# HQHS Flying Car Standardization Committe A Planning Meeting 20230920
## Participation
### Attending Organizations
1. High Quality High Speed [HQHS] (the Standards Development Organization)
1. Office of Convenience and Growth [OGC] (Government Agency)
1. Wings on Wheels [WOW] (Manufacturer)
1. Office of Risk Aversion [OGA] (Government Agency)
### Attendees
1. Alexander Stein (HQHS, Chair)
1. Ned Goren (HQHS, Secretary)
1. Jennifer Coble (OGC)
1. Thomas Santucci (OGC)
3. Hiaou Qu (WOW)
4. Alex Hunt (WOW)
5. John Fisher (ORA)
6. Kiran Balsa (ORA)
## Agenda
### HQHS SDO Key Philosophies
- Consensus-based, multi-party process is important.
- Each party should identify their position, and other attending parties will confirm whether they support or oppose it. Formal notes will assume support of positions by all parties unless otherwise specifically noted.
- [SMART rules are best.](https://www.atlassian.com/blog/productivity/how-to-write-smart-goals)
### Participating Organizations and Key Concerns
The chair has proposed that each party provide openeing remarks about challenges and benefits regarding topics of key concerns to focus possible prooposed rules given [HQHS SDO Key Philosophies](https://hackmd.io/cDeNyAjTTjSYnntPeh9Giw#HQHS-SDO-Key-Philosophies).
- Safety
- Communication
- Geo-location
- Minimum speed over minimum distance
#### OGC Comments on Challenges and Benfits
1. Keep it accessible for all (particularly those not the wealthiest possible consumers).
1. Keep it in place with current regulation
1. Stimulate the economy.
1. OGC recommends a series of pilot test to record data and information to inform proposed rules.
#### WOW Comments on Challenges and Benfits
1. Focused on the safe operation of the flying car and excited about economic potential.
1. Want the US to be a leader but want international cooperation and regulators need confidence in safe operation .
1. In respect to minimum speed: in flight mode, minimum speed is important.
1. Communication and geo-location tracking is important, and we currently have sophisticated mechanisms for that now. Altitude and location control pivotal to safe operation of fying car.
1. Our company has already done research on speed and altitude requirements. Previous experience may be useful.
#### ORA Comments on Challenges and Benfits
1. A key focus for our party is on safe operation. We do not want to stile operation.
1. We want to focus on the maximum speed and maximum altitude in flight operation mode.
1. We are supportive of using existing benchmarks and regulations and make use of parallel references to the best extent possible.
### Proposed focus on speed and altitude requirements.
1. Proposed by HQHS Chair.
2. Accepted by OGC.
3. Accepted by WOW.
4. Accepted by ORA.
### Speed and altitude requirements
1. ORA asserts we review ground speed and requirements.
2. HQHS Chair repeated clarification that proposed focus is on flight mode operation speed.
3. OGC supports a focus on ground traffic and existing benchmarks and regulations.
4. WOW The current cruising speed in flight mode is 62 mph, with a maximum cruising speedd of 190 mph.
5. HQHS Secretary inquired if flight mode operation
6. ORA proposes potential speed limits for cars in flight mode.
7. WOW agrees to the logic and soundness of wanting to set a speed limit. WOW would like to note that maximum speed limit should not be set low as to not acidentally encourage stalling in flight mode, leading to a potential greater safety hazard. For WOW, this would mean a maximum speed no less than 62 mph and 192 mph.
**Proposed Rule:** Committee A will determine the feasbility of a safe flight mode operation speed between 62 and 192 miles per hour based on a pilot to determine a precise range, to be reviewed after a pilot with parties within 1 calendar year from the publication of this final draft.
**NOTE from HQHS Chair:** Formal vote was not convened, meeting was concluded on schedule.