## Personality Psychology
### The Limited-Domain Approach
#### Facets of Personality: Taking Control, Taking Chances, and Finding Happiness
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**Rizqy Amelia Zein**
Department of Personality and Social Psychology
google classroom: rhinbxh
## Introduction :one:
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* An increasing number of contemporary personality psychologists have concluded that ==no single theory== can ==provide a comprehensive explanation== for all aspects of personality and behavior.
* This has given rise to a newer, ==limited-domain approach== to personality.
- More ==restricted in scope==, focusing on more circumscribed personality factors.
## Introduction :two:
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* The focus began to ==shift away== from the whole person when the study of personality was brought out of the clinic and into ==the research laboratory==.
* Experimental psychologists typically study only ==one variable at a time==, controlling or holding constant all others.
- They concentrate on ==a limited area== of investigation.
## Introduction :three:
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* Proponents of these limited-domain theories place ==less emphasis== on the ==therapeutic value== of their ideas.
* Typically they are researchers, not clinicians, and, as a result, are ==more interested in investigating personality== than in changing it.
## Facets of Personality :face_with_monocle:
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* **==Julian Rotter==** :arrow_right: Locus of Control :control_knobs:
* ==**Marvin Zuckerman**== :arrow_right: Sensation Seeking :sake:
* ==**Martin E. Seligman**== :arrow_right: Learned Helplessness :hear_no_evil:
## Locus of Control :one:
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* Rotter found that..
- Some people believe that their reinforcers ==depend on their own actions==.
- Others believe their reinforcers are ==controlled by other people== and ==by outside forces==.
* He called this concept **==locus of control==**.
## Locus of Control :two:
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* People who have **==an internal locus of control==** believe that the reinforcement they receive is under the control of their own behaviors and abilities.
* Those with **==an external locus of control==** believe that other people, fate, or luck control the rewards they receive.
- They are convinced that they are powerless with respect to outside forces.
## Sensation Seeking
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* Zuckerman describes ==**sensation seeking**== as a desire for “varied, novel, complex, and intense sensations and experience, and the willingness to take physical, social, legal, and financial risks for the sake of such experience”
* We might call it simply ==“taking chances.”==
## Aspects Sensation Seeking :one:
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* ==**Thrill and adventure seeking**== :arrow_right: A desire to engage in physical activities involving speed, danger, novelty, and defiance of gravity
* **==Experience seeking==** :arrow_right: The search for novel experiences through travel, music, art, or a nonconformist lifestyle with similarly inclined people.
## Aspects Sensation Seeking :two:
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* ==**Disinhibition**== :arrow_right: The need to seek release in uninhibited social activities such as risky sex, impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and antisocial behaviors.
* ==**Boredom susceptibility**== :arrow_right: An aversion to repetitive experiences, routine work, and predictable people, and a reaction of restless discontent when exposed to such situations.
### Good & Bad Sensation Seeking :dragon_face:
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* ==**The good type**==, or non-impulsive socialized sensation seeking, involves the thrill- and adventure-seeking component.
* ==**The bad type**==, impulsive unsocialized sensation seeking, consists of high scores on the disinhibition, experience seeking, and boredom susceptibility components
### Learned Helplessness :frowning:
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* **==Learned helplessness==** :arrow_right: A condition resulting from the perception that we have no control over our environment.
* Seligman expanded his work on learned helplessness to encompass the factor of ==optimism versus pessimism==.
* It is not only the lack of control under conditions of learned helplessness that affects our health but how we explain this lack of control to ourselves.
## Explanatory Style
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* ==An optimistic explanatory== style **prevents** helplessness
* ==A pessimistic explanatory== style **spreads** helplessness to all facets of life.
## Happiness :smiley:
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* Psychologists have ==variously labeled== the happy personality in terms such as ==subjective well-being== or ==life satisfaction==
* They define it as encompassing ==a cognitive evaluation== of the ==quality of one’s life== experience and the possession of ==positive moods and emotions==.
* Thus, happiness has ==both rational== and ==emotional== aspects.
## Happiness and success :smile:
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* Which comes first: happiness and success?
* Are some people happy because they are successful, or are they successful because they are happy?
## Happiness and success :smile:
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* Happiness, or subjective well-being, ==[leads to](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1069072707308140) the kinds of behaviors== that bring about success.
* People [high in subjective well-being](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1069072707308140) “are ==more likely to secure job interviews==, ==to be evaluated more positively by supervisors== once they obtain a job, [and] ==to show superior performance== and productivity”
### Thank you! :tada:
You can find me on:
- [My personal website](https://rameliaz.github.io/)
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ameliazein)
- [..or email](mailto:amelia.zein@psikologi.unair.ac.id)
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