

Joined on Feb 22, 2023

  • Networking and Content Delivery Amazon VPC def:provisioning a logically isolated section control over your virtual networking resources customize the network configuration multiple layers of security VPC&Subnet VPCs:
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  • Google summer of code week 1 This is my first gsoc report. because this application is much related to some muiti-process operations,I took me some time to understand. The first problem is to use pdfork. because fork() is disallowed in capability mode, we use pdfork() to replace -- same sematics, but returns a file descriptor. cpid = fork(pfd,0);
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  • def a super-server daemon on many Unix systems that provides Internet services. functionality inetd listens on designated ports used by Internet services such as FTP, POP3, and telnet. The server program is invoked with the service socket as its standard input, output and error descriptors. After the program is finished,inetd continues to listen on the socket(with exceptions) TFTPd def:a server which supports the Internet Trivial File Transfer Protocol (RFC 1350)
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  • This the first week of google summer of code. My mentor gave me a challenge:to boot a bhyve-vm on NFS, therefore I decided to setup the NFS. First We have to setup /etc/export, /usr/nfs -alldirs -maproot=root -network -mask we must take more attention on bridge0 addm wlan0 addm tap0 ,because it connected to our physical interface # ifconfig tap0 create
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  • Some interesting codes the whole code is the IPC solution I came up with which is replaced by one line of code setutxent() details: int main() { cap_channel_t *cap_casper, *cap_net; int s, sock1, sock, client_sock;
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  • Which function are used by getutxent? Does getutxent open file for each call? Please list each funtion that are called from getutxent until the libc/syscall that open files? If it doesn’t open file each time, where the file is cached. Which functions (more then one) can be used to cache this file. What function is used to parse data from file. getutxent uses getfutxent,setutxent,setutxdb No,It only open file once. It only read when the FILE *uf points to null the sequence of call:getutxent-getfutxent-setutxent()-setutxdb
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  • Framework OpenMVG m images into k clusters, each cluster is under the memory limitation of the computer Perspective-n-Point Problem RANSAC Algorithm Trifocal Relative Pose from Lines at Points 總結:提供了廣泛的測試集和問題定義
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  • Hello, This is my first gsoc status report.Previous week ,I set up a development environment on Freebsd-15.0-current on baremetal.After that ,I started capsicumizing wall(), read some document about capsicum,like rights(4),capsicum(4)...and so on,and I struggled for a while to understand the multiprocess behavior in the program.I spent some time to create usable executable Therefore,My mentor gave me a good reference application rwhod,which helped me alot understanding how to use pdfork. Next week,I will start to capsicumize the next application,Tftpd,and fix any possible problem in wall(). complete work: start capsicumizing wall()
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  • This is my first gsoc report. because this application is much related to some muiti-process operations,I took me some time to understand. The first problem is to use pdfork. because fork() is disallowed in capability mode, we use pdfork() to replace -- same sematics, but returns a file descriptor. cpid = fork(pfd,0); I spent some time to understand the behavior of it to make it successfully compiled.
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  • ifconfig re0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500 options=8209b<RXCSUM,TXCSUM,VLAN_MTU,VLAN_HWTAGGING,VLAN_HWCSUM,WOL_MAGIC,LINKSTATE> ether 04:7c:16:3b:35:b3 media: Ethernet autoselect (none) status: no carrier nd6 options=29<PERFORMNUD,IFDISABLED,AUTO_LINKLOCAL> lo0: flags=1008049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,LOWER_UP> metric 0 mtu 16384
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  • Freebsd boot process Why compile kernel for booting /running on hardware with limited resources for testing a patch and provide feedback to devs for diabling sth when there is a conflict to support my unsupported hardware Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit def:paper attempts to explain what buffer overflows are, and how their exploits work. :::info
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  • layer infrastructure (hardware) networking (node discovery, information propagation and verification) consensus (proof of work, proof of stake) data (blocks, transactions) application (smart contracts/decentralized applications, if applicable) abis def:the standard way to interact with contracts
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  • 最近在修改/usr/src/libexec/tftpd裡面的source code,用裡面的makefile後從取得excutable,嘗試用gdb單步執行.debug檔,會得到Exec format error 請問有辦法用系統的makefile得到能夠單步執行的executable嗎 image 測試結果 root@hanslu95:/usr/tests/libexec/tftpd # kyua test -k ./Kyuafile functional:abspath_v4 -> failed: /usr/src/libexec/tftpd/tests/functional.c:275: actual[i] != expected[i]: Expected 0x3 at position 1; got 5 instead [0.011s] functional:abspath_v6 -> failed: /usr/src/libexec/tftpd/tests/functional.c:275: actual[i] != expected[i]: Expected 0x3 at position 1; got 5 instead [0.005s] functional:dotdot_v4 -> passed [0.018s]
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  • file descriptor初始化 static int find_next_name(char *filename, int *fd) { int i; time_t tval; size_t len; struct tm lt; char yyyymmdd[MAXPATHLEN];
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  • this is my project structure before compile ~/proj/CMakeLists.txt ~/proj/src/CMakeLists.txt ~/proj/src/main.cpp ~/proj/build/ input proj/CMakeList.txt
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  • 先安裝intel核心顯卡驅動i915kms, pkg install drm-kmod 安裝顯卡後分為兩種情況,是否支援獨顯直連,如果不支援,需要先安裝i915kms在安裝 $ pkg install nvidia-hybrid-graphics $ pkg install nvidia-secondary-driver $ pkg install nvidia-secondary-driver $ sysrc kld_list+=nvidia-modeset $ sysrc nvidia_xorg_enable=YES
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  • 質方圖等化 img_denoised = med_filt_rgb(img); img_gray = grayscale(img_denoised); img_eq = adapthisteq(img_gray); canny&hough變換 透過double threshold先設定域值找出水平線的角度,再透過hough轉換旋轉角度 threshold = [0.4 0.8]; img_edge = canny_no_border(img_eq, threshold); [H, T, ~] = hough(img_edge);
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  • why learn system programming os hide hardware and provide programming API to control hardware disk => file + directory CPU => process + thread os provide virturalization communication between process , internet and copy-paste every process has virtual memory
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