# Q3 2021 / Weekly Sync ###### tags: `minutes` ## Minutes HackMD: https://hackmd.io/@bokeh/S1rFZRl2d GitHub Archive: https://github.com/bokeh/pm/blob/main/minutes/weekly-sync/2021-Q3.md ## Links * [July](#July) * [August](#August) --- # August * [04-Aug](#04-Aug) * [11-Aug](#11-Aug) * [18-Aug](#18-Aug) ## 18-Aug *Attending*: Pavithra, Iury, Philipp, Mateusz, Timo, Marco, Jim ### Agenda - None ### Updates #### Pavithra No updates #### Iury - Issue triaging - Working on MathJax bokeh bundle - Python conveniences for LaTeX #### Jim No updates #### Mateusz - restored webgl bundle (PR #11371) - generally improved support for loading optional bundles - fixed a critical bug in `SpatialIndex.bounds()` (PR #11510) - upgraded TypeScript to 4.4-rc (PR #11503) - migrated to new static initializer syntax (`static {}`) - finalized PRs #11453, #11468, #11456 - finalized support for mixed scales/axes in one dimension (PR #11020) - added initial support for visually testing tiles in bokehjs (a part of PR #11468) - investigated issues related to bokehjs crashing when using log axes (e.g. issue #11291) - still working on migration to `TextBox` (of e.g. legends) - working on proper grid plot support - attempted to get basic glyph decorations ready for 2.4 (PR #11122) - helping with speeding up progress on PR #11466 and #11496 #### Timo - Working on dev documentation, dev tools server and infrastructure - Syncing with Mateusz on testing infrastructure #### Philipp No updates #### Bryan - More work to `bokeh.document` - still working on factoring callbacks to fix last ref cycle - PRs for some CI/build issues - we now use PEP440 versions e.g `2.4.0dev1+5.a85ma9a-dirty` - PR to remove no-longer usable Wikimedia tile provider - Fixed issue with `Either` and property container wrappers - Support an PR review - Finished PR for `TableColumn.visible` - Released `2.4.0dev4` ## 11-Aug *Attending: Bryan, Carolyn, Iury, James, Mateusz, Pavithra, Philipp, Timo* ### Agenda - 2.4 Milestone triage ### Updates #### Bryan - Bokeh/Dask PRs to resolve a recent kwarg-only incompatibility - Cleanup PRs for addressing reference cycles/memory leaks - split `model.py` up in to a submodule - PR to check correct base branch on deploy job runs #### Carolyn - PR in (to be added to) to add ReST formatted docstrings to gallery examples #### Mateusz - redesigned `MathText` around async edges (PR #11480, PR #11495) - improved/robustified recently added SVG tests (PR #11465) - robustified `OpenURL`'s unit tests (PR #11488) - working on tests for multiple recent bugfix PRs - working again on a redesign of `Legend` with layout and text box - working again on single canvas grid plots #### Iury - add `MathJax` bundle #11496 - Issues triaging #### Timo - Dev docs update #### Philipp - looking into fixing ipywigets-bokeh - patch release for panel - adding panel to downstream ### Actions - [ ] (Bryan) Make a new "PR Open" label - want to re-eval this and make sure it's not extra process - [ ] (Mateusz) Open discussion about new label ## 04-Aug *Attending: Mateusz, Bryan, Carolyn, Timo, Philipp, Jim, Iury* ### Agenda - CZI proposal results :thumbsdown: - accepts / pre-accepts - Bokeh 2.4 timeline - one blocker: finish GL bundle - set up meeting to triage meeting - aim for early september - triage milestone on 8/11 meeting ### Updates #### Bryan - Refactor sphinxext and update to Sphinx 4.1 #11450, #11467 - Fix broken spec.py and delete cruft in scripts #11454 - Update file_input.py to not use internal events #11459 - Make hinted ColumnData events more efficient #11472 - Set up Zap using Bokeh zapier to alert on new HV release candidates - PR to improve some Bokeh styling in Dask #### Mateusz - bug fixes (PR #11453, PR #11456, PR #11468, PR #11469) - robustified bokeh's SVG tests (PR #11464) - cleaned up PR queue (SVG and latex) - followup improvements to SVG backend (PR #11465) - investigating relacing selenium with native browser API - chromium browser familly only - would replace exports, bokeh integration and examples tests frameworks #### Carolyn - Will work with Bryan on starting examples docstrings #### Timo - triage, help with sphinx 4.1 update - updating meta.yaml for conda recipe - working on narrative docs for mathtext - continue working on dev docs #### Philipp - look at ipywidgets_bokeh incompatibility with ipykernel 6.x #### Iury - Issues triaging - WIP: python conveniences for LaTeX. ### Actions - [ ] (Timo/Bryan/Mateusz): Review Mathtext project progress (Issue for LaTeX progress: https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/issues/11355 - all LaTeX-related issues: https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/discussions/11191 - Overall CZI project: https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/projects/12) - [x] (Bryan) Issue for accepts / pre-accepts # July * [07-July](#07-July) * [14-July](#14-July) * [21-July](#21-July) * [28-July](#28-July) ## 28-July *Attending: Bryan, Iury, Jim, Mateusz, Philipp, Timo* ### Agenda ### Updates #### Bryan - PR to deploy dev docs per release branch - PR for sphinxext refactor (and fix jumpy anchors) - PR to clean up Dask Dashboard Bokeh usage - Blackstone / NF catchup - Reviews and support #### Mateusz - catching up and reviewing PRs #### Iury - Testing SVG backend Styling methods, ids, drawImage - Add HTMLElement assertions to bokehjs test framework - update old svg backend tests - Issues triage - Latex on tick labels PR#11420 #### Philipp - Starting to look at adding websocket disconnect event and adding js callbacks on Document (for WebsocketDisconnect and DocumentReady events) #### Timo - Update dev docs, focus on running tests locally ### Actions ## 21-July *Attending: Bryan, Carolyn, Iury, Pavithra, Philipp, Timo* ### Agenda ### Updates #### Bryan - small cleanup PR - Scipy: BoF, NF sponsor booth, and sprints - PR reviews - working on some Dask cleanup #### Carolyn - examples PR; gallery docstring PR #### Iury - Testing SVG backend Paths and Transforms PR#11437 PR#11427 - SciPy: Sprint - Issues triage - Latex on tick labels PR#11420 #### Philipp - Released Panel 0.12.0 (https://blog.holoviz.org/panel_0.12.0.html) - Trying to arrange meeting with NumFOCUS and Blackstone to discuss their funding #### Pavithra - Presented roadmap update at Scipy #### Timo - Scipy sprints - Working on developer docs, landing page, set up - Started discussion for git precommit hooks ### Actions - [x] Forward Dask info about pre-commit hooks ## 14-July *Attending: *Brendan, Bryan, Carolyn, Iury, Marco, Pavithra, Timo* ### Agenda - 2.3.3 retro - Scipy events - Sprint saturday - NumFoCUS maintainers table - Tools Track update - Vis BOF ### Updates #### Timo - Working on dev doc refactor - Organizing sprint for SciPy - Triage #### Brendan - Organizing sprint for Scipy #### Iury - LaTeX to tick labels (PR #11420) - Testing state management methods of SVG backend (PR pending) - Improving svg backend - Updated MathText class to implement GraphicsBox - Good first Issues triage for SciPy sprint #### Carolyn - Finishing up PR for gallery detail incorporating docstrings #### Pavithra - Prepare scipy tools track talk #### Bryan - PR for LegendItem.visble (plus fix new minimal-deps build issue) - PR to remove OrderedDict (plus clean up fourier_animated.py example) - Updated and re-deployed demo site to move off deprecated AWS platform branch - Scipy Vis BOF today ### Actions ## 07-July *Attending: Bryan, Carolyn, Iury, James, Marco, Mateusz, Timo* ### Agenda - Release schedule - 2.3.3 release today ### Updates #### Bryan - expand categorical docs - finish token PR - release notes and finish 2.3.3 release #### Iury - tests for SVG Backend - Transformations PR #11401 - add ellipse to SVG backend PR #11405 - Fix SVG backend moveTo if called before beginPath #11407 - LaTeX branch update to most recent base branch PR #11128 - issue triage #### Carolyn - fixed LGTM issues - working on Sphinx gallery docstrings PR - will publish release announce today #### Timo - edited categorical docs - issue triage #### Marco - issue triage #### Mateusz - mostly working on 2.3.3 this week - helping Iury w/ PRs ### Actions - [x] (Bryan) Update BEP-1 to documents new tags in an ongoing GH discussion - [ ] (Mateusz) Remove "Needs Backport" tags - [ ] (Iury) Discussion for mathext on tick labels (update https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/discussions/11191 ?)