###### tags: `sprint planning`
## Goal
First aid time: start improving user-focused documentation, build out docs and examples roadmap. Still need to finish carry over work from last sprint.
## Sprint Details
Sprint 76 is from 14-28 September 2023. Current board is [here](https://github.com/orgs/usnistgov/projects/25/views/2).
### Leave or other priorities
- A.J.: Primarily focused on OSCAL, no planned leave.
- Arminta: Sept 25 school closure (follow up later); Sept 28 - 2 hrs of AL
- Chris: Out Thurs/Fri next week. (Still presenting DEFINE)
- Dmitry: 2 Wednesdays(provisionally) + meetings = approx 18-20 hours.
- Nikita: Will follow up later, out on leave.
- Michaela: Primary focus on OSCAL (DEFINE research, DEFINE meeting, mini workshop meeting, OSCAL 101, csrc updates, working with adopters and issues we need to address)
- Wendell: Out Sep 27-29 (AL) - and busy w/ Metaschema tooling (not on the board)
### [B]lockers, [C]oncerns, [R]isks
- [C]: usnistgov/OSCAL#1771 is important and we should give the assigned devs space to work on it, it's important. (Good concern, not bad!)
### Action Items
- Embrace WAIT and TOL (Take It Offline: take an important topic out of meeting into [the nist-team channel for chat](https://matrix.to/#/#usnistgov-OSCAL_nist-team:gitter.im))