explorers, External tooling, Durin, Capyloon, Team meetings * [P2] Objective: File Explorer implementation being tested by community * KR: WebDAV stand-alone server * KR: Decision made on the future of WebDAV in gateway itself * KR: Somewhere in Q3, cURL with IPFS support * KR: IPFS in VLC & KODI * [P2] Objective: Native mobile apps are being tested by community * KR: Ship Alpha version to app store ## 11 December 2023 * Logistics * timing now conflicts with stewards standup * disband til new year * then we'll have new charter * what we're working on * WGWG page and calendar of meetings to track all the teams and meetings * ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rkOYT3ELT.png * markdown pageything * robin will take pen on this ecosystem wg * mosh: focus more on browsers and standards? * hypothesis: 'platform' group - how IPFS and FIL interface with platforms (which could include CASA/onchain things, veilid, etc) * juan: still tinkering with discourse/slack bridge * CASA <> IPFS Ecosystem: tryna figure out logistics for archival convos, also tryna figure out the sovereighnt/opinionated balance in both contexts * robin: what's in/out of WGWG? where is boundary? * WGWG governance * anyone can propose a new WG that assumes a certain responsibility * stalebot-based lifecycle or equiv? Open Source Observer * ## 25 July 2023 ## 13 June 2023 * Solana * archive Solana stuff to IPFS from Brave? * ipns/nns/w3ns * content moderation * ucans * Team meetup * * Any news for internal allhands? * ## 16 May 2023 Dave: limited availability until June 3rd * Durin * Integration with starmaps, this week :grimacing: * Blog post released https://blog.ipfs.tech/announcing-durin/ * Durin android latest release (share target) in review, should be live this week * Working on UI for web3.storage api key input * Light Client * Still planning to put together helia example, hoping to get to that this week * IPLD CAR is brokey brokey * Team Blog * Meeting with trigram today to get a time commitment to get blog online. Should be before June * Filsnap * Legal is drafting contract, should be signed by EOW * and then Hugo will run w/ it * Paris Colo * Dietrich setup navan for Dave, Dave will book travel as soon as invite shows up * FTC is at Sorbonne, so maybe we stay somewhere near on LB? * Cooperative Computing Cafe - meetup + lightning talks, Berty helping w/ location, Yuni can help organize * IPFS Camp * audio only update * Brave * f1/f4 stuff next * looking at archiving flows, and publishing flows * Chromium * LBL post almost ready * Chromium issue filed * Future Platform Studio * talked w/ Fabrice * not just Capyloon anymore * we want a place for mobile OS, tiles, iot, xr * maybe we turn it into a public watering hole for this * thoughts? * not crazy enough * Luma? * how to manage topics * pipeline of things to talk about * eg fetch ## 09 May 2023 * Durin * Still need to get integrated with starmaps * Waiting on Final date from Dame, he said should be this week or next week for blog post * New Release was approved (share target and bug fixes) * Input your own Web3.storage key is about ready, just doing some UI cleanups before merging * Light Client * Client for verifying trustless gateway responses * Been poking at this, ipfs-car seems broken right now, need to put together helia example. * This will help us achieve 2 okrs * Team Blog * Update: https://hackmd.io/vMVkinfmS-K_6GJDJFtSZg?view#592023 * 10 hours to finish up and get online :) * Trigram has had other work going on, but hope to get them switched over to fix this up in next week or so * Filsnap * Hugo shared document for mgrant yesterday in slack https://hugomrdias.notion.site/Filsnap-Grant-9356799483d34e3a88f48aa1f1f0d786 * Probably needs approval/guidance from @dietrich * Paris Colo * Do we have solid dates for this yet? * Milestones * Comments were added by Dave and Robin at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N4PUHeaCtp5oNRp_fwPGAt3hL6H9-MneoofEE__jJq8/edit#gid=1664442249 ## 02 May 2023 * Durin * Moved feature discussions into repo issues https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/Durin/issues * Nabu - they are interested in helping * Blog * David made channel on Filecoin Slack #decentralized-publishing-patterns * https://github.com/meandavejustice/blog-builder, will probably use wiki to document existing patterns. * Look into https://unlock-protocol.com/ * * Paris Colo * FTC Paris 15/16 (not required) * team days 17-19 * travel 14th - 20th * EthCC / FIL Unleashed * evening event - coop computing cafe * Robin is speaking at FTC Paris * Milestones / Roadmap * review prev [2023 plan](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N4PUHeaCtp5oNRp_fwPGAt3hL6H9-MneoofEE__jJq8/edit#gid=1664442249) ## 25 Apr 2023 milestones * communications * IPFS Principles published * Use-cases based on those principles * Robustness push? * browser implementations * Chromium ipfs http racing client is functional and announced * Chromium "intent to prototype" * Brave integrates native Chromium IPFS support * standards * multiformats in ietf governance * cid in ietf governance * trustless light client IPIP * filecoin * fil snap in production * personal storage flow from browser to filecoin with profile-generated keys * space * ipfs runs on a satellite actually in space * the rise of decentralized http * peer discovery: ??? * content routing: Rhea? * data transfer: s/bitswap/http/ * writable gateways * mobile * clear mobile read/write pattern * durin announced, available on android and ios * * solved the "where's my stuff" problem * and how to put my stuff there * how do I get my stuff between devices (durin <--> desktop) ## 28 Feb 2023 ## 9 February 2023 * Project Rhea (Decentralized Gateway w/saturn) [Lidel] * Notion: https://www.notion.so/pl-strflt/Project-Rhea-decentralized-IPFS-gateway-3d5906e7a0d84bea800d5920005dfea6 * Specs [Robin] * Durin [Dave] * Draft blog post: https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-blog/pull/510 * Release is held up on issue with Google play store * We do not have an upload key (dont' remember ever having one, may be a new "feature" for the account) * Created a new Google Play account for Justice Tooling Inc, trying to figure out a resolution with Wayne Mask. * Pin Tweet[Dave] * Nothing to report * Team Blog[Dave] * work has been kicked off! * repos: * https://github.com/meandavejustice/team-blog * https://github.com/meandavejustice/blog-builder * Initial Wireframes https://www.figma.com/file/RGgv1LzJvPKa0WtjzWnAdf/Untitled?node-id=0%3A1&t=jqS4c6Mvj4v4cshM-0 ## 31 January 2023 * Durin * New release this week (as soon as finish taking screenshots) ## 17 January 2023 * Blog posts * Durin * Got some suggestions from Daniel Norman, updating today, and adding screenshots, should be ready for release (maybe thursday? syncing with team today) * Gateways, very drafty version on it's way. Hackmd link follows soon * Team Blog * Me and Contra are ready to start work this month * Durin * New release should come out this week, found a bug with url transformations that I'm fixing this week * Curl, some progress but again waiting on a architecture decision regarding return codes. * Started working on integrations overview ## 10 January 2023 * Blog posts * Durin * Need to take screenshots of new design, just merged yesterday! * Pin Tweet * Released yesterday! https://blog.ipfs.tech/announcing-pin-tweet-to-ipfs/ * Team Blog * Me and Contra are ready to start work this month * Pin Tweet * New release monday (minor tweaks and dependency updates) * Durin * New designs and bug fixes landed yesterday. * New release coming this week ## 03 January 2023 * Blog posts * Durin * blog post awaiting final header image * Need to take screenshots of new design, should be merged this week * Pin Tweet * All assets received, I will be updating pr today and syncing with publishing team. Should be able to go out tomorrow or next week! * Team Blog * Have architecture diagrams, will share in channel later today. * Me and Contra are ready to start work this month * Pin Tweet * lost of issues with dweb.link, have been speaking with team but haven't seen any progress yet. May have to drop it from gateway list * https://specs.ipfs.tech * wip, prep for initial dmeo next week during IPFS Implementers Sync * integrations * curl * ffmpeg * blogpost for gateways * IPIPs waiting for review ## 20 Dec * Blog posts * Durin post in pr, waiting on design https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-blog/pull/510 * Pin Tweet to IPFS post in pr, waiting on header design https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-blog/pull/509 * Durin * Design refresh kicked off, trigram will implement once we sign off on design * Bunch of documentation and app store improvements inprogress * Share target starting soon * Pin Tweet to IPFS * New Release shipped * new one click UI * updated icons * using new webrecorder twitter specific experience * many bug fixes * local tracking of uploads * one shared api key for all * More minor fixes coming this week * playing with mastodon to see if we can provide any value there as well * Team Blog * Making lots of architecture diagrams ## 13 Dec * Review updated OKRs * https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N4PUHeaCtp5oNRp_fwPGAt3hL6H9-MneoofEE__jJq8/edit#gid=1664442249 * Blog posts * ## 6 Dec (ASYNC) * ACTION: review Q4 belated OKRs above * Mark * Spends lots of time implementing patterns in ipfsclient to discuss in a laterr meeting. * Had a meeting on the ipfsclient to see if it's going in the right direction. Seems to be. Focus now shifts to writing IPIPs before continuing. * Defined - in very rough terms - the IPIPs I want to have on the specs repo as PR this year! [See this for referene.](https://hackmd.io/@markg85/Bkqekjovo) * (add your weekly updates here) ## 29 Nov * Identity OKR * https://hackmd.io/PIjm9YX8QeKEcUoY2U5u-Q * Q4 OKRs * dietrich find slide deck w/ these * Gateway file * IPFS Rust client * ??? ## 22 Nov * OKR review ## 8 Nov * 2022 * key outcomes for rest of quarter * dave: q4 goals update * mark: q4 goals update * robin: launchpad, specs * 2023 planning * https://hackmd.io/PIjm9YX8QeKEcUoY2U5u-Q * ## 1 Nov * Durin * Android listing is up https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.protocol.durin&hl=pt_PT&gl=US * Updating Durin announcement blog so we can blast that out soon. Here is the old draft => https://hackmd.io/@browsers-n-platforms/Byg2atN65 * Gunna try to spend sometime hacking on verifying car files sent over airdrop :exclamation: Need to finish other tasks listed here first tho * Pin-tweet-to-ipfs * Live in chromestore https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pin-tweet-to-ipfs/bkbejdaeamaehgpodkjdbkhkofpijagn?hl=en&authuser=0 * Writing fresh announcment blog post this week * Team Blog * This came up this week when chatting about markdown editor that a student built on a grant. Going to look into that over this month and see if we can do something interesting with it for our team blog. Publishing to IPFS (maybe fleek) etc... * @dietrich Can you post link to that repo here? * Companion * Russel, lidel and nishant met about companion last week (I was sleeping through it :sob:). * Met with Nishant, have plans to meet on mv3 implementation to hand off what we have. * Will continue to help with companion work, but Nishant will own the codebase sounds like ## Notes from labweek meeting - We should have a list of companies where we have leads/contacts, and have they been contacted yet (like… a CRM system?) ## 19 Oct ACTIONS: - Q4 goals: draft yours tomorrow, have in hand by next week for in-person discussion - IPFS Camp talks: write yours, have in hand for feedback by late next weekend * Durin * Android upload about complete (waiting on feature graphic from trigram) * still working on ble research document, I have a phase 1 figured out! * IPFS Client * JS * No Updates since last week * Pin-tweet-to-IPFS * List of final issues being addressed this week * in QA * blog post architecture * Companion * no updates from last week, going to determine a plan forward based on UR results * Revisiting MV3 version this week. May not be until after portugal before clean pr is updated. * reach out to GUI team about design refresh for mv3 ## 12 Oct * Durin * working on android store upload this week * working on ble research document * IPFS Client * JS * No Updates since last week * Pin-tweet-to-IPFS * Work has continued here, hoping to have a working prototype next week. Daniel from trigram is working on this. * Companion * no updates from last week, going to determine a plan forward based on UR results ## 4 Oct * Durin * ~~requested play store and app store credentials~~ granted * Got screenshots for android, will start uploading to play store this week/afternoon * Researching BLE possibilities. Discussion: https://filecoinproject.slack.com/archives/C02EQ3ELFBQ/p1664840859967619 * IPFS Client * JS version: * In progress of making code work in browser bundle :grin:. Works good in node * Still need to implement seeking function. going to get that implemented after browser bundle is working correctly * C * maybe rust or go * with bindings * stuck in where to go next * WEBDAV post * Textual review is done * header is about done * next step: screenshots & getting it in forestry * curl * code is "about done" and in nitpicking phase * docs are reviewed by curl & lidel (updates to reflect the last changes will be there soon) * tests to be created * Target is next curl release! * pin-tweet-to-ipfs * work has been started at https://github.com/trigramco/pin-tweet-to-ipfs * Plan is to implement recording with express.archiveweb.page for now, and explore recording within the extension later. * content routing hints * * Companion * We've received the results from user research! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_7UYsls5QuohW769Tp3X7MkxBo8eTS-HldA3gbVqUkk/edit?pli=1 * TODO: create next steps to take from ur results * Brave: "NFT pinning" architecture * ## 27 Sep * storytelling with demos * durin + ble * how to do interop w kubo * apps speaking CIDs * ipfs client update * david, mark, hugo, fabrice met * how to reuse existing network stack * webdav post * in process, waiting on marketing * curl * patch broke, will fix * content routing hints * https://github.com/ipfs/specs/pull/322/files * ## 20 Sep * IPFS Client * https://github.com/meandavejustice/ipfs-client * * Durin * any update from Trigram re Android? * Having a friend(junior engineer) take care of the rest of android stuff as a side gig * Pin Tweet to IPFS extension * Have an engineer from trigram ready to work on it. * waiting on me (dave) to pass off user stories and notes * Do we care where this * Trustless Client IPIP * ... * [trustless IPNS record retrieval](https://github.com/ipfs/specs/issues/320) * Brave * wip: [documenting browser URL→Content Path heuristics](https://github.com/ipfs/in-web-browsers/pull/200) ## 13 Sep * IPFS Client * Filled https://github.com/ipfs/specs/issues/320 for IPNS * "libipfs" design discussions * fs abstractions for Node / C / POSIX * PoC app - design stage * WebDAV * blog post in marketing review * nodejs standalone server done: https://github.com/markg85/webdavipfs * TBD: FUSE future * ffmpeg thread * discussion fizzled out * curl * updated PR, tests need to be fixed ## 06 Sep * Posts * WebDAV - in progress * IPFS Thing - drafted * Igalia - TBD * IPFS Client * C implementation * JS - mock the node file api * spec - ## 30 Aug #### Action Items * Lidel * Mark * (curl and webdav took waaaaaay more time then end of the week...) * Webdav: * Repositories (1 is a [fork](https://github.com/markg85/npm-WebDAV-Server) of a webdav server, the [other](https://github.com/markg85/webdavipfs) is my IPFS over WebDAV implementation). * Wrote a hefty readme for that repo https://github.com/markg85/webdavipfs * Wrote a very long "IPFS over WebDAV blog: https://hackmd.io/@browsers-n-platforms/rJdY7Dtys * Started working on curl patches again, not done yet. * Went through some PL LTC pre-setup as prep for the real first day on sept. 6th. * Dave ## 23 Aug * Q3 OKR review * Mark - Just grabbing the OKRs that are specifically for me and providing some status on them. * [P1] * "WebDAV + File Explorers" - Late but about to be done. Including a very technical blogpost. * [P2] * "WebDAV stand-alone server" - It will be part of the above P1 with the same status. * "Decision made on the future of WebDAV in gateway itself" - Team decision. No progress yet. Probably should evaluate after the above 2 points are done. * "Somewhere in Q3, cURL with IPFS support" - On track for Q3 though much harder then thought when I started cURL support. * "IPFS in VLC & KODI" I propose to delay those to after Q3. PErhaps even to 2023. For KODI the reason is it not building yet on ffmpeg 5.x at all (see [this](https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/issues/21766) issue) so i prefer waiting till kodi master branch builds with ffmpeg 5.x. VLC is potentially wildly different in how to implement this support (i.o.t. will take quite some time) due to it's many GUI interfaces. #### Action Items * All * Book Lisbon flights, or at least check out options * Lidel * Mark * By the end of this week * curl patch updated and more waiting there * done/finished with webdav * should have the repos on github * blogpost to describe how to use it * preferably an nginx description too (potentially too complex if it requires a custom module) * Starting next week: * ~~Cross platform fuse!~~ * ~~Learning go!~~ * Nope, none of the above. Start developing a "libipfsclient" in c. * Dave * Hand off blog posts * Going to set meeting with ilya about pin to tweet * defined basic needs for pin to tweet https://hackmd.io/YgE_Q3USQmixBZdrpmfx9g * Durin work should be happening this week. Contra has been busy with other things * Companion hacking, would like to have a fresh pr ready for lidel in next * Dietrich * IPFS Thing post * Brave NFT meeting * OKRs ## 16 Aug #### Action Items * Lidel * Mark * Dave * Finishing up Blog posts this week, for real * Meeting about companion/ipfs-enabled extensions this afternoon * Meeting with Contra on Durin feedback mechanism this week * Companion hacking ## 9 Aug #### Action Items * Lidel * Supporting Brave with Kubo 0.14 upgrade issues * Meeting with Cloudflare to discuss DNSLink DNSSEC proofs approach * Mark * Dave * Touch up Durin blog post * Touch up Extensions blog post * ~~Reaching out to webui team now that Russell is back~~ Meeting this afternoon 8/16 * Catching up on native mobile meeting things, I wasn't able to attend. * Picking up from last week on IPFS Client meeting * Some hacking on companion ## 2 Aug * Dietrich is OOO next 1.5wks * Blogs * Durin - WIP https://hackmd.io/vGtpYQaPTH2OWYkfqNopZg * Extension - WIP https://hackmd.io/DyAT5OgnTNG0D8he3BAohw * Browser in Iceland - WIP * Igalia - in talks * Capyloon - in talks * Meetings * Identity + Filecoin * Native Mobile IPFS * Events * see above * Gateway file * patch up! https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/pull/9156 * Curl * no fallback * no redirection * unless gateway file * WebUI <-> Companion * shared components * dave will post * Phishing * ## 27 Jul * Blog posts * Dave - Durin https://hackmd.io/vGtpYQaPTH2OWYkfqNopZg * Dave - Extensions https://hackmd.io/DyAT5OgnTNG0D8he3BAohw * Mark - FFmpeg (https://github.com/protocol/design-shop/issues/1551 pending stamp of approval) * Dietrich - Browsers & Web at IPFS Thing * cURL progress * new patches: https://github.com/curl/curl/pull/8805 * Working on WebDAV blog + nginx doc * nginx doc should tell users how to combine the Webdav + IPFS gateway to get one single endpoint with support for both. * Webdav blog tells users how to use ipfs + webdav on x platforms (windows/mac/linux?) * IPFS Client / Racing Gateway / Trustless gateways * dave making single doc to rule them all, and a weekly meeting, maybe luma ## 19 Jul IPFS Thing Summary and Actions * What are your action items? * @lidel * Cleanup Kubo RPC JS devexp - tracked in https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/issues/9125 * "IPFS Client" specs * need to figure out only-if-cached in browser - fetch API seems to have some limitations * review incoming IPIPs (wip) * set up IPIP review process * done: part of IPFS Implementers call now ([notes](https://www.notion.so/pl-strflt/IPFS-Implementers-Sync-2022-07-21-7ba613d2e4324ac6b0af100428f93c15#188bd844283045f69ad709d3c727f4a3)) * @markg85 * Finish up the WebDAV stand-alone server with what we discussed in iceland (peer reconnection) * Release the above into the wild (probably a blog about it too) * Learn Go * Create a UnixFS cross platform FUSE "server" using https://github.com/winfsp/cgofuse * .. and write a report about it just like i did for WebDAV https://hackmd.io/@markg85/S1-r1ECK5 * Discuss findings, probably with n0, and see where we go from there * @meandavejustice * Put together video introducing Durin * Get durin in front of more people, so we can get feedback to define next steps * Simplified ipfs-companion extension implementation * Explain ipfs-enabled extensions better across teams so we can attract more collaboration * Blog post about mv3 changes, and future of ipfs companion/ipfs-enabled extensions * What do you need to write a blog post about? * Specs-first protocol stewardship: use Gateway specs + incoming IPIPs as example * * Which Q3 OKRs below need adjusting? * ## 21 Jun 2022 * Q3 OKRs * [P1] Objective: IPFS Client Defined and Implemented * KR: Use-cases, capabilities and limits of client are defined * KR: Initial specification drafted and in review * KR: Proof of concept implemented * [P1] Objective: The ecosystem knows about what we're up to * KR: Team blog exists, and we have a weekly blog schedule * KR: WebDAV + File Explorers, External tooling, Durin, Capyloon, Team meetings * [P2] Objective: File Explorer implementation being tested by community * KR: WebDAV stand-alone server * KR: Decision made on the future of WebDAV in gateway itself * KR: Somewhere in Q3, cURL with IPFS support * KR: IPFS in VLC & KODI * [P2] Objective: Native mobile apps are being tested by community * KR: Ship Alpha version to app store ## 14 Jun 2022 * Iceland * * Q3 OKRs * IPFS Client * spec * POC implementation(s) * Presence / Communication * blog * go public with another weekly chat? * periodic twitter space? * ??? * (profit) ## 07 Jun 2022 Thurs * Hour 1: Light Client - https://hackmd.io/w3a0zRXJR_6mThuqEdBs_g * Hour 2: Media Stacks - https://hackmd.io/@browsers-n-platforms/rJ4dffCu5 Weds * Hour 3: Extensions - https://hackmd.io/WC0NSviATf21aa0pZLB-VA * Hour 4: OS Integration - https://hackmd.io/@browsers-n-platforms/r1P1-rCO9 Priority topics for June 9/10: * (Lidel) [Light client, trustless gateways - protocol, use-cases, spec](https://hackmd.io/w3a0zRXJR_6mThuqEdBs_g) * (Mark) [Media stacks strategy](https://hackmd.io/@browsers-n-platforms/rJ4dffCu5) * Open source libraries/tools strategy * IPFS CDN for mass video distribution * eg IPFS HLS streaming * indie scaling vs capital intensive * eg video.js for ipfs, or adding it * (David) IPFS enabled extensions - https://hackmd.io/WC0NSviATf21aa0pZLB-VA * Architecture, use-cases, features * What can these do that web content cannot? * Choosing an idea * what DX * https://hackmd.io/WC0NSviATf21aa0pZLB-VA * (Mark) [OS integration](https://hackmd.io/@browsers-n-platforms/r1P1-rCO9) * eg webdav, system services, filesystem * how much work * which fs? which groups are friendlies * where to start the conversation? * Web Rendering engines * Chromium * Gecko * path forward * [protocol handler test](https://hackmd.io/@browsers-n-platforms/HyfAfHAO9) * Brave - what next * Oleg's started * Blog / comms * cw * ---- * Mobile OS (Capyloon) * partnerships * launches * Native mobile (Durin) * 30m * how to do launch * which features * Space architecture * make a space day * Mv3 2022 * Cloud storage providers integration * work w/ cloud providers * pinning on there - publish to ipfs * s3 compat apis - successes, failures, friction * https://hackmd.io/0_Mc60YZS0SG2GjjrGyq4Q ## 31 May 2022 Priority topics for June 9/10: * Mv3 2022 * Trustless gateway - use-cases, spec * Light client protocol - use-cases, spec * Space architecture - * Native mobile (Durin) * Mobile OS (Capyloon) * Media stacks strategy * Open source libraries/tools strategy * Choosing a ipfs enabled extension idea https://hackmd.io/WC0NSviATf21aa0pZLB-VA * cloud storage providers integration https://hackmd.io/0_Mc60YZS0SG2GjjrGyq4Q * OS (webdav, system services) * Chromium * Brave - what next * Gecko (Capyloon) * Blog / comms TODO: * Scaffold schedule for above topics on jun 9/10 * What decisions/outcomes for each above topic? * Identify dependencies (eg Durin on light client protocol) ## 10 May 2022 * IPFS Companion(https://hackmd.io/TgYTI5OoRZa3jXkc4zesxA) * design update notes https://hackmd.io/v8jvq4OEQEu-1IYEteETsg (feel free to contribute) * [Dave] reach out to cake about design resources * Durin * updates pushed to testflight * met friday and defined next todo items https://hackmd.io/XtxGZoxqQ46X1GO7srrhMQ * next items focus on user onboarding experience and usability as well as adding further insights to settings page * we should present in May 19th WG meeting * Spain * Fission researchers will be there, likely join for a dinner and a talk about their work * VLC * cc'd Mark * want a major collab ## 3 May 2022 * Goals check * * Spain Agenda * Connectivity strategy * Open source tooling * Developer tools * "add" -> online forever * misconceptions * What is our team mission vision, scope * forepeople - we help to build the house, can't bring just one tool * patterns - app model, connectivity, fallbacks * scope - what's in/out of scope for http? * Durin * ## 26 Apr 2022 * Durin * Met with Eric yesterday, came up with list of todos * https://hackmd.io/XtxGZoxqQ46X1GO7srrhMQ * Companion * Opened draft pr to get review from lidel * https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-companion/pull/1078 * Spain * agenda drafting next week * MEGA tour on the sunday ## 19 Apr 2022 * welcome Mark * Q2 goals ## 05 Apr 2022 * Workweek * book travel! * Q2 OKRs * Companion * mv3 * redesign * default behavior * users are non technical people * super slow when enabled against local node * flip default to be more like Brave does * see the badge, instead of auto redirect * "this page can be loaded from ipfs" * refocus on core user tasks * visual cues like spinner when searching the network * Mobile * FIL in Brave wallet * NFTs in Brave gallery * Igalia/Chrome goal? * Capyloon goal * Templatizing of IPFS enabled extensions * Pulse check survey ## 2022 Q2 Goals | Status | Priority | Effort | Goal | Notes | | - | -------- | -------- | -------- | - | | ✅ | High | Low | Ensure that Companion is ready for manifest v3 transition | | | ⚠️ | Low | Medium | Define what Companion looks like when targeted to end users | | | ⚠️ | High | Low | Define what a IPFS/FIL extension template will look like | | | ✅ | High | Medium | FIL in Brave Wallet (with Brave) | | | ⚠️ | High | Medium | NFT features in Brave | | | ✅ | Medium | Low | Chromium protocol handler (with Igalia) | | | ✅ | Low | Medium | Ship an IPFS enabled mobile app (Durin) | | | ⚠️ | Low | Medium | Mobile OS demo | | | ⚠️ | Medium | Low | Curl | | | ⚠️ | Low | Medium | WebDAV | | ## 29 Mar 2022 * Goals check-in * Companion * go-ipfs patch * redirects behavior * updated hackmd for feature list * all doc'd in #666 issue * Spain workweek * will be getting emails soon about this * Mark joining part time * starting w/ Curl and then Webdav * Libp2p + webtransport * https://github.com/ipfs/in-web-browsers/issues/190 * libp2p looking into WebTransport : https://www.notion.so/pl-strflt/Enabling-WebTransport-across-the-libp2p-network-c6849c7252a1469a828a6c3e4b6abcad * Capyloon * invited to weekly meeting - optional * homescreen design brief - https://hackmd.io/OG0BBmHhSrKBMZeiF-9IEw * data model: https://hackmd.io/QTAfLfKeTUOIuAWwY3NOdA ## 22 Mar 2022 * Goals check-in * Mv3 (david) * Chromium issues (TODO - list here) * Switching off Chromium to get Firefox working * Build passing in CI now * Space (marshall) * Weekly w/ {spacepartner} accelerated things * Davos announcement planned * Workweek in June * travel to arrive on 8th * 9-12th workweek * 13&14th at Igalia event * travel on 15th * Maybe a new friend joining... * Team name changed! ## 8 Mar 2022 * Goals check-in * Space architecture draft: (Marshall) * Companion MV3: (David) * Cleaned up UI yesterday * updated slides yesterday * aiming to record demo today/tomorrow * had a quick brainstorming session with contra last night, Q2 ideas doc => https://hackmd.io/rk7dcMhpRwOTXUVC3G9EXA * Mobile share: (David) * uploads working (https://filecoinproject.slack.com/archives/C02EQ3ELFBQ/p1646701507217879) * ~~only blocked on app store/play store accounts (dietrich said this is in the works this morning)~~ Dietrich sent invites :fireworks: * Contra starting on activity/history feed * mimetype icons for history items * notes from brainstorming last night => https://hackmd.io/XtxGZoxqQ46X1GO7srrhMQ * main question for Q2, How can we integrate Glif in a meaningful way? * Brave FIL: Met this week, can now send and receive txns, on track for June launch * Brave NFTs: Kicking off discussion w/ design lead at Brave * OS image: WORKING! * Web Archiving * Ilya has all the basic parts working * We have the pieces now for a Q2 goal around it * Question: In companion, or a separate add-on? Would like to get it into Brave... * [DAVE] i'm leaning towards separate addon, but I have some questions about the ease of integration. Separate because of trying to separate from protocol visibility, just like we are doing with Durin. * Team Week * A Coruña, Spain * Arrive Jun 8 * Work+play Jun 9 - 12 * Igalia Web Engines Hackfest June 13-14 * Depart Jun 15 * Blog * This week 🤞🏽 ## 1 Mar 2022 Agenda * Goals check-in * Blogs * got a solution now, need to set it up * Meetup in June? * Yes, stay in A Coruña - look at calendars * Greece later in the year (when our weather sucks) ## 22 Feb 2022 Agenda * Goals check-in * Blogs * got a solution now, need to set it up * Meetup in June? ## 8 Feb 2022 Agenda * Goals check-in * Blogs * ## 25 Jan 2022 * Goals check-in * Initial commits to https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/mobile-share, looking good 👍 * Space meetings this week, looking good * KaiOS meeting tonight * * ## 18 Jan 2022 Agenda * Goals check-in * Companion PR started * FIL Snap in Flask: releasing today! * FIL wallet in Brave blocked on BLS - d to poke vuk * Space updates * follow up w/ Partner X being scheduled * added myself as tech DRI / reaching out to Planet, Spire, AIStech, JPL * TODO: poke Pierros ## 12 Jan 2022 Agenda * Goals check-in * Retro * what's working, what's not, what's missing * review next week * Blog * would prefer to be ipfs.io for major posts * need a way of more casually communicating as well * the ecosystem needs a planet blog ## 2022Q1 Goals Browsers & Platforms Objective: IPFS is available natively or through an extension in all top tier browsers for reading, publishing, NFTs and archiving (DRI - Dietrich, David) * KR: IPFS Companion ported to manifest V3 architecture, published on the blog and testable * Status: on track as of Mar 29 * chromium bugs: https://bugs.chromium.org/u/1938529432/updates * mv3 tracking issue https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-companion/issues/666 * KR: Metamask FIL Snap ready for Canary release * Status: [SHIPPED](https://filecoin.io/blog/posts/metamask-flask-a-snap-for-filecoin/) * KR: Brave ships FIL support in Native wallet in production * Status: on track as of Mar 8 * KR: Brave ships NFT autoarchive to local IPFS node * Status: blocked on spec as of Mar 8 Objective: Web3-native approaches to mobile OS, metaverse and space communication have published architecture documents and shipped proof-of-concept implementations (DRI - Marshall, TBDHIRE) * KR: A draft IPFS architecture for space-based communication is published * Status: on track as of Mar 1 * KR: First web3 device OS image ships * Status: on track as of Mar 8 * KR: Plan for launching web3-native metaverse OS and hardware integrations * Status: pushing to Q2, and perhaps different team * KR: Demo a native mobile app handling ipfs:// protocols and file upload via estuary/web3.storage * Status: on track as of Mar 8 * https://hackmd.io/KzD9TT4oRxq4OG74rSArhQ?both Objective: Web3 has a forum for interop coordination, which is home to three individual interop initiatives (DRI - TBDHIRE) * KR: Plan for launching web3 interop forum finalized, with 10 partners on board * Status: blocked on hire, pushing to Q2 * KR: Proposal for interoperable dapp manifest published, with three co-signers * Status: blocked on spec, pushing to Q2 ## {Day} {Month} 2022 Agenda * Goals check-in * * {add yours}