## Goal
First aid time: start improving user-focused documentation, build out docs and examples roadmap. Wrap up important work from last sprint. Let's not drag things on.
## Sprint Details
Sprint 75 is from 29 August 2023 to 11 September 2023. Current board is [here](https://github.com/orgs/usnistgov/projects/25/views/2).
### Leave or other priorities
- [ALL]: Labor Day off (Federal Holiday)
- A.J.: Out for 1.5 days for travel and personal leave, 75% allocation on those days, has non-OSCAL work to attend to as well.
- Nikita: Our for 1 day for a personal conference. Has non-OSCAL work. 75% allocation on remaining days.
- Michaela: AWS + Google +SL leave = 3 days off. Need to support (work with Chris on CRM) - availability varies depending on Chris' need for support. [aiming to take some time off the LD week - not finalized]
- Wendell: contemplating leave - (would it be a good time?) maybe up to 4 days
- Arminta: may have a personal appt. I'll check dates and confirm
- DC: 12+ hours [plan to have some vacation LD-week]
- Chris: Out the week of Sept 4 -- only in Tues that week.
### [B]lockers, [C]oncerns, [R]isks
- [C] AJ: We have to release in usnistgov/OSCAL, but have secondary release artifacts across multiple repositories, how will we achieve that?
- [C] Chris: if other works needs doing, I really need to focus on DEFINE CRM work during the span of this sprint, worth calling out here.
- [R] Nikita: we need to scope down sprint given planning meeting updates on leave plans.
- AJ agrees, sprint shall be updated momentarily. :-)
### Action Items
- Embrace WAIT and TOL (Take It Offline: take an important topic out of meeting into [the nist-team channel for chat](https://matrix.to/#/#usnistgov-OSCAL_nist-team:gitter.im))