# Mantle x ROM: Project Proposal ## Project Name ROM - No HR for DAOs. ## Contact Name Ben Biedermann ## Contact Email bb@acurraent.com ## Contact Telegram Handle @benedictiner ## Project One Liner ROM is no HR for DAOs. As commitment staking protocol, we support long-term sustainability of community activity on Mantle. ## Project Category - Infrastructure - Other: Commitment Staking Protocol ## Grant Type Type B : Live Project Grants - USD 100.000 ## Funding Request USD 100,000.00 ## Use of Funds ROM aims at creating cross-cutting value chains between applications deployed on Mantle Mainnet. We divided the available amount into four milestones valued at USD 25,000 each. We closely align the milestones with ROM's product vision and overall development roadmap. Yet, Mantle's vision of an open and sustainable ecosystem prompts us to tie our development into supporting its ambitious mission. #### 1. Deploying ROM to Mantle Testnet (POC) - identification of potential integrations on Mantle - ecosystem research on Mantle - user research to retrieve preferences for success metrics - market research on Mantle for finding suitable success metrics - formal evaluation and code base review - refactoring the codebase - generalising the protocol - identification of happy path from a user experience point of view - Mantle specific development work - kick-off of marketing and outreach initiative (Chones) #### 2. Deploying ROM to Mantle Mainnet (MVP) - testing core success metrics - refactoring and auditing the codebase - user testing to remedy bugs - whitelabelling frontend - customisable user interface - representation of regen colours - user experience-guided finetuning of core success metrics - usability study and documentation - expansion of outreach with focus on institutional adoption (Chones) #### 3. Additional success metrics for ROM protocol - integration with existing dApps on Mantle, as informed by the institutional outreach - organisation and user driven evaluation of additional success metrics - prioritisation of such features and agile implementation - refactoring of codebase - audit of code for additional success metrics - creation of value flows that connect applications on Mantle - decentralisation effort and DAO set up #### 4. Mantle Community Growth & Decentralisation - decentralisation of governance through token-based incentivisation - development of governance framework - definition of a roadmap for de-custodying the codebase - community growth and organisation integration - coordination effort with advisors for designing governance features of a DAO and a governance framework respectively ## Company Description Rite of Moloch supports remote teams, collaborating across time zones and cultures, by giving them the tools to feel confident that each member of the team will succeed on the contribution they are responsible for. As members of a collective of freelance Web3 development and partners in the development of a decentralized identity bridge, we have first hand experience in how remote teams have both the opportunity to access the best talent, without concern for their physical location, and the challenge of gauging commitment levels, when coordinating via the internet. Rite of Moloch is the natural addition to a specialised, yet diverse company product portfolio as it provides commitment staking that unlocks value flows of credentialling solutions. Thus, we bring full lifecycle Web3 contributor management to Mantle for downstream value creation within the network. ## Product Pitch Video https://app.arcade.software/share/ZMqXcAMVGCFmp4wrTJH3 ## Company Deck Link https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQVCMqn350w7Bx9X22z8D_7gJQzUYFbmS7_yZXGsv6t6KEpY5ALgsh7boAs6yEQAAQ6Ktbs0NgZ9gDZ/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.g2124d40224a_0_8 ## Website URL https://rom.wtf ## Twitter URL https://twitter.com/riteofmoloch ## GitHub https://github.com/rite-of-moloch ## Discord URL https://discord.gg/28wVRhBNtR ## Telegram Channel n.a. ## Medium or Blog https://mirror.xyz/0x81865ebC7694Dfba6608F6503BBA50Abb04644b4 ## Deployed Contracts ### Gnosis chain RoM Factory: [0x11cf91a633b292e90afc1dd063dB9CE0b94a89aE](https://gnosisscan.io/address/0x11cf91a633b292e90afc1dd063dB9CE0b94a89aE) RoM Implementation: [0xbf87AbBa9D3bDFc848396Ce0b42A38B734241Cd0](https://gnosisscan.io/address/0xbf87AbBa9D3bDFc848396Ce0b42A38B734241Cd0)Ï ## Founder Description ### bitbeckers Bitbeckers is a decentralization enthusiast, working on the coordination tooling for decentralized citizens, applications and products, including FUX, Rite of Moloch and Hypercerts, among others. Coming from software engineering for large banks in the Netherlands, he is currently a full-time DAOist, contributing to Raid Guild, Raid Brood and more. As a Web3 native project manager, and smart contract and backend developer, bitbeckers is highly skilled at stewarding ambitious builds, using blockchain technology, to their extolled delivery. ### benedictvs Ben Biedermann is co-founder at acurraent where he focuses on decentralised identity products in Web3 and a PhD candidate at the Centre for Distributed Ledger Technology, University of Malta. Ben has extensive industry experience in the digital identity field, where he led a team building a DID agent. He is the visionary and roadmap enthusiast behind ROM. Ben is also engaged, among others, by RaidGuild leading various initiatives while reading for a PhD in DLT and small jurisdictions, where he researches the nexus between distributed ledgers and SSID, and having published on decentralised identity adoption. ## Team Profile Our team consists of five core members, who are handling the end-to-end development cycle. For this reason, Rite of Moloch is supported by acurraent and longstanding members collaborates of RaidGuild. Together we are driving the product vision of Rite of Moloch since day one. ## Fundraising Status Not Raising. ## Fundraising Details n.a. ## Partners and Investors - WIDE Consortium - RaidGuild - SmartInvoice ## PR & Other Links https://www.raidguild.org/state-of-the-raid/raid-guild-tying-up-loose-ends-future-of-web3 https://www.charmverse.io/post/community-the-future-of-work-in-web3 ## Product Demo URL https://rom.wtf ## Deployed Chains ### Gnosis chain RoM Factory: [0x11cf91a633b292e90afc1dd063dB9CE0b94a89aE](https://gnosisscan.io/address/0x11cf91a633b292e90afc1dd063dB9CE0b94a89aE) RoM Implementation: [0xbf87AbBa9D3bDFc848396Ce0b42A38B734241Cd0](https://gnosisscan.io/address/0xbf87AbBa9D3bDFc848396Ce0b42A38B734241Cd0) ## Community & Product Traction Raid Guild Season 5 and Season 6 Apprentice Cohorts used Rite of Moloch for commitment staking. Thanks to Rite of Moloch, RaidGuild is now able to measure its onboarding churn. Through these numbers RaidGuild members were able to define KPIs and improve the curriculum, which led to the attraction of sponsors. Apprentices, who successfully presented at Demo Day, the virtual event where cohort participants showcase the work they completed during that season, hold Rite of Moloch Soul Bound Tokens (SBT). Rite of Moloch received interest from JokeDAO, which resulted in early integration sketches and explored whitelabelling the product for Metagame. ## Community & Product Traction (Attachments) ![Testimonial Season VI](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJVS1csa2.png) ## Other ## Other (Attachements) ## Primary contact at Mantle: Joshua Lapidus ---