## Personality Psychology
### The Trait Approach
### Five Factor Model and HEXACO Model
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**Rizqy Amelia Zein**
Department of Personality and Social Psychology
course website: https://s.id/amerta
google classroom: cyhrwcw
## Try it first! :smile:
[Click here to take the test](http://www.personalitylab.org/tests/bfi2_self_pol.htm)
## Five Factor Model :one:
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* The model is based on [Hans Eysenck's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Eysenck) theory that personality is composed of ==traits, or factors==, derived by the [factor-analytic method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factor_analysis).
* The theory uses ==statistical procedure== to derive evidence of the factors of human personality.
* Robert McCrae and Paul Costa embarked on an extensive research program starting in the 1980s that identified five so-called robust or [Big Five factors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Five_personality_traits).
## Five Factor Model :two:
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* These factors are **neuroticism**, **extraversion**, **openness**, **agreeableness**, and **conscientiousness**.
* More than 25 years and hundreds of studies later, one of the originators of the five-factor model accurately described it as marking ==“a turning point in the history of personality psychology”== (McCrae, 2011, p. 210).
![](https://i.imgur.com/qnqzsxJ.png, =500x)
## Personality Measurement :straight_ruler:
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* The factors were confirmed through a variety of assessment techniques including ==self-ratings==, ==objective tests==, and ==observers’ reports==.
- McCrae and Costa then developed a personality test, ==the NEO Personality Inventory==, using an acronym derived from the initials of the first three factors.
## Personality Measurement :straight_ruler:
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==Four of the five== factors show ==a stronger hereditary component==: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness. ==Agreeableness== was found to have a ==stronger environmental== component.
![](https://i.imgur.com/b0Xi5wF.png, =500x)
## Cultural and Gender Differences :woman-boy-boy:
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* The five factors have been ==consistently observed== in Eastern as well as Western cultures, a finding that also supports a genetic component.
* McCrae and Costa noted that the Big Five factors and their traits appear to represent a ==“common human structure of personality”== that transcends cultural differences.
## Cultural Differences :curly_loop:
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* These five factors and their traits have been found in ==more than 50 diverse nations==
* It is important to note that those countries tend to be ==urban==, ==literate==, ==well-educated== societies.
* ==No evidence== of the five factors was found in an extensive study of ==a small, isolated, largely illiterate== tribal group residing in a remote area of Bolivia.
## Gender Differences :woman-boy-boy:
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* There seem to be ==consistent sex differences== in the five factors.
* [Research](https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037/0022-3514.94.1.168) carried out in 55 countries found that :girl: reported ==higher== levels of ==neuroticism==, ==extraversion==, ==agreeableness==, and ==conscientiousness== than men.
* These differences were most pronounced in ==prosperous and egalitarian nations== where women had greater opportunity for education and employment.
## Is personality stable over-time?
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* The five factors have been found in ==children as well as adults==. Longitudinal research studying the same people over a 6-year period demonstrated ==a high level of stability== for all five traits.
* A [large-scale research review](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07317115.2014.885917) showed that neuroticism, extraversion, and openness appeared to ==decrease== as people ==reached their 60s==, whereas agreeableness and ==conscientiousness== seem to ==increase with age==.
## HEXACO Model
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* Michael Ashton and Kibeom Lee have proposed ==a six-factor model of personality==.
* ==Two of the factors==—extraversion and conscientiousness—are ==similar== to those found in the ==five-factor model==; the other four differ in various degrees from the earlier work and are unique to this model of personality.
* [Try the HEXACO personality test!](https://hexaco.org/hexaco-online)
## HEXACO Model
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* The model was developed from several previous independent ==lexical studies==.
* ==Language-based taxonomies== for personality traits have been widely used as a method for developing personality models.
* This method, based on the logic of the lexical hypothesis, uses ==adjectives== found in language that describe behaviours and tendencies among individuals.
![](https://i.imgur.com/H4miMiz.png, =450x)
### Thank you! :tada:
You can find me on:
- [My personal website](https://rameliaz.github.io/)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ameliazein)
- [..or email](mailto:amelia.zein@psikologi.unair.ac.id)
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