## Personality Psychology
### An Introduction
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**Rizqy Amelia Zein**
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga
google classroom: [**cyhrwcw**](https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NTU0NDc1NzYzNDRa) (AMERTA) and [**rhinbxh**](https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/Mjc5MTE3NTE2MzY2) (IUP)

# Topics :book:
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* Freudian Psychoanalysis
* Jungian Psychoanalysis
* Karen Horney's Feminist Psychoanalysis
* Allport Trait Theory
* Five Factor Model of Personality
* Maslow's Humanistic Approach
## What the hell is personality?
### ..and why should you care about it?

## Personality is described as..
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* The **state of being** a person :information_desk_person:
* The **characteristics and qualities** that form a person’s distinctive character :unamused:
* The sum total of all the **physical**, **mental**, **emotional**, and **social** characteristic of a person :tada:
* The **unique**, **relatively enduring** internal and external aspects of a person’s character that **influence behavior** in different situations :white_check_mark:
## Why does it matter? :one:
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* Everybody has one (as long as you are not diagnosed with [dissociative identity disorder](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/dissociative-identity-disorder-multiple-personality-disorder))
* How do we check our own personality? Do we always need a psych test to affirm it?
## Why does it matter? :two:
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* Are you the same person as you were... lets say, 10 years ago?
* What do you think is different now?
* Is personality stable, unique, and thus.. predictable?
* Why do you think it's important =="to know yourself?"==

## To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom
-- Socrates

## Let's try "to know thyself"..
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* Write down as **many adjectives** as you can think of to describe what you are really like.
* Try not to write how you would like to be, or what you want your parents or Instagram friends to think you are like.
* How many adjectives did you find?
## All in all..
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* You can understand your personality better through others' feedback. :family:
* But sometimes, the way we present ourselves publicly does not necessarily align to our real personality.
* Would you say personality is ==mere a description of a mask we wear== or ==the role we play==? 🎭
## Are you the same person online? 👩🏼💻
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* Do we **present our real selves** on social media?
* Does the **use of social media** influence or change our personalities?
* Do people with **different personalities** use social media in different ways?
### Social media and the selves 👩💻
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* Social networking sites [**convey accurate images**](https://icwsm.org/papers/3--Gosling-Gaddis-Vazire.pdf) of one's personality profiles.
* However, [a study](https://cyberpsychology.eu/article/view/4273) found that many people have a tendency to present themselves online as being ==much more emotionally stable== than **they really are**.
* Those who are [introverted, neurotic, lonely, and socially awkward](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563213004354) find it ==easier to express their real personalities== online instead of in person.
### What about.. pretty selfies on Instagram?
#### Does that an accurate depiction on one's life?

## Does social media affect what we are? :scream:
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* Does social media influence your well-being?
* Does it make you feel lonely and depressed?
* Does it destroy your life satisfaction and your quality of life? And basically, damage you inside-out?
* ..and most importantly, can someone suffer from social media addiction?
## Research says, no :exclamation:
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* Digital technology has a [little impact](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-018-0506-1?mod=article_inline) to well being.
* Social media use, too, has [a small effect](https://www.pnas.org/content/116/21/10226.short) to life satisfaction.
* Even gaming disorder seems like [it's a myth](https://akademiai.com/doi/full/10.1556/2006.7.2018.19).
* No, no [generation is doomed](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/social-media-has-not-destroyed-a-generation/) by the digital technology.
## "Social media fucked up your generation"

## [Online disinhibition effect](http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/aps.42)
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* Interacting online means **typical restraints** of ==face-to-face interaction== are **non-existent**.
* ODI: **lack of restraint** one feels when ==communicating online== in comparison to communicating in-person.
* That's why you **might be surprised** by one's unprecedented actions on social media.
* Could be **toxic** or **benign**.

### Thank you! :tada:
You can find me on:
- [My personal website](https://rameliaz.github.io/)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ameliazein)
- [..or email](mailto:amelia.zein@psikologi.unair.ac.id)
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