## Personality Psychology
### An Introduction (2)
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**Rizqy Amelia Zein**
Department of Personality and Social Psychology
course webpage: https://s.id/amerta
## Does personality vary across gender and culture?
## Yes, it does! But.. :white_check_mark:
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A caveat...
* Most personality psych studies were conducted in **W**estern, **E**ducated, **I**ndustrialised, **R**ich, and **D**emocratic ([**WEIRD**](https://slate.com/technology/2013/05/weird-psychology-social-science-researchers-rely-too-much-on-western-college-students.html)) nations.
* Participants were mostly undergraduates (first year), white (caucassians), and resided in North America.
* Findings from non-WEIRD countries are largely neglected.
## The facts are.. :accept:
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* Our upbringing is so different so that it affects our personality.
* :boy: and :girl: are usually reared according to traditional gender stereotypes so that it affects personality in many ways.
## The role of culture :currency_exchange:
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* A [comparison study](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0022022112470749) of Japanese who emigrated to the :us:, compared to those who stayed in :jp:. Those who moved became much more “American” in their personalities.
* Asian Americans reported [a higher level](https://psycnet.apa.org/fulltext/2006-05763-008.html) of negative emotions in social situations than the European-Americans did.
## The role of culture :currency_exchange:
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* Brain wave activity of :jp: and :us: [to differ in reaction](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1053811909003863) to the same visual stimuli; the differences paralleled each culture’s measured level of **submissiveness** or **dominance**.
* Differing beliefs in [destiny vs free will](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2010-07849-002), but because more Asian countries have become westernised, this belief is slightly reduced.
## Self-construal :one:
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* Individual **competitiveness** and **assertiveness** are often seen as ==undesirable== and ==contrary== to ==Asian== cultural standards.
* In an ==individualistic society==, the focus is on ==personal freedom, choice, and action==.
* In a ==collectivist society==, the focus is on ==group norms and values==, group role expectations, and other cultural constraints on behavior.
## Self-construal :two:
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* However, most **cross-cultural studies** turned out to be **problematic** as they laid out narratives that ==WEIRD people are culturally superior==. **For example...**
* [A study](https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fa0023663) showed that people in **individualistic** cultures show ==greater extraversion, self-esteem, happiness== (or subjective well-being), ==optimism== about their future, and ==a belief in their ability to control== and direct it.
## Child-rearing practices :family:
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* In the ==individualistic cultures==, parents tend to be **noncoercive**, **democratic**, and **permissive** in their child-rearing techniques.
* In ==collectivist cultures==, parental practices tend to be more **authoritarian**, **restrictive**, and **controlling** :arrow_right: [Asian's tiger parenting](https://news.stanford.edu/news/2014/may/asian-european-moms-052014.html)
* So it's possible that ==children who were brought up in a collectivistic culture== might have higher tendency to [**share similarities**](https://www.apadivisions.org/division-7/publications/newsletters/developmental/2013/07/tiger-parenting) to their parents, including their personality.
## Child-rearing practices :family:
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[The researchers noted](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0022022106286922) that Arab adolescents **“follow their parents’** directions in all areas of life, such as **social behavior**, **interpersonal relationships**, **marriage**, **occupational preference**, and **political attitudes**… they ==do not feel that they suffer== from their [parents’] authoritarian style and are even satisfied with this way of life”
## Questions :question:
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* Do you think your and your parents' personality are alike?
* How many traits do you share with your parents?
* How do you feel when someone highlight your resemblance to (one of) your parents?
* Do you think these similarities are more likely due to genes (heritability) or simply a product of learning?
## Personality assessments :clipboard:
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* The assessment of personality is ==a major area of application of psychology== to a number of real-world concerns.
* **Clinical psychologists** try to understand **the symptoms of abnormality** of by assessing personalities.
* **School psychologists** evaluate the personalities of the students to uncover the **causes of adjustment or learning problems**.
## Personality assessments :clipboard:
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* **Counseling psychologists** measure personality to find **the best job** for a particular applicant.
* **Research psychologists** assess the personalities as an attempt to account for their behavior in **an experiment** or **to correlate** their personality traits with other measurements.
## What are good personality tests?
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Keep in your mind that a good measurement should be both **valid** and **reliable**.
* ==Reliability== :arrow_right: **The consistency** of response to a psychological assessment device.
* ==Validity== :arrow_right: The extent to which an assessment device **measures what it is intended to measure**.
## Methods of assessments :notebook:
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* Their techniques ==vary== in **objectivity**, **reliability**, and **validity**, and they range from **dream interpretation** and **childhood recollections** to **computer-administered objective tests**.
## Methods of assessments :notebook:
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* The major approaches to personality assessment are:
* [Self-report](https://www.psychologicalscience.org/observer/the-science-of-self-report) or objective inventories
* [Projective techniques](https://psychology.jrank.org/pages/506/Projective-Techniques.html)
* [Clinical interviews](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781118625392.wbecp117)
* [Behavioral assessment procedures](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4615-7278-7_3)
* [Thought and experience sampling procedures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experience\_sampling\_method)
## Questions :question:
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* Have you ever taken a personality test?
* Can you describe what it looked like?
* Do you think it was helpful to understand your personality?
## Self-report personalitys tests
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* [Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota\_Multiphasic\_Personality_Inventory)
* [The Big Five Inventory (BFI)](ocf.berkeley.edu/~johnlab/bfi.htm)
* [NEO-PI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revised\_NEO\_Personality_Inventory)
* [HEXACO Personality Inventory](http://hexaco.org/)
* [Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)](https://www.vox.com/2014/7/15/5881947/myers-briggs-personality-test-meaningless) :no_entry:
## Projective techniques
## Cultural bias :-1:
## Cultural bias :-1:
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* When the MMPI was [first introduced in Israel](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s15327752jpa8302_02), many people there found it difficult to respond because they were ==unfamiliar with the true-false answer format==.
* Translators of :us: personality tests for use in other cultures also ==face the problem== of :us: **slang and colloquial expressions**.
* The Thematic Apperceptio Test (TAT) [cannot be used in Islamic cultures](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jhbs.20102) :arrow_right: **prohibition** against representing humans in pictorial form.
## Research in Personality Psych
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* Classical experimental method
* Virtual research :arrow_right: online experiment/survey, simulation
* Correlational/survey method
### The role of personality theory :one:
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* Psychologists have long recognized that some personality theories have ==a subjective component==, which may reflect events in ==the theorist’s life== as a sort of disguised autobiography.
* In order to understand a personality theory fully then, we should learn something about ==the life of the person who proposed it==.
### The role of personality theory :two:
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* **BUT**, perhaps it is not the person’s life experiences that influence the development of the theory. Maybe it’s ==the other way around==.
* Perhaps ==the theory influences== what the theorists remember and choose to tell us about their lives.
### Questions about human nature :person_with_pouting_face:
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* Are we in charge of your own lives?
* **Free will** vs **fatalism**
* What do define you?
* Your **inherited genes** or your **nurturing environment**?
* Are you **dependent** or **independent** of your childhood experiences?
* Is human nature **unique** or **universal**?
### Questions about human nature :person_with_pouting_face:
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* Which one does describe your aim best:
* **Satisfaction** (pleasure seeking) or **growth**?
* ...and how about your outlook?
* Is it **optimism** or **pessimism**?
### Thank you! :tada:
You can find me on:
- [My personal website](https://rameliaz.github.io/)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ameliazein)
- [..or email](mailto:amelia.zein@psikologi.unair.ac.id)
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