# WFC-0 Bounty Compliance Standards This document lays out standards which shall apply to all bounties funded through Polkadot OpenGov. It defines how these entities evolve and how they handle budgeting, transparency, and compliance. ## 0. Scope 1. These standards are intended to be applied to bounties seeking funding from OpenGov. The basic intention is to ensure that minimum standards are upheld before a budget is granted to those bounties. ## 1. Bounty Scope and Operations 1. Bounties shall have a clearly defined scope and list of objectives by which their success can be judged by the community. 2. Funds may only spent within the boundaries of the defined scope and objectives for which the funds were requested. ## 2. Funding 1. Bounties may request a maximum of one top-up per quarter. 2. Funding requests must include a. Budget: The budget has to give an honest picture of the intended spending and be broken down into positions. Positions should be explained in sufficient detail. b. Timeframe: The timeframe should give clarity to OpenGov when it can expect the next funding proposal. c. Transparency reports that cover activities up to the time of the request. 4. A funding request has to be put up for discussion in any of the established governance platforms or the Polkadot forum for at least 2 weeks before it is put to a vote. ## 3. Transparency Bounties are required to provide the following materials for transparency: 1. Official public communication channel where curators are regularly available and the public can participate 2. Regularly updated official overview page - Objectives - Main contact point - Link to the public communication channel - A list of all current curators with verified on-chain identies - Links to all progress reports and all other transparency materials listed below - Links to relevant documentation - Link to current child bounties that are available to be claimed by executors - Guidance for executors on how to participate in the bounty 3. Spending Policy, including how curators are compensated 4. Table of Child Bounties with status, name, description, amount, beneficiary username, beneficiary address, evidence, justification signed off by a curator 5. Monthly written report posted to the Governance section of the Polkadot Forum, signed off by at least one curator - Current status of projects - Current bounty balance - Current plans - Notable changes to scope, curation team, operations... 6. Quarterly financial statement - Balance - Income and Expenses - Summary of curator payments - Summary of payments by recipient - available in an open format (XLSX, CSV or similar) 7. Child Bounty descriptions in Subsquare/Polkassembly that contain the same information as defined in the child bounty table ## 4. Curators 1. Payments to curators are only allowed once the first deliverables are done. 2. Curators may not sign payments for work that they have executed. 3. Curators have to publicly declare and document any conflicts of interest that come up during their duty. 4. Curators have to report any misbehavior or other issues that conflict with the effective and efficient operation of the bounty. # Notes ## Levels of legal order Clarify how levels of legal order are applied through submission through different tracks # FAQs & Comments ## Would a strategy be considered a defined scope? A strategy is much bigger. A scope is the first part of a strategy. So yes, a proper strategy contains a scope. However, a strategy is not required for a bounty scope. A scope is just goals/objectives. ## Will bounties be denied funding if they don't provide the artifacts requested in this doc? It is still up to OpenGov, but the idea is that OpenGov shall question bounties that do not provide these things. We suggest OpenGov denies funding requests if proper scoping and transparency criteria are not fulfilled. ## Examples ## But a bounty should be able to change its scope.!. ## What's a scope? What's an objective? Article 1 2a. Any substantial change in scope has to be approved by OpenGov. Article 2 1) Funding requests have to include a budget for how it intends to use the funds, Redudant. Usage is defined by scope and objectives in 1.1 Alice und Bob 2024/10/10 11:58:27 The scope is long-term and generic in nature. the quarterly budget is focused on specific projects. it might touch only some of the scopes or with different priorities. it is more specific. The idea is to communicate specific plans for how the money is used, not some general ambitions.2 Article 3 2) - page can be Subsquare, dedicated Website, Notion, etc... - Link to child bounties - link to Subsquare or better