--- title: 翻譯共筆:買『新聞』:中國利用台灣媒體贏得島嶼人心 image: https://i.imgur.com/G4Adcjx.jpg --- # 翻譯共筆:買『新聞』:中國利用台灣媒體贏得島嶼人心 這篇新聞由中央社摘譯刊出為「[路透:中國付費5台媒作紅色宣傳 收買台灣人心](https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/201908090213.aspx)」一文,不過全文翻譯應有意義,因此全文貼上,供網友一起協作翻譯。 初版翻譯由Google translate生成,雨蒼參考中央社翻譯進行改善。歡迎大家一起動手翻譯,成果以CC0授權釋出。 ![](https://i.imgur.com/G4Adcjx.jpg) [原文網址](https://in.reuters.com/article/uk-taiwan-china-media-insight/paid-news-china-using-taiwan-media-to-win-hearts-and-minds-on-island-sources-idINKCN1UZ0HN) ## 協作方式 請點選右上角筆狀符號即可進入編輯介面。 ![](https://i.imgur.com/LnQxxZv.png) ## 貢獻者 雨蒼 chihao 小克 鈞量 洛可 方方 ## 全文翻譯 Paid 'news': China using Taiwan media to win hearts and minds on island - sources 買「新聞」:中國利用台灣媒體贏得島嶼人心 作者:Yimou Lee, I-hwa Cheng TAIPEI (Reuters) - The articles on the website of the leading Taiwan newspaper were gushing about a new Chinese government program to lure Taiwanese entrepreneurs to the mainland. 台北(路透社) - 在一間台灣主要大報的網站上,刊登了一系列的文章,其滔滔不絕介紹一項新的中國政府企劃案,要吸引台灣企業家到大陸投資。 China “treated Taiwanese businessmen like its own people,” one of the articles said, citing “multiple perks”. Far from being a threat to Taiwan, the program to give economic incentives to Taiwanese to start businesses in the mainland was an “unprecedented” opportunity, it said. 其中一篇文章稱該計畫有「眾多福利」,中國「會像對待自己人一樣對待台灣商人」,這項獎勵措施是「史無前例」的良機而非對台灣的威脅,讓台灣人在中國創業。 While the articles were presented as straight news, they were actually paid for by the Chinese government, according to a person with direct knowledge of the arrangement and internal documents from the Taipei-based newspaper. 這些文章以新聞報導的樣貌呈現,但實際上是中國政府花錢購買的宣傳。這個說法來自一位內部的知情人士,他對於這樣的安排,以及來自這家總部位於台北的報社的內部文件都有直接的接觸。 The placement of the articles was part of a broader campaign by China to burnish its image in the Taiwanese media as part of efforts to win hearts and minds in Taiwan for China’s “reunification” agenda. 這篇文章的刊登,是中國更大規模的行動的一部份,目的在於改善中國在台灣媒體上的形象,以求贏得台灣民心,支持中國的「統一」議程。 Reuters has found evidence that mainland authorities have paid at least five Taiwan media groups for coverage in various publications and on a television channel, according to interviews with 10 reporters and newsroom managers as well as internal documents reviewed by Reuters, including contracts signed by the Taiwan Affairs Office, which is responsible for overseeing China’s policies towards Taiwan. 路透社已掌握證據,證實中國大陸當局已向至少五個台灣媒體集團購買各種出版刊物及一家電視頻道的曝光。證據包括路透社對 10名記者及新聞編輯主管的採訪,以及經過路透社審查的內部文件,包括由中國國台辦簽署的合約。 The efforts have been going on since China and Taiwan deepened their economic collaboration nearly a decade ago, but details like the financial arrangements of such partnerships had not previously been reported. 自中國和台灣近十年前開始加深經濟合作以來,中共的這些努力一直在進行,但此前未曾有報導揭露此類合作夥伴關係的財務安排等細節。 Reuters is withholding the name of the media groups at the request of the former and current employees who provided the documents. 基於提供文件的這些媒體前任和現任員工要求,路透社在此不透露這些媒體集團的名字。 The Taiwan Affairs Office paid 30,000 yuan ($4,300) for the two feature stories about the mainland’s efforts to attract Taiwan business people, according to a person familiar with the arrangements and internal documents from the newspaper. 據熟悉該報的安排和內部文件的人士透露,國台辦支付 3 萬元人民幣(4,300美元。譯按:約13.4萬台幣)給某報社,以刊登兩篇中國如何吸引台商的專題報導。 “It felt like I was running propaganda and working for the Chinese government,” the person said. 「我感覺自己正在進行政治宣傳,並為中國政府工作。」這位內部人士說。 The placement of news stories by companies and special interests is common in Taiwan. However, the commissioning of such stories by China is potentially explosive in Taiwan, which has been increasingly sensitive about mainland efforts to sway popular sentiment amid rising tensions across the strait. 新聞媒體刊登特殊利益團體或公司的的置入新聞在台灣很常見。然而,中國對此類報導的購買合約揭露,在台灣可能具有爆炸性地影響。台灣在兩岸緊張局勢升級的情況下,對中國大陸影響大眾民意的狀況越來越敏感。 While the Taiwan Affairs Office paid for most of the stories in the documents reviewed by Reuters, other Chinese government bodies also commissioned stories, according to three people with direct knowledge of the matter. One of the contracts was signed by a municipal government in southern China. 根據三名知情人士說法,路透所查閱的文件與報導中的付費方雖然大多是中國的國台辦,但其他中國政府機構也會付費作新聞置入。其中一份合約是由中國南方的市政府簽署的。 China has viewed self-ruled Taiwan as a wayward province to be brought under its control, by force if necessary, since a civil war divided the two in 1949. 自從內戰在 1949 年將台灣與中國分開後,中國認為自治的台灣是一個「任性的」省份,必要時可以使用武力來取回對台灣的控制。 One senior news manager said he handled stories paid for by the Chinese government at a major newspaper for several years. He left the publication in 2016 and now works for a news organization affiliated with the Taiwan government. 一位資深新聞主管表示,他在任職於一家主要報社的數年時間內,都在負責處理中國政府購買報導的相關業務。他於2016年離開了該媒體,現在為一家公共新聞機構工作。 “The money was mostly paid via the Taiwan Affairs Office,” said the person, adding that provincial or municipal governments across China also sponsored coverage. 「這筆款項主要通過國台辦支付,」該人士表示,並補充說,中國的許多省級或市級政府也贊助了報導。 The Taiwanese government said it was aware of the Chinese efforts and that such partnerships were subject to a fine of up to T$500,000 ($16,000) for violating regulations on Chinese advertisements. 台灣政府表示,它清楚掌握中方的作為,而這種合作關係因違反中資廣告的相關法令,最高罰款將達到50萬新台幣(16,000 美元)。 “It is using our press freedom to harm press freedom,” Chiu Chui-cheng, the deputy minister for Taiwan’s Ministry of Mainland Affairs, told Reuters. “This is part of the mainland’s media war against Taiwan,” he said, vowing to strengthen laws to close what he called “loopholes” in Taiwan’s national security. 台灣陸委會副主委邱垂正告訴路透社說:「(中國)利用我們的新聞自由來傷害新聞自由。」 「這是大陸媒體對台戰爭的一部分,」他說,並誓言要加強法律制度,以解決他提到的台灣國家安全「漏洞」。 “It’s spreading messages of Chinese ideology, harming our free speech and democracy.” 「(這些政治宣傳)正在傳播中國的意識形態信息,損害我們的言論自由和民主。」 The Taiwan Affairs Office did not respond to requests for comment. 中國國台辦沒有回應評論。 Employees from the media companies said Beijing’s efforts to sway the public’s perception of China was undermining Taiwan’s media. 來自這幾家媒體公司的員工表示,北京試圖影響台灣民眾對中國的看法,而種種作為正在破壞台灣的媒體。 “When funding from the Chinese government becomes a big part of your revenue, it’s impossible not to exercise self-censorship,” said a reporter, who said she was involved in several stories commissioned by the Chinese government in 2017-2018 for a newspaper based in southern Taiwan. 一名曾於2017至2018年間替台灣南部某間報社作中國政府置入報導的記者說,「當中國政府資金成為(媒體)主要營收來源,你不可能不進行自我審查。」 “It gives China space to manipulate politics and influence public opinion in Taiwan.” 「它(中國資金)讓中國得以在台灣操縱政治、影響輿論。」 Several reporters and newsroom managers said that some media organizations were engaging in self-censorship as stories placed by China had become increasingly important sources of income. 幾位記者和新聞編輯主管說,一些媒體組織正在進行自我審查,因為中國的置入報導已經成為越來越重要的收入來源。 ![](https://i.imgur.com/9s0oSXH.png) Issues seen as “sensitive” by China, such as the anniversary of the Tiananmen crackdown in 1989, were no longer being covered by their news outlets, they said. 他們說,中國認為「敏感」的議題,不再會被新聞媒體報導,例如關於1989年天安門事件的週年紀念日。 Beijing’s campaign comes at a time of growing concern over Chinese infiltration in Taiwan. In June, tens of thousands of people rallied to call for the regulation of “red media” – outlets that they claimed ran favourable coverage of a China-friendly presidential candidate ahead of key elections in January. 北京這波行動,正值愈來愈多人關注中國在台灣的滲透之際。今年 6 月,成千上萬的台灣人集會呼籲對「紅色媒體」進行監管 - 他們聲稱這些媒體在即將來臨的2020年1月總統大選之際,對一名友中總統候選人進行了有利的報導。 The Taiwan Affairs Office has set up companies that carry out the story placement campaign. The companies liaise with news organizations’ sales representatives, ordering up topics and lengths for stories, five people with direct knowledge of the arrangements said. 五位了解內情的人士表示,國台辦設立了負責新聞購買的公司。這些公司與台灣各新聞機構的業務代表聯繫,指定報導的主題和篇幅。 “Their ultimate goal is unification,” said one of the sources, who oversees Chinese activities on the island. “They think it is better to win the heart of the people than to start a war.” 「他們的最終目標是統一台灣,」其中一位負責觀察中國在台灣活動的消息人士表示。 「他們認為贏得人民的心,比直接開戰是更好的策略。」 Two officials working at a Taiwanese state security agency, who declined to be named due to the sensitivity of the matter, said Chinese infiltration of Taiwan’s media posed “threats” to the island’s security. 在台灣的一個國家安全機構工作的兩名官員表示,中國對台灣媒體的滲透對該島的安全構成了「威脅」,該機構由於此事的敏感性而拒絕透露姓名。 Such firms include Beijing-based Jiuzhou Culture Communication Center, as well as Publishing Exchange Center Across the Taiwan Strait in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou, according to a contract signed by the Taiwan Affairs Office unit and the Taipei newspaper, as well as the person familiar with the arrangement. 根據路透社取得的國台辦簽署合約,以及一名知情人士的說法,這類公司包括位在北京的九洲文化傳播中心(Jiuzhou Culture Communication Center)和位在廣州的兩岸出版交流中心(Publishing Exchange Center Across the Taiwan Strait,暫譯)。 Liu Tan, a representative from the Beijing company, ended a phone call with Reuters after a reporter identified himself. The Guangzhou company did not respond to requests for comment. 北京公司代表劉坦(音譯)在路透社記者致電並表明身份之後,便掛斷電話。廣州公司則不回應置評要求。 In one deal, signed in early 2017, the Beijing company paid the publication 120,300 yuan in exchange for 10 full-page, color-print stories to promote investments and tourism for an eastern Chinese province. 在 2017 年初簽署的一項協議中,北京九洲文化傳播中心支付了 120,300人民幣(譯按:約53.4萬台幣)給某家媒體,換取該刊物 10 頁全版全彩報導,推廣某中國東部省份的投資和觀光。 The two features about the business incentives in the leading Taiwan newspaper were even edited by the Taiwan Affairs Office before they were sent to the paper’s newsroom in Taipei for publication, the person said. 這位知情人士說,前述有關中國吸引台商投資的兩篇報導,甚至先經過國台辦審批,然後才送到台北的報紙編輯台上。 The person added that the people interviewed in the reports had been picked by an official from the Communist Party’s Publicity Department. 該人補充說,報導中受訪的人員是由共產黨中央宣傳部的官員所挑選的。 “Readers were unable to tell the stories were paid for,” the person said. “All they could see was positive coverage of the mainland.” 這位知情人士表示,「讀者無法分辨這些報導是否背後有人出錢。」 「他們所能看到的只是對大陸的正面報導。」