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## Embedding open research and reproducibility in the UG and PGT curricula.
Pablo Bernabeu (Lancaster University)
Phil McAleer (University of Glasgow)
Andrew Stewart (University of Manchester)
View slides: https://hackmd.io/@ajstewartlang/BJEJz0EW8
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## The Context
- In Psychology, the so-called *replication crisis* has resulted in teaching programmes re-examining how they cover research skills and the application of statistics to extract meaning from data.
- One way to teach reproducibility is to provide students with the skills they need in order for them to adopt reproducible workflows and to produce reproducible research findings in their own work.
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## The University of Glasgow, Putting the 'R' in 'Reproducibility' Journey
- Dale Barr offered SPSS and R/Rstudio to Level 3 students for ~4 years before seeing gradual move towards R and request for better understanding of data. Level 1 and Level 2 used SPSS.
- Barr, McAleer, Stack & Swingler (2016) suggested increased confidence and understanding in students who chose R over SPSS. [Poster available here](https://psyteachr.github.io/trdair_workshop/LTC_workshop.pdf)
- Issue would be that less confident students, if given choice, may opt for perceived easier option but at the detriment of skill level.
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## The University of Glasgow, Putting the 'R' in 'Reproducibility' Journey
- 2016-2017 academic year switched all undergrad (and postgrad) teaching to be based in R.
- **Key Point 1:** R is the tool we use to teach the skills we highlighted as being needed by a modern undergrad in our field.
- **Key Point 2:** Focus on developing core skills at early levels, allowing for greater flexibility at later levels.
- E.g. Reading in and Concatening Data; Data Wrangling; Visualisation; Probability, etc.
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## The University of Glasgow, Putting the 'R' in 'Reproducibility' Journey
- 2016 - 2017 (4 Year Undergrad)
- Level 1 completely revamped to new curriculum using open data and a preclass, inclass, homework approach.
- Level 2 labs swapped from SPSS to R, though same format and structure of previous curriculum was maintained to allow staff to develop skills.
- Level 3 only offered R from now on.
- 2017 - 2018
- Level 1 updated based on feedback.
- Level 2 revamped to same approach as Level 1 based on feedback.
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- 2018 & onwards
- Level 1 and Level 2 updated based on feedback to make more interactive.
- Additional bootstrapping and advanced statistics modules introdued at Level 4 as students have skills to cope now.
- All current materials available [on PsyTeachR webpage](https://psyteachr.github.io/coursebooks/) & #PsyTeachR
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## Psychology degrees teaching R in the U.K.
- Nottingham Trent UG - 2012, PG - 2010
- University of Edinburgh UG - 2018, PG - 2015
- University of Glasgow UG - 2015, PG - 2010
- University of Lancaster PG - 2014
- University of Lincoln PG - 2018
- University of Manchester PG - 2018
- University of Plymouth UG - 2018, PG - 2017
- University of Sussex UG - 2019, PG - 2017
- and possibly more!
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## But it's not easy...
- With UG income so important, and student feedback so interlinked with this, degree programmes can be risk averse.
-- *When do you change the course?*
-- *How do you deal with different skills across the years?*
- Those delivering the teaching may not have the time/confidence to radically change the curriculum.
-- *"Will the students be able to cope?"*
-- *"Will the teaching staff be able to cope??"*
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## The Challenges
- Institutional (getting buy in from the Uni/Faculty/School)
- Pedagogical (teaching people with sometimes little coding experience, resistance - 'I want to study Psychology, not Computer Science!')
- Practical (technical challenges using managed PCs, individual setups)
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## Institutional Challenges and Solutions
- These have all helped:
-- Funders encouragement of open research practices.
-- REF (UoA4 at least) rewarding open research.
-- UKRN asking for institutions to apppoint an open research/reproducibility lead who will sit on senior management team.
-- Journals encouraging/requiring open data and code.
-- Recognition that coding skills are good for employability.
-- Collaborative design of teaching content.
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## Pedagogical Challenges and Solutions
- Students not expecting to code.
- Teach it as skill development and embed it in reproducible research skills. Preferably with a Methods lecture module that reiterates ideas and shows importance/changes in field.
- Students want to be Psychologists.
- When to change programme?
- There will never be the perfect time but with the idea of teaching and enhancing skills then every student will benefit in some way.
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- SPSS or JAMOVI or JASP or R or Python?
- Depends on what skills you want your students to have. We valued reproducible data wrangling over analysis so R makes more sense than point-and-click.
- Doing it effectively?
- Treat it like a language.
- Repetitive continual practice of skills.
- Preclass, Inclass, Homework - the data changes but the skills stay the same, and build on each other.
- Can you assess code?
- Had to build own package: [assessr by Dale Barr](https://github.com/dalejbarr/assessr)
- What about X, Y and Z?
- There will be a solution and in the long run your students benefit most!
- **#BetterSoftwareBetterTeaching**
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## Practical Challenges and Solutions
- University-managed PC restrictions.
- Fortunate to have strong IT support at Glasgow so Psych labs all use same image.
- Local (personal) laptop configuration challenges.
- Chromebooks for example have issues with R
- Issues with folder naming - students not as computer literate as you might imagine.
- RStudio Cloud provides a way to give all students the same R environment.
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- **Rstudio Cloud Approach**
- Create a project from a GitHub repo featuring teaching material. Students then have all the material running in the same environment - as they access via a browser, they don't need to do any heavy lifting locally (and staff don't have to deal with idiosyncratic configurations) - and can access the material via Chromebooks, tablets, etc.
- [example of RStudio Cloud setup available here](https://psyteachr.github.io/msc-conv-odl/rstudio-cloud.html)
- Limitation of this approach is students then may struggle to set things up locally once the course has ended (think of Python configuration challenges...)
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## Uptake of programming facilitating reproducibility in psychology
More reasons for integration of programming in curricula:
the welter after graduation
## Uptake of programming facilitating reproducibility in psychology
More reasons for integration of programming in curricula:
the welter after graduation
- #### Variable 1: time constraints
:file_folder: :file_folder: :file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder:
👨👩👦 👶 :guitar: 🍳 :recycle:
## Uptake of programming facilitating reproducibility in psychology
More reasons for integration of programming in curricula:
the welter after graduation
- #### Variable 1: time constraints
:file_folder: :file_folder: :file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder:
👨👩👦 👶 :guitar: 🍳 :recycle:
- #### Variable 2: working time allowed for skill development
## Uptake of programming facilitating reproducibility in psychology
More reasons for integration of programming in curricula:
the welter after graduation
- #### Variable 1: time constraints
:file_folder: :file_folder: :file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder:
👨👩👦 👶 :guitar: 🍳 :recycle:
- #### Variable 2: working time allowed for skill development
- #### Variable 3: professional rewards
## Uptake of programming facilitating reproducibility in psychology
More reasons for integration of programming in curricula:
the welter after graduation
- #### Variable 1: time constraints
:file_folder: :file_folder: :file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder:
👨👩👦 👶 :guitar: 🍳 :recycle:
- #### Variable 2: working time allowed for skill development
- #### Variable 3: professional rewards
- #### Variable 4: personal priorities
## Uptake of programming facilitating reproducibility in psychology
More reasons for integration of programming in curricula:
the welter after graduation
- #### Variable 1: time constraints
:file_folder: :file_folder: :file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder: :open_file_folder:
👨👩👦 👶 :guitar: 🍳 :recycle:
- #### Variable 2: working time allowed for skill development
- #### Variable 3: professional rewards
- #### Variable 4: personal priorities
### --> Pre-empt future blockers
## Collaboration
Synergy, probably. An example
## Collaboration
Synergy, probably. An example
- Graduate teaching assistants: still learning
## Collaboration
Synergy, probably. An example
- Graduate teaching assistants: still learning
- Yet, what happens when revising/contributing to class content?
## Collaboration
Synergy, probably. An example
- Graduate teaching assistants: still learning
- Yet, what happens when revising/contributing to class content?
- They may genuinely improve it.
## Collaboration
Synergy, probably. An example
- Graduate teaching assistants: still learning
- Yet, what happens when revising/contributing to class content?
- They may genuinely improve it.
- Collaboration not the easiest route
- but a good one for excellence?
## Collaboration
Synergy, probably. An example
- Graduate teaching assistants: still learning
- Yet, what happens when revising/contributing to class content?
- They may genuinely improve it.
- Collaboration not the easiest route
- but a good one for excellence?
> Nobody is perfect
## Great, little coding experience
## Great, little coding experience
- Resources | Languages | Varied job | Jobs
## Great, little coding experience
- Resources | Languages | Varied job | Jobs
- accessible | transferable | much ❤'d | :fireworks:
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# Activity (in groups)
- What are the challenges *you* might face trying to introduce Open Research and Reproducibility to UG and PGT curricula?
- How might you overcome them?
- Add your contributions to this hackmd document : https://bit.ly/2TCZo5r
# Thank you!
You can find us on
- GitHub: [@ajstewartlang](https://github.com/ajstewartlang), [@philmcaleer](https://github.com/philmcaleer), [@pablobernabeu](https://github.com/pablobernabeu)
- Twitter: [@ajstewart_lang](https://twitter.com/ajstewart_lang), [@mcaleerp](https://twitter.com/mcaleerp), [@pablobernabeu_](https://twitter.com/pablobernabeu_)
- or email us:
--- [p.bernabeu@lancaster.ac.uk](mailto:p.bernabeu@lancaster.ac.uk)
--- [philip.mcaleer@glasgow.ac.uk](mailto:philip.mcaleer@glasgow.ac.uk)
--- [andrew.stewart@manchester.ac.uk](mailto:andrew.stewart@manchester.ac.uk)
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