# Double Shield **[afnleaf's notes](https://afnleaf.github.io/notes.html)** *patch 1.59* ---- ![orisa](https://i.imgur.com/4XbbwcI.jpg "orisa") ![sigma](https://i.imgur.com/eslhlP7.jpg "sigma") ![baptiste](https://i.imgur.com/7GMdqFD.jpg "baptiste") **Pull is on a 6s CD** Creating engagements at any range on a short CD is the main reason to play Double Shield on the current patch. It should be played primarily as a burst comp with an uptime/downtime cycle in sync with pull. This puts Orisa in line with the capabilities of other main tanks. ### Current *"Burst Comp"* Meta Timings **Reinhardt** *Brawl* Based on your DPS timings - *Shield Regen* 2s - *Mei Wall* 12s - *McCree Flash* 10s - *Doomfist Cycle* 6s Orisa can match Doomfist's cycle. Also being able to use 2 pulls during one Mei wall cycle. **Ball** *Ball+Tracer Dive* - *Grapple* 5s - *Shields* 15s - *Slam* 10s - *Tracer Recall* 12s Orisa can match pull to punish every grapple engage. **Winston** *Double Bubble* - *Jump* 6s - *Bubble* 13s - *Zarya Ally* 8s Orisa can match pull to punish every jump engage. Essentially Orisa no longer lags behind in the ability to cycle and focus her team's resources. The cooldown trade with pull has become a lot stronger and more frequent. ### How to play Double Shield: Here are some primary strengths of a double shield composition: - Creating damage pressure at medium to long range -> *Pull + DPS* - Multiple Angles of Pressure -> *2 shields = at least 2 squads* - Hitting Rotations Hard -> *Pull + Anything* - Punishing Mobility by Chaining CC -> *Pull + Rock* - Shield and HP Resource Cycle -> *Shields, Healing, Fortify, Grasp, Lamp* - Take Space with Sigma shield, maintain it with Orisa shield Playstyles: - Angle Pressure - Creating a Concave - Rubberbanding ---- ### Squads: Double shield can be considered a spam->brawl hybrid. You are flexible with the win condition you can use to secure the fight. *Brawl* Squad and *Spam* Squad *Main* vs *Offangle* A squad can be made up of one tank and one support. Most commonly double shield is using Baptiste with either Zenyatta or Brigitte however there are still exceptions. DPS heros can slot themselves into different groups as well but that would be overcomplicated. **Brig variant:**: ![orisa](https://i.imgur.com/4XbbwcI.jpg "orisa" =70x63) ![sigma](https://i.imgur.com/eslhlP7.jpg "sigma" =70x63) ![brigitte](https://i.imgur.com/Hvj3YxE.jpg "brigitte" =70x63) ![baptiste](https://i.imgur.com/7GMdqFD.jpg "baptiste" =70x63) The Brig variant enables brawling because of Brig's unique kit. You can look to close distance with your Tanks and Brig to get value from Inspire, Shield Bash and Rally. **Standard**: -> Orisa + Bap -> *Spam Main* -> Sigma + Brig -> *Spam Offangle* Orisa holds the main angle, she is better at absorbing pressure vs brawl. Sigma plays to spam from an offangle and gets protection from roaming DPS with the bodyguard Brig. **Modern**: -> Orisa + Brig -> *Brawl Offangle* -> Sigma + Bap -> *Spam Main* This split plays to each hero's strengths better. Sigma plays into spam pressure more easily because of his better shield and grasp ability. Orisa and Brig together can force a brawl earlier. **Zen variant:** ![orisa](https://i.imgur.com/4XbbwcI.jpg "orisa" =70x63) ![sigma](https://i.imgur.com/eslhlP7.jpg "sigma" =70x63) ![zenyatta](https://i.imgur.com/LtrummE.jpg "zenyatta" =70x63) ![baptiste](https://i.imgur.com/7GMdqFD.jpg "baptiste" =70x63) The Zen variant naturally plays more towards a spam win condition, lessening the flexibility of the comp. Your damage output and burst potential at range becomes astronomically higher. **Standard**: -> Orisa + Bap -> *Spam Main* -> Sigma + Zen -> *Spam Offangle* The primary win condition of the composition is to look for value from multiple angles. Baptiste supports Orisa on main better. **Modern**: -> Orisa -> *Main* -> Sigma + Bap + Zen -> *Spam Offangle* Orisa plays as the focal point of the comp, providing a tanky front line presence. You take the fight on her location. The Sigma group plays to support her from range. ---- #### Healing **In Poke Phase** *Main Healer*: Bap -> Heal Tanks, anyone else *Pocket Healer*: Brig -> DPS and Bap **When Brawling** *Main Healer*: Brig -> Heal Tanks, anyone else *DPSer*: Bap -> SHOOT #### DPS picks HS: McCree, Ashe, Widow, Hanzo, etc FDPS: Echo, Mei, Genji, Torb, Tracer, etc The dps you pick will determine whether your comp wants to play more for spam or for brawl. #### Spamming Only a DPS roamer has lots of mobility, ex Echo, Tracer Pre-Fight positioning around your Cores is super important. You can essentially win the fight before it breaks out due to excellent positioning. Play for lane and space control. Pivot Spaces -> Rotate to split 3+ Angles of aggression -> recognize value angle #### Brawling Start around a choke and play closer -> Play Fast Brawl *or* Play split to group up based on triggers -> Play for Mid Fight Brawl ---- ## The Cycle The following is a simple and *dynamic* structure for playing around pull: **scout -> pull -> combo -> reset** The main idea is to focus resources with timing to achieve a specific goal: - **Rotation** or Setup - Burst an Isolated target -> **Pick** - Close Distance -> **Brawl** - Create openings for **Spam** value Understanding what goal you are going for will help you decide a target and location. ### Phase 1: *(Scout)* **Downtime** Scout -> Engage plan: - What specific Goal are we trying to achieve? - Who are we going to pull? -> Target/Location - What are we combining with it? -> CD/Ult *ex,Comms:* **(Hero) do you have (CD) for pull?** **Next pull I'm going to (Ult) their (target)** **I have (CD) for pull** You may have to use some resources to scout a target. ### Phase 2: *Pull | (Engage)* **Uptime** **EVERY SINGLE PULL SHOULD BE IN COMBINATION WITH STRONG DAMAGE A CD OR ULT** *ex,Comms:* **Pulling (Target) (Location) in 3..2..1** Going from phase1 to phase2 must be a quick transition, where the whole team is on the same page. It is ok to fail to reach your goal in this phase as long as you can quickly move onto the next one. ### Phase 3: *Live | (Stabilize)* **Downtime** When engaging with pull, you use resources to peek(shields, HP, CDs), eventually you run out of them. If you are stuck chasing the goal of your engage phase without any resources left, you will lose. You need to keep some so you can stabilize until the next pull is planned. - find cover(closed spaces) - recover cooldowns and HP - repeat the process from the top ## Matchups Different variations of the Double Shield comp will be used depending on the matchup you are going into. ### vs Brawl ![orisa](https://i.imgur.com/4XbbwcI.jpg "orisa" =70x63) ![sigma](https://i.imgur.com/eslhlP7.jpg "sigma" =70x63) ![mei](https://i.imgur.com/fMFe0Xh.jpg "mei" =70x63) ![hanzo](https://i.imgur.com/bxRfivm.jpg "hanzo" =70x63) ![zenyatta](https://i.imgur.com/LtrummE.jpg "zenyatta" =70x63) ![baptiste](https://i.imgur.com/7GMdqFD.jpg "baptiste" =70x63) *vs* ![reinhardt](https://i.imgur.com/wKkGxcz.jpg "reinhardt" =70x63) ![dva](https://i.imgur.com/J37idVM.jpg "dva" =70x63) ![mei](https://i.imgur.com/fMFe0Xh.jpg "mei" =70x63) ![mccree](https://i.imgur.com/gvXShkD.jpg "mccree" =70x63) ![lucio](https://i.imgur.com/M3hs7pk.jpg "lucio" =70x63) ![baptiste](https://i.imgur.com/7GMdqFD.jpg "baptiste" =70x63) #### Damage Instances of Damage for each hero in a short burst (1.5-2s) at 20m distance - Hero: Instance -> Damage - Orisa: 20 Bullets -> 220 - Sigma: 2 Volleys -> 220 - Hanzo: 1 Arrow + Storm -> 475 - Mei: 3 shots -> 225 - Bap: 3 shots -> 216 - Zen: 4 shots -> 192 - Total: 1548 - Discord(x1.25): 1935 - Bongo(x1.50): 2322 - Window(x2.00): 3096 #### Cooldowns - Orisa: Pull(6s), Fortify(10s), Shield(10s) - Sigma: Rock(10s), Succ(12s) - Hanzo: Storm Arrow(10s) - Mei: Wall(12s) Pull + Rock, Storm, Wall, Zen Orbs, Bap DPS, Any Ult You can use Orisa's Pull every 6 seconds and throw all of this at it. You are a cannon of damage being thrown at a brawl comp's face. **Strong Corners for Lamp** Use your tanks to body block and keep a strong corner that you can put lamp on. **Ice Wall to outplay** - Wall off noon, bomb, shatter, beat, blizzard, window. - Wall off lamp LOS - Isolate front line from backline **Setting up concave** Use your knowledge of groups to create 3 angles onto the enemy brawl. **Target Focus** Discord the tanks and shoot the same targets. **Dealing with DVa** Make sure each group has a way to punish DVa when she looks to deny an angle. ex: Mei freeze, Zen discord, Sigma rock. pros - Long range damage and pick potential - Creating Multiple angles - Quick Stabilize (Baptiste) - Objective presence - AOE Zoning Ultimates cons - mechanics - weaker at close range - dive ### vs Dive style There are two main Dive comps in this meta, Ball/Tracer and Double Bubble. A lot of the information regarding how to play these matchups overlaps. ### vs Ball/Tracer ![orisa](https://i.imgur.com/4XbbwcI.jpg "orisa" =70x63) ![sigma](https://i.imgur.com/eslhlP7.jpg "sigma" =70x63) ![tracer](https://i.imgur.com/4NrjTQO.jpg "tracer" =70x63) ![ashe](https://i.imgur.com/mpQlxrs.jpg "ashe" =70x63) ![brigitte](https://i.imgur.com/Hvj3YxE.jpg "brigitte" =70x63) ![baptiste](https://i.imgur.com/7GMdqFD.jpg "baptiste" =70x63) *vs* ![ball](https://i.imgur.com/EroZpJL.jpg "ball" =70x63) ![sigma](https://i.imgur.com/eslhlP7.jpg "sigma" =70x63) ![tracer](https://i.imgur.com/4NrjTQO.jpg "tracer" =70x63) ![ashe](https://i.imgur.com/mpQlxrs.jpg "ashe" =70x63) ![mercy](https://i.imgur.com/q64GA3L.jpg "mercy" =70x63) ![zenyatta](https://i.imgur.com/LtrummE.jpg "zenyatta" =70x63) **Key CDs** - *Grapple* 5s | *Shields* 15s | *Slam* 10s | *Recall* 12s Orisa can match pull to punish every grapple engage. You can stack your stun CDs if you have enough damage to kill Ball after the engage. This works best if the Ball has already used Shields. Ideally you can prevent his engage before it happens with good proactive sight lines and Brig boop usage. The enemy might adapt to you stacking stuns by swapping the OT to a Zarya. In that case look for pulls on the enemy backline or DPS. Bubble prevents you from punishing Ball so look to punish his backline's weakness to spam. Sigma and DVa are much stronger at denying spam than Zarya. Look to dominate Open Sight lines. Play groups for lane control. The Ball composition will look to challenge your Map Control so be ready to defend it. You must be careful as splitting up too much will allow the Ball and Tracer to punish isolated targets. Retake: - Scout Ball positioning so you can bait Killboxes - Control Open sight lines with your Shields - Mark Lanes more passively making sure you have team LOS to deny the engage - Punish the engage with pull and stuns. - Stabilize with Shields - Use Tracer or Orisa to force objective Pt. Control: - Take Long/Open Sight lines for your Bap and Ashe - Mark Lanes to prevent Ball and Tracer from getting behind your team - Use Pull on the Core when they rotate - Punish the engage with pull and stuns ### vs Double Bubble ![orisa](https://i.imgur.com/4XbbwcI.jpg "orisa" =70x63) ![sigma](https://i.imgur.com/eslhlP7.jpg "sigma" =70x63) ![tracer](https://i.imgur.com/4NrjTQO.jpg "tracer" =70x63) ![ashe](https://i.imgur.com/mpQlxrs.jpg "ashe" =70x63) ![brigitte](https://i.imgur.com/Hvj3YxE.jpg "brigitte" =70x63) ![baptiste](https://i.imgur.com/7GMdqFD.jpg "baptiste" =70x63) *vs* ![winston](https://i.imgur.com/xLXrWXU.jpg "winston" =70x63) ![zarya](https://i.imgur.com/YzMdJtz.jpg "zarya" =70x63) ![tracer](https://i.imgur.com/4NrjTQO.jpg "tracer" =70x63) ![ashe](https://i.imgur.com/mpQlxrs.jpg "ashe" =70x63) ![brigitte](https://i.imgur.com/Hvj3YxE.jpg "brigitte" =70x63) ![ana](https://i.imgur.com/GKmy4Z9.jpg "ana" =70x63) **Key CDs** - *Jump* 6s | *Bubble* 13s 700HP | *Zarya Ally* 8s 200HP | *Recall* 12s The matchup between Double Shield and both Dive comps is fundamentally the same, Orisa can match pull to punish every jump engage. However, Winston and Zarya bubbles used in combination are excellent at denying CC abilities like Pull, Rock and Bash. This makes Double Bubble a lot stronger than Ball comp into Double Shield. You need to be able to burst both bubbles before you can punish the Winston with your own CC. The time it takes for your team to punish Winston is the window of opportunity his team has to get value. Be proactive with your Pull and look to pressure the backline *preventing* the dive. This is easier to do if you play for open sight lines and distance. If you want to punish Winston and *absorb* the dive you need to have enough resources to blow up both bubbles and pull Winston back into your team. Using shields to cut Winston off from healing resources. This is easier to do if you play for closed space. Backline Positioning: **Distance** (from enemy engagement angles) - Prevent the dive, scout so you can chip divers before they engage - Easier to react to divers and CC them before they get in - Then Push in or Play aggro to get more LOS Or **Closed Space** - enclosed(roof) makes it harder for MT divers to get in - Absorb the dive, easier to absorb when you know where the enemy is coming from. - Less likely that enemy spam will get value when you can close off those angles. - Push back in, press W after sustaining throughout the dive **Enemy Resources**: Jump | Bubble | Ally | Nade | Packs | DPS angles | Brawl Core WM1 | Nano | Primal *Jump solo* PUNISH *Jump + Ally + Bubble* 13s cycle, Blow up Bubble to Live *Jump + Ally* soft engage 8s cycle *Jump + Ally + No Shield Bubble* PUNISH *Jump + Ally -> Primal/Nano* soft engage 6s later can Jump in to Primal/Nano stagger stuns *Jump + Ally + Brawl WM1* punish the brawl, monkey is a distraction The more supplementary resources the Double Bubble team will add to their engage the more we want to focus on being proactive and pressuring their backline rather than the engage. Use Brig's kit and Bap sustain as a Winston deterrent. Shields can be used to deny the backline. The less resources the enemy gives Winston the more punishable he is so we should look to focus him and his bubbles down. ### vs Spam Assuming it is a mirror matchup: - trade efficiently :face_with_cowboy_hat: - trade positively :face_with_cowboy_hat: - set up the concave :face_with_cowboy_hat: - throw if you aren't getting healed :face_with_cowboy_hat: ---- [back to homepage](https://afnleaf.github.io/ "back to homepage")