Matthew R. Becker


Joined on Jan 26, 2020

  • blog comments - 2024/08/30 FF: My general comment is to tone down the attacks to others tools as we all use them, work on them, and rely on them. Even if we move 100% to rattler build, we need to acknowledge that we built on top of the ideas. Standing on the shoulders of giants is should be the motto. MRB: Agree with FF. WV: Added: First and foremost, we must acknowledge that we're standing on the shoulders of giants. Conda-build has served the community exceptionally well for many years, enabling the creation and distribution of countless packages that have been crucial to scientific computing, data science, and many other fields. Its contributions to the conda ecosystem cannot be overstated, and the work of its maintainers and contributors has been invaluable. However, as with many long-lived software projects, conda-build has faced challenges as it evolved over time. We did the unthinkable – we rewrote conda-build from scratch. This decision wasn't taken lightly, and it came after careful consideration and attempts to build upon the existing foundation.
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  • This document is an example of what an Outreachy proposal might look like. You do not need to follow it strictly. Please mention specific GitHub issues/PRs as appropriate. Month 1 In this month, I will focus on [your big idea here]. In particular, I will address the following things: [Specific task 1] [Specific task 2] Month 2 Repeat the same template as above, with a new focus, referencing specific issues.
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